Reinhold PreinerORCID iD, Tamy Boubekeur, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Gaussian-Product Subdivision Surfaces
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 38(4):35:1-35:11, July 2019. [image] [Paper]

Christian Luksch, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Michael Schwärzler
Incrementally Baked Global Illumination
In Proceedings of the 33rd Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games (I3D 2019), pages 4:1-4:10. May 2019.
[draft] [teaser] [video]

Harald Steinlechner, Bernhard Rainer, Michael Schwärzler, Georg Haaser, Attila Szabo, Stefan Maierhofer, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Adaptive Point-cloud Segmentation for Assisted Interactions
In Proceedings of the 33rd Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, pages 14:1-14:9. May 2019.

Markus Schütz, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Live Coding of a VR Render Engine in VR
Poster shown at IEEE VR 2019 (March 2019)

Markus Schütz, Katharina KröslORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Real-Time Continuous Level of Detail Rendering of Point Clouds
In 2019 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, pages 103-110. March 2019.

Katharina KröslORCID iD, Carmine Elvezio, Matthias Hürbe, Sonja Karst, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Steven Feiner
ICthroughVR: Illuminating Cataracts through Virtual Reality
In 2019 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, pages 655-663. March 2019.
[image] [paper_preprint] [video]

Stefan OhrhallingerORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD
StretchDenoise: Parametric Curve Reconstruction with Guarantees by Separating Connectivity from Residual Uncertainty of Samples
In Proceedings of Pacific Graphics 2018, pages 1-4. August 2018.
[image] [paper] [Extended version] [source]

Katharina KröslORCID iD, Anna Felnhofer, Johanna X. Kafka, Laura Schuster, Alexandra Rinnerthaler, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Oswald D. Kothgassner
The Virtual Schoolyard: Attention Training in Virtual Reality for Children with Attentional Disorders
Poster shown at ACM SIGGRAPH 2018 (12. August 2018-16. August 2018)
[abstract] [poster] [video]

Michael Hecher, Paul Guerrero, Peter WonkaORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD
How Do Users Map Points Between Dissimilar Shapes?
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 24(8):2327-2338, August 2018. [draft]

Markus Schütz, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Progressive Real-Time Rendering of Unprocessed Point Clouds
Poster shown at ACM SIGGRAPH 2018 (12. August 2018-16. August 2018)
[abstract] [poster]

Karoly Zsolnai-FehérORCID iD, Peter WonkaORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Gaussian Material Synthesis
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2018), 37(4):76:1-76:14, August 2018. [paper] [supplementary] [video]

Michael Birsak, Przemyslaw Musialski, Peter WonkaORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Dynamic Path Exploration on Mobile Devices
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 24(5):1784-1798, May 2018. [preprint]

Katharina KröslORCID iD, Dominik Bauer, Michael Schwärzler, Henry FuchsORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Georg Suter
A VR-based user study on the effects of vision impairments on recognition distances of escape-route signs in buildings
The Visual Computer, 34(6-8):911-923, April 2018. [Paper]

Stefan OhrhallingerORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD
FitConnect: Connecting Noisy 2D Samples by Fitted Neighborhoods
Computer Graphics Forum, 38(1):126-137, February 2019. [paper] [Replicability Source Code]

Beatriz Sousa Santos, Jean-Michel Dischler, Valery Adzhiev, Eike Falk Anderson, Andrej Ferko, Oleg Fryazinov, Martin Ilčík, Ivana Ilčíková, P. Slavik, Veronica Sundstedt, Lucie Svobodova, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Jiri Zara
Distinctive Approaches to Computer Graphics Education
Computer Graphics Forum, 37(1):403-412, February 2018.

Bernhard Steiner, Elham Mousavian, Fatemeh Mehdizadeh Saradj, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Przemyslaw Musialski
Integrated Structural-Architectural Design for Interactive Planning
Computer Graphics Forum, 36(8):80-94, December 2017. [preprint]

Kurt Leimer, Lukas Gersthofer, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Przemyslaw Musialski
Relation-Based Parametrization and Exploration of Shape Collections
Computers & Graphics, 67:127-137, October 2017. [preprint] [video]

Shaojun Hu, Zhengrong Li, Zhiyi Zhang, Dongijan He, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Efficient Tree Modeling from Airborne LiDAR Point Clouds
Computers & Graphics, 67:1-13, October 2017. [draft]

Katharina KröslORCID iD, Christian Luksch, Michael Schwärzler, Michael WimmerORCID iD
LiteMaker: Interactive Luminaire Development using Progressive Photon Tracing and Multi-Resolution Upsampling
In Vision, Modeling & Visualization, pages 1-8. September 2017.
[paper] [video]

Georg Zotti, Florian Schaukowitsch, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Beyond 3D Models: Simulation of Temporally Evolving Models in Stellarium
Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, 18(4):501-506, September 2017. [paper]

Daniel Cornel, Hiroyuki Sakai, Christian Luksch, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Forced Random Sampling: fast generation of importance-guided blue-noise samples
The Visual Computer, 33(6):833-843, June 2017. [paper]

Mohamed Radwan, Stefan OhrhallingerORCID iD, Elmar Eisemann, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Cut and Paint: Occlusion-Aware Subset Selection for Surface Processing
In Proceedings of Graphics Interface 2017, pages 82-89. May 2017.

Klemens Jahrmann, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Responsive Real-Time Grass Rendering for General 3D Scenes
In Proceedings of the 21st ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, pages 6:1-6:10. February 2017.

Michael Schwärzler, Lisa-Maria Kellner, Stefan Maierhofer, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Sketch-based Guided Modeling of 3D Buildings from Oriented Photos
In Proceedings of the 21st ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, pages 9:1-9:8. February 2017.

Georg Zotti, Florian Schaukowitsch, Michael WimmerORCID iD
The Skyscape Planetarium
Culture and Cosmos, 21(1):269-281, 2017. [paper]

Claus Scheiblauer, Norbert Zimmermann, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Workflow for Creating and Rendering Huge Point Models
In Fundamentals of Virtual Archaeology: Theory and Practice, 2017

Georg Zotti, Florian Schaukowitsch, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Wolfgang Neubauer
Virtual Archaeoastronomy: Stellarium for Research and Outreach
In Archaeoastronomy in the Roman World (Proceedings 16th Conference of the Italian Society for Archaeoastronomy), pages 187-205. March 2019.

Tamy Boubekeur, Paolo Cignoni, Elmar Eisemann, Michael Goesele, Reinhard Klein, Stefan Roth, Michael Weinmann, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Harvesting Dynamic 3DWorlds from Commodity Sensor Clouds
In Proceedings of the 14th Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage, pages 19-22. October 2016.

Kurt Leimer, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Przemyslaw Musialski
Relation-Based Parametrization and Exploration of Shape Collections
Poster shown at ACM SIGGRAPH 2016 (24. July 2016-28. July 2016) In ACM SIGGRAPH 2016 Posters , pages 34:1-34:1.
[abstract] [poster] [video]

Martin Ilčík, Ivana Ilčíková, Andrej Ferko, Michael WimmerORCID iD
20 Years of the Central European Seminar on Computer Graphics
In Eurographics 2016 Education Papers, pages 25-30. May 2016.

Murat Arikan, Reinhold PreinerORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Multi-Depth-Map Raytracing for Efficient Large-Scene Reconstruction
IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics, 22(2):1127-1137, February 2016. [draft] [image]

Przemyslaw Musialski, Christian Hafner, Florian Rist, Michael Birsak, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Leif Kobbelt
Non-Linear Shape Optimization Using Local Subspace Projections
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 35(4):87:1-87:13, 2016. [paper_3MB] [supplemental]

Martin Ilčík, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Collaborative Modeling with Symbolic Shape Grammars
In Proceedings of eCAADe 2016, pages 417-426. 2016.

Stefan OhrhallingerORCID iD, Scott A. Mitchell, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Curve Reconstruction with Many Fewer Samples
Computer Graphics Forum, 35(5):167-176, 2016. [paper] [slides] [Reproducibility Source Code]

Markus Schütz, Michael WimmerORCID iD
High-Quality Point Based Rendering Using Fast Single Pass Interpolation
In Proceedings of Digital Heritage 2015 Short Papers, pages 369-372. September 2015.

Przemyslaw Musialski, Thomas Auzinger, Michael Birsak, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Leif Kobbelt
Reduced-Order Shape Optimization Using Offset Surfaces
ACM Transactions on Graphics (ACM SIGGRAPH 2015), 34(4):102:1-102:9, August 2015. [additional] [fastforward] [image] [preprint] [video]

Paul Guerrero, Stefan Jeschke, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Peter WonkaORCID iD
Learning Shape Placements by Example
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 34(4):108:1-108:13, August 2015. [additional_material] [paper] [video]

Christian Hafner, Przemyslaw Musialski, Thomas Auzinger, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Leif Kobbelt
Optimization of Natural Frequencies for Fabrication-Aware Shape Modeling
Poster shown at ACM SIGGRAPH 2015 ( 9. August 2015-13. August 2015) In Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2015 Posters .
[abstract] [eposter] [thumbnail] [video]

Jorge Jimenez, Karoly Zsolnai-FehérORCID iD, Adrian Jarabo, Christian Freude, Thomas Auzinger, Xian-Chun Wu, Javier van der Pahlen, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Diego Gutierrez
Separable Subsurface Scattering
Computer Graphics Forum, 34(6):188-197, June 2015. [paper]

Oliver Mattausch, Jirí BittnerORCID iD, Alberto Jaspe, Enrico Gobbetti, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Renato Pajarola
CHC+RT: Coherent Hierarchical Culling for Ray Tracing
Computer Graphics Forum, 34(2):537-548, May 2015. [draft]

Martin Ilčík, Przemyslaw Musialski, Thomas Auzinger, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Layer-Based Procedural Design of Facades
Computer Graphics Forum, 34(2):205-216, May 2015. [preprint]

Clemens Rögner, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Johannes Hanika, Carsten Dachsbacher
Image-based Reprojection Using a Non-local Means Algorithm
TR-186-2-15-02, April 2015 [techreport]

Felix Kreuzer, Johannes Kopf, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Depixelizing Pixel Art in Real-Time
Poster shown at 19th Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games (27. February 2015- 1. March 2015) In Proceedings of the 19th Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games , pages 130-130.

Thomas Weber, Michael WimmerORCID iD, John Owens
Parallel Reyes-style Adaptive Subdivision with Bounded Memory Usage
In Proceedings of the 19th Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games (i3D 2015), pages 39-45. February 2015.

Michael WimmerORCID iD
Computer Graphics Meets Computational Design, 20. October 2015, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic

Simon Wallner, Martin Pichlmair, Michael Hecher, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Modeling Routinization in Games: An Information Theory Approach
In Proceedings of the 2015 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, pages 727-732. 2015.
[Extended Abstract] [Poster]

Michael WimmerORCID iD
Real-Time Computer Graphics and the Future of CAAD, 16. September 2015-18. September 2015, Vienna, Austria

Paul Guerrero, Thomas Auzinger, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Stefan Jeschke
Partial Shape Matching using Transformation Parameter Similarity
Computer Graphics Forum, 33(8):1-14, November 2014. [additonal_material] [paper]

Johanna SchmidtORCID iD, Reinhold PreinerORCID iD, Thomas Auzinger, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Stefan BrucknerORCID iD
YMCA - Your Mesh Comparison Application
In IEEE Visual Analytics Science and Technology. November 2014.

Murat Arikan, Reinhold PreinerORCID iD, Claus Scheiblauer, Stefan Jeschke, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Large-Scale Point-Cloud Visualization through Localized Textured Surface Reconstruction
IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics, 20(9):1280-1292, September 2014. [draft] [image]

Matthias Bernhard, Efstathios Stavrakis, Michael Hecher, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Gaze-To-Object Mapping During Visual Search in 3D Virtual Environments
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (Special Issue SAP 2014), 11(3):14:1-14:17, August 2014. [draft] [video]

Reinhold PreinerORCID iD, Oliver Mattausch, Murat Arikan, Renato Pajarola, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Continuous Projection for Fast L1 Reconstruction
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. of ACM SIGGRAPH 2014), 33(4):47:1-47:13, August 2014. [paper_small] [paper] [slides] [video]

Christian Luksch, Robert F. Tobler, Thomas Mühlbacher, Michael Schwärzler, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Real-Time Rendering of Glossy Materials with Regular Sampling
The Visual Computer, 30(6-8):717-727, June 2014.

Michael Hecher, Matthias Bernhard, Oliver Mattausch, Daniel Scherzer, Michael WimmerORCID iD
A Comparative Perceptual Study of Soft Shadow Algorithms
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, 11(5):5:1-5:21, June 2014.

Mohamed Radwan, Stefan OhrhallingerORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Efficient Collision Detection While Rendering Dynamic Point Clouds
In Proceedings of the 2014 Graphics Interface Conference, pages 25-33. May 2014.
[paper] [slides]

Michael Birsak, Przemyslaw Musialski, Peter WonkaORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Automatic Generation of Tourist Brochures
Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of EUROGRAPHICS 2014), 33(2):449-458, April 2014. [preprint] [video]

Matthias Bernhard, Camillo Dellmour, Michael Hecher, Efstathios Stavrakis, Michael WimmerORCID iD
The Effects of Fast Disparity Adjustments in Gaze-Controlled Stereoscopic Applications
In Proceedings of the Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications (ETRA 2014), pages 111-118. March 2014.

Paul Guerrero, Stefan Jeschke, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Peter WonkaORCID iD
Edit Propagation using Geometric Relationship Functions
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 33(2):15:1-15:15, March 2014. [paper]

Michael WimmerORCID iD
Do we need the full reconstruction pipeline?, 24. July 2014, Vienna, Austria

Thomas Auzinger, Gabriel Mistelbauer, Ivan Baclija, Rüdiger Schernthaner, Arnold Köchl, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Stefan BrucknerORCID iD
Vessel Visualization using Curved Surface Reformation
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proceedings of IEEE Scientific Visualization 2013), 19(12):2858-2867, December 2013. [Paper]

Michael Birsak, Przemyslaw Musialski, Murat Arikan, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Seamless Texturing of Archaeological Data
In Digital Heritage International Congress (DigitalHeritage), 2013, pages 265-272 . October 2013.

Stefan OhrhallingerORCID iD, Sudhir Mudur, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Minimizing Edge Length to Connect Sparsely Sampled Unorganized Point Sets
Computers & Graphics (Proceedings of Shape Modeling International 2013), 37(6):645-658, October 2013. [paper] [slides] [source and binaries]

Thomas Auzinger, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Sampled and Analytic Rasterization
Poster shown at VMV 2013 (11. September 2013-13. September 2013) In Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Vision, Modeling and Visualization , pages 223-224.

Przemyslaw Musialski, Peter WonkaORCID iD, Daniel G. Aliaga, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Luc van Gool, Werner PurgathoferORCID iD
A Survey of Urban Reconstruction
Computer Graphics Forum, 32(6):146-177, September 2013. [draft]

Thomas Auzinger, Przemyslaw Musialski, Reinhold PreinerORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Non-Sampled Anti-Aliasing
In Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Vision, Modeling and Visualization (VMV 2013), pages 169-176. September 2013.

Tobias Sturn, Dietmar Pangerl, Linda See, Steffen Fritz, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Landspotting: A Serious iPad Game for Improving Global Land Cover
In Proceedings of the GI-Forum 2013 -- Creating the GISociety, pages 81-90. July 2013.
[Paper] [Slides]

Claus Scheiblauer, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Analysis of Interactive Editing Operations for Out-of-Core Point-Cloud Hierarchies
In WSCG 2013 Full Paper Proceedings, pages 123-132. June 2013.

Klemens Jahrmann, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Interactive Grass Rendering Using Real-Time Tessellation
In WSCG 2013 Full Paper Proceedings, pages 114-122. June 2013.

Thomas Auzinger, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Stefan Jeschke
Analytic Visibility on the GPU
Computer Graphics Forum (Proceeding of EUROGRAPHICS 2013), 32(2):409-418, May 2013. [Paper]

Oliver Mattausch, Takeo Igarashi, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Freeform Shadow Boundary Editing
Computer Graphics Forum (Proceeding of EUROGRAPHICS 2013), 32(2):175-184, May 2013. [draft]

Martin Ilčík, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Challenges and Ideas in Procedural Modeling of Interiors
In Proceedings of Eurographics Workshop on Urban Data Modelling and Visualisation (UDMV 2013), pages 29-30. May 2013.

Tobias Sturn, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Peter Purgathofer, Steffen Fritz
Landspotting - Games for Improving Global Land Cover
In Proceedings of Foundations of Digital Games Conference 2013 (FDG 2013), pages 117-125. May 2013.

Przemyslaw Musialski, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Inverse-Procedural Methods for Urban Models
In Proceedings of Eurographics Workshop on Urban Data Modelling and Visualisation (UDMV 2013), pages 31-32. May 2013.

Veronica Sundstedt, Matthias Bernhard, Efstathios Stavrakis, Erik Reinhard, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Visual Attention and Gaze Behaviour in Games: An Object-Based Approach
In Game Analytics: Maximizing the Value of Player Data , pages 543-583, April 2013

David Schedl, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Simulating partial occlusion in post-processing depth-of-field methods
In GPU Pro 4: Advanced Rendering Techniques, pages 187-200, March 2013 [Paper]

Christian Luksch, Robert F. Tobler, Ralf Habel, Michael Schwärzler, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Fast Light-Map Computation with Virtual Polygon Lights
In Proceedings of ACM Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games 2013, pages 87-94. March 2013.

Michael Schwärzler, Christian Luksch, Daniel Scherzer, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Fast Percentage Closer Soft Shadows using Temporal Coherence
In Proceedings of ACM Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games 2013, pages 79-86. March 2013.

Martin Knecht, Christoph TraxlerORCID iD, Christoph Winklhofer, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Reflective and Refractive Objects for Mixed Reality
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proceedings of IEEE VR 2013), 19(4):576-582, March 2013. [Slides]

Heinrich Fink, Thomas Weber, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Teaching a Modern Graphics Pipeline Using a Shader-based Software Renderer
Computers & Graphics, 37(1--2):12-20, February 2013. [preprint]

Murat Arikan, Michael Schwärzler, Simon Flöry, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Stefan Maierhofer
O-Snap: Optimization-Based Snapping for Modeling Architecture
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 32(1):6:1-6:15, January 2013. [draft]

Elmar Eisemann, Ulf Assarsson, Michael Schwarz, Michal Valient, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Efficient Real-Time Shadows
In ACM SIGGRAPH 2013 Courses, pages 18:1-18:54. 2013.

Daniel Scherzer, Lei Yang, Oliver Mattausch, Diego Nehab, Pedro V. Sander, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Elmar Eisemann
Temporal Coherence Methods in Real-Time Rendering
Computer Graphics Forum, 31(8):2378-2408, December 2012.

Michael Schwärzler, Oliver Mattausch, Daniel Scherzer, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Fast Accurate Soft Shadows with Adaptive Light Source Sampling
In Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Vision, Modeling, and Visualization (VMV 2012), pages 39-46. November 2012.
[draft] [slides]

Martin Knecht, Christoph TraxlerORCID iD, Oliver Mattausch, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Reciprocal Shading for Mixed Reality
Computers & Graphics, 36(7):846-856, November 2012. [draft]

Claus Scheiblauer, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Graph-based Guidance in Huge Point Clouds
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies. November 2012.
[paper] [slides]

Thomas Auzinger, Ralf Habel, Andreas Musilek, Dieter Hainz, Michael WimmerORCID iD
GeigerCam: Measuring Radioactivity with Webcams
Poster shown at ACM SIGGRAPH 2012 ( 5. August 2012- 9. August 2012) In ACM SIGGRAPH 2012 Posters , pages 40:1-40:1.

Oliver Mattausch, Daniel Scherzer, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Takeo Igarashi
Tessellation-Independent Smooth Shadow Boundaries
Computer Graphics Forum, 4(31):1465-1470, June 2012. [draft]

David Schedl, Michael WimmerORCID iD
A layered depth-of-field method for solving partial occlusion
Journal of WSCG, 20(3):239-246, June 2012. [paper]

Martin Knecht, Georg Tanzmeister, Christoph TraxlerORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Interactive BRDF Estimation for Mixed-Reality Applications
Journal of WSCG, 20(1):47-56, June 2012. [paper]

Przemyslaw Musialski, Peter WonkaORCID iD, Daniel G. Aliaga, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Luc van Gool, Werner PurgathoferORCID iD
A Survey of Urban Reconstruction
In EUROGRAPHICS 2012 State of the Art Reports, pages 1-28. May 2012.
[draft-hires] [draft-lowres]

Heinrich Fink, Thomas Weber, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Teaching a Modern Graphics Pipeline Using a Shader-based Software Renderer
In Eurographics 2012 -- Education Papers, pages 73-80. May 2012.

Ralf Habel, Michael Kudenov, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Practical Spectral Photography
Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings EUROGRAPHICS 2012), 31(2):449-458, May 2012. [Draft]

Przemyslaw Musialski, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Peter WonkaORCID iD
Interactive Coherence-Based Façade Modeling
Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of EUROGRAPHICS 2012), 31(2):661-670, May 2012. [draft-hires] [draft-lowres]

Reinhold PreinerORCID iD, Stefan Jeschke, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Auto Splats: Dynamic Point Cloud Visualization on the GPU
In Proceedings of Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization, pages 139-148. May 2012.

Steffen Fritz, Peter Purgathofer, F. Kayali, M. Fellner, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Tobias Sturn, Josef Schuh, G. Triebnig, S. Krause, F. Schindler, M. Kollegger, C. Perger, M. Dürauer, W. Haberl, L. See, Ian McCallum
Landspotting: Social gaming to collect vast amounts of data for satellite validation, 23. April 2012, 16:00, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012, Austria Center Vienna, Session ESSI2.9, room 7

Reinhold PreinerORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Interactive Screen-Space Triangulation for High-Quality Rendering of Point Clouds
TR-186-2-12-01, April 2012 [tech-report]

Oliver Mattausch, Jirí BittnerORCID iD, Ari Silvennoinen, Daniel Scherzer, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Efficient Online Visibility for Shadow Maps
In GPU Pro 3: Advanced Rendering Techniques, pages 233-242, February 2012

Elmar Eisemann, Ulf Assarsson, Michael Schwarz, Michal Valient, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Efficient Real-Time Shadows
In ACM SIGGRAPH 2012 Courses, pages 18:1-18:53. 2012.

Matthias Bernhard, Karl Grosse, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Bi-modal Task Faciliation in a Virtual Traffic Scenario through Spatialized Sound Rendering
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, 8(4):1-22, November 2011.

Martin Knecht, Christoph TraxlerORCID iD, Werner PurgathoferORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Adaptive Camera-Based Color Mapping For Mixed-Reality Applications
In Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR 2011), pages 165-168. October 2011.
[Preprint] [Video]

Matthias Bernhard, Le Zhang, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Manipulating Attention in Computer Games
In Proceedings of the IEEE IVMSP Workshop on Perception and Visual Signal Analysis, pages 153-158. June 2011.

Markus Lipp, Daniel Scherzer, Peter WonkaORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Interactive Modeling of City Layouts using Layers of Procedural Content
Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings EG 2011), 30(2):345-354, April 2011. [draft]

Claus Scheiblauer, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Out-of-Core Selection and Editing of Huge Point Clouds
Computers & Graphics, 35(2):342-351, April 2011. [paper]

Martin Knecht, Andreas Dünser, Christoph TraxlerORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Raphael Grasset
A Framework For Perceptual Studies In Photorealistic Augmented Reality
In Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE VR 2011 Workshop on Perceptual Illusions in Virtual Environments, pages 27-32. March 2011.

Jirí BittnerORCID iD, Oliver Mattausch, Ari Silvennoinen, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Shadow Caster Culling for Efficient Shadow Mapping
In Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games 2011, pages 81-88. February 2011.

Oliver Mattausch, Daniel Scherzer, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Temporal Screen-Space Ambient Occlusion
In GPU Pro 2, pages 123-142, February 2011

Ralf Habel, Anders Nilsson, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Level-of-Detail and Streaming Optimized Irradiance Normal Mapping
In GPU Pro 2, pages 143-158, February 2011

Daniel Scherzer, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Werner PurgathoferORCID iD
A Survey of Real-Time Hard Shadow Mapping Methods
Computer Graphics Forum, 30(1):169-186, February 2011. [pdf]

Daniel Scherzer, Lei Yang, Oliver Mattausch, Diego Nehab, Pedro V. Sander, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Elmar Eisemann
A Survey on Temporal Coherence Methods in Real-Time Rendering
In EUROGRAPHICS 2011 State of the Art Reports, pages 101-126. 2011.

Elmar Eisemann, Michael Schwarz, Ulf Assarsson, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Real-Time Shadows. A.K. Peters, 2011.

Oliver Mattausch, Daniel Scherzer, Michael WimmerORCID iD
High-Quality Screen-Space Ambient Occlusion using Temporal Coherence
Computer Graphics Forum, 29(8):2492-2503, December 2010.

Martin Knecht, Christoph TraxlerORCID iD, Oliver Mattausch, Werner PurgathoferORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Differential Instant Radiosity for Mixed Reality
In Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR 2010), pages 99-107. October 2010.

Matthias Bernhard, Efstathios Stavrakis, Michael WimmerORCID iD
An Empirical Pipeline to Derive Gaze Prediction Heuristics for 3D Action Games
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, 8(1):4:1-4:30, October 2010.

Markus Lipp, Peter WonkaORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Parallel Generation of Multiple L-Systems
Computers & Graphics, 34(5):585-593, October 2010. [preprint]

Martin Ilčík, Markus Lipp, Johannes Scharl, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Procedural Modeling of Urbanistic Scenes, 9. June 2010, Austrian-Russian Joint Seminar - Visual Computing in Fundamental, Academic and Applied Science and Research, Vienna, Austria

Florian Bagar, Daniel Scherzer, Michael WimmerORCID iD
A Layered Particle-Based Fluid Model for Real-Time Rendering of Water
Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings EGSR 2010), 29(4):1383-1389, June 2010. [draft]

Martin Ilčík, Stefan Fiedler, Werner PurgathoferORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Procedural Skeletons: Kinematic Extensions to CGA-Shape Grammars
In Proceedings of the Spring Conference on Computer Graphics 2010, pages 177-184. May 2010.
[draft] [presentation-odp] [presentation-pdf]

Ralf Habel, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Efficient Irradiance Normal Mapping
In Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games 2010, pages 189-195. February 2010.

Reinhold PreinerORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Real-Time Global Illumination for Point Cloud Scenes
Computer Graphics & Geometry, 12(1):2-16, 2010.

Daniel Scherzer, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Werner PurgathoferORCID iD
A Survey of Real-Time Hard Shadow Mapping Methods
In EUROGRAPHICS 2010 State of the Art Reports. 2010.

Daniel Scherzer, Michael Schwärzler, Oliver Mattausch, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Real-Time Soft Shadows Using Temporal Coherence
In Advances in Visual Computing: 5th International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC 2009), pages 13-24. December 2009.

Markus Lipp, Peter WonkaORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Parallel Generation of L-Systems
In Vision, Modeling, and Visualization Workshop (VMV) 2009 , pages 205-214. November 2009.

Claus Scheiblauer, Norbert Zimmermann, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Interactive Domitilla Catacomb Exploration
In 10th VAST International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage (VAST09), pages 65-72. September 2009.

Markus Lipp, Peter WonkaORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Parallel Generation of L-Systems
Poster shown at High-Performance Graphics 2009 ( 1. August 2009- 3. August 2009)

Jirí BittnerORCID iD, Oliver Mattausch, Peter WonkaORCID iD, Vlastimil Havran, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Adaptive Global Visibility Sampling
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 28(3):94:1-94:10, August 2009. [Preprint]

Jirí BittnerORCID iD, Oliver Mattausch, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Game-Engine-Friendly Occlusion Culling
In SHADERX7: Advanced Rendering Techniques, pages 637-653, March 2009

Ralf Habel, Alexander Kusternig, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Physically Guided Animation of Trees
Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings EUROGRAPHICS 2009), 28(2):523-532, March 2009. [draft]

David Grelaud, Nicolas Bonneel, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Manuel Asselot, George Drettakis
Efficient and Practical Audio-Visual Rendering for Games using Crossmodal Perception
In Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games 2009, pages 177-182. February 2009.

Michael WimmerORCID iD
Advances in Real-Time Rendering, 22. October 2009-23. October 2009, Verona, Italy

Michael WimmerORCID iD
Advances in Real-Time Rendering, 23. April 2009-25. April 2009, Budmerice, Slovakia

Michael WimmerORCID iD
IT in Computerspielen: Ausbildung und Forschung, 5. November 2009, Techgate Vienna

Michael WimmerORCID iD
Advances in Real-Time Rendering, 2009, Erlangen, Germany

Elmar Eisemann, Ulf Assarsson, Michael Schwarz, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Casting Shadows in Real Time
In ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2009 Courses. 2009.

Michael WimmerORCID iD
Visibility Computation in Computer Graphics, 2. February 2009- 4. February 2009, Eibiswald, Austria

Paul Guerrero, Stefan Jeschke, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Real-time Indirect Illumination and Soft Shadows in Dynamic Scenes Using Spherical Lights
Computer Graphics Forum, 27(8):2154-2168, October 2008. [paper]

Markus Lipp, Peter WonkaORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Interactive Visual Editing of Grammars for Procedural Architecture
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 27(3):102:1-10, August 2008. [paper]

Veronica Sundstedt, Efstathios Stavrakis, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Erik Reinhard
A Psychophysical Study of Fixation Behavior in a Computer Game
In ACM Symposium on Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualization 2008, pages 43-50. August 2008.

Martin Čadík, Michael WimmerORCID iD, László Neumann, Alessandro Artusi
Evaluation of HDR Tone Mapping Methods Using Essential Perceptual Attributes
Computers & Graphics, 32(3):330-349, June 2008. [Preprint]

Daniel Scherzer, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Frame Sequential Interpolation for Discrete Level-of-Detail Rendering
Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings EGSR 2008), 27(4):1175-1181, June 2008. [draft]

Oliver Mattausch, Jirí BittnerORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD
CHC++: Coherent Hierarchical Culling Revisited
Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings Eurographics 2008), 27(2):221-230, April 2008. [draft]

Ralf Habel, Bogdan Mustata, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Efficient Spherical Harmonics Lighting with the Preetham Skylight Model
In Eurographics 2008 - Short Papers, pages 119-122. April 2008.

Michael WimmerORCID iD
Current Advances in Real-Time Rendering, 7. July 2008, ETH Zürich, Switzerland

Michael WimmerORCID iD
Advances in Real-Time Rendering, 15. September 2008, INRIA, Grenoble, France

Michael WimmerORCID iD
Precomputing Visibility for Real-Time Rendering of Large Scenes, 30. May 2008, Kopenhagen, Denmark

Jean Pierre Charalambos, Jirí BittnerORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Eduardo Romero
Optimized HLOD Refinement Driven by Hardware Occlusion Queries
In Advances in Visual Computing (Third International Symposium on Visual Computing -- ISVC 2007), pages 106-117. November 2007.

Michael Schwärzler, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Rendering Imperfections: Dust, Scratches, Aging,...
TR-186-2-07-09, September 2007 [TR]

Ralf Habel, Alexander Kusternig, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Physically Based Real-Time Translucency for Leaves
In Rendering Techniques 2007 (Proceedings Eurographics Symposium on Rendering), pages 253-263. June 2007.

Daniel Scherzer, Stefan Jeschke, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Pixel-Correct Shadow Maps with Temporal Reprojection and Shadow Test Confidence
In Rendering Techniques 2007 (Proceedings Eurographics Symposium on Rendering), pages 45-50. June 2007.

Stefan Jeschke, Stephan Mantler, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Interactive Smooth and Curved Shell Mapping
In Rendering Techniques 2007 (Proceedings Eurographics Symposium on Rendering), pages 351-360. June 2007.

Markus Giegl, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Fitted Virtual Shadow Maps
In Proceedings of Graphics Interface 2007, pages 159-168. May 2007.

Michael WimmerORCID iD
Real-Time Rendering
Duration: 2001 — 2007

Oliver Mattausch, Jirí BittnerORCID iD, Peter WonkaORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Optimized Subdivisions for Preprocessed Visibility
In Proceedings of Graphics Interface 2007, pages 335-342. May 2007.

Stephan Mantler, Stefan Jeschke, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Displacement Mapped Billboard Clouds
Poster shown at Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games (30. April 2007- 2. May 2007)

Markus Giegl, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Queried Virtual Shadow Maps
In Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2007 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, pages 65-72. April 2007.

Markus Giegl, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Unpopping: Solving the Image-Space Blend Problem for Smooth Discrete LOD Transitions
Computer Graphics Forum, 26(1):46-49, March 2007. [Preprint]

Ralf Habel, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Stefan Jeschke
Instant Animated Grass
Journal of WSCG, 15(1-3):123-128, January 2007. [Preprint]

Stephan Mantler, Stefan Jeschke, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Displacement Mapped Billboard Clouds
TR-186-2-07-01, January 2007 [paper]

Michael WimmerORCID iD
Gametools: Advanced Rendering Effects for Next-Gen Engines, 20. August 2007-22. August 2007, Leipzig, Germany

Markus Giegl, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Queried Virtual Shadow Maps
In ShaderX 5 -- Advanced Rendering Techniques, pages 249-262, December 2006

Martin Čadík, Michael WimmerORCID iD, László Neumann, Alessandro Artusi
Image Attributes and Quality for Evaluation of Tone Mapping Operators
In Proceedings of Pacific Graphics 2006 (14th Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications), pages 35-44. October 2006.

Michael WimmerORCID iD
Do We Need Accurate Reconstruction?
In Proceedings of 11th International Congress on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies. October 2006.

Michael WimmerORCID iD, Claus Scheiblauer
Instant Points: Fast Rendering of Unprocessed Point Clouds
In Proceedings Symposium on Point-Based Graphics 2006, pages 129-136. July 2006.

Peter WonkaORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Kaichi Zhou, Stefan Maierhofer, Gerd Hesina, Alexander Reshetov
Guided Visibility Sampling
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 25(3):494-502, July 2006. [Preprint]

Oliver Mattausch, Jirí BittnerORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Adaptive Visibility-Driven View Cell Construction
In Rendering Techniques 2006 (Proceedings Eurographics Symposium on Rendering), pages 195-206. June 2006.

Michael WimmerORCID iD, Daniel Scherzer
Robust Shadow Mapping with Light Space Perspective Shadow Maps
In ShaderX 4 -- Advanced Rendering Techniques, pages 313-330, March 2006

Werner PurgathoferORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Alexander Wilkie
Grafische Datenverarbeitung
In Informatik Handbuch (4th Edition), pages 857-904, 2006

Michael WimmerORCID iD, Andrej Ferko, László Szirmay-Kalos, Helwig HauserORCID iD
CESCG 2000-2005 Best Papers Selection. Austrian Computer Society, 2006.

Michael WimmerORCID iD
Sampling in Visibility, 29. June 2006-30. June 2006, Aiya Napa, Cyprus

Michael WimmerORCID iD
Practical Shadow Mapping, 21. August 2006-23. August 2006, Leipzig, Germany

Stefan Jeschke, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Werner PurgathoferORCID iD
Image-based Representations for Accelerated Rendering of Complex Scenes
In EUROGRAPHICS 2005 State of the Art Reports, pages 1-20. August 2005.

Jirí BittnerORCID iD, Peter WonkaORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Fast Exact From-Region Visibility in Urban Scenes
In Rendering Techniques 2005 (Proceedings Eurographics Symposium on Rendering), pages 223-230. June 2005.

Stefan Jeschke, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Heidrun Schumann, Werner PurgathoferORCID iD
Automatic Impostor Placement for Guaranteed Frame Rates and Low Memory Requirements
In Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2005 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, pages 103-110. April 2005.

Michael WimmerORCID iD, Jirí BittnerORCID iD
Hardware Occlusion Queries Made Useful
In GPU Gems 2: Programming Techniques for High-Performance Graphics and General-Purpose Computation, pages 91-108, March 2005

Jirí BittnerORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Harald Piringer, Werner PurgathoferORCID iD
Coherent Hierarchical Culling: Hardware Occlusion Queries Made Useful
Computer Graphics Forum, 23(3):615-624, September 2004. [Paper]

Michael WimmerORCID iD, Daniel Scherzer, Werner PurgathoferORCID iD
Light Space Perspective Shadow Maps
In Rendering Techniques 2004 (Proceedings Eurographics Symposium on Rendering), pages 143-151. June 2004.

Peter WonkaORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD, François Sillion, William Ribarsky
Instant Architecture
ACM Transaction on Graphics, 22(3):669-677, July 2003. [Paper]

Alessandro Artusi, Jirí BittnerORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Alexander Wilkie
Delivering Interactivity to Complex Tone Mapping Operators
In Rendering Techniques 2003 (Proceedings Eurographics Symposium on Rendering), pages 38-44. June 2003.

Michael WimmerORCID iD, Peter WonkaORCID iD
Rendering Time Estimation for Real-Time Rendering
In Rendering Techniques 2003 (Proceedings Eurographics Symposium on Rendering), pages 118-129. June 2003.

Stefan Jeschke, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Textured Depth Meshes for Real-Time Rendering of Arbitrary Scenes
In Rendering Techniques 2002 (Proceedings Eurographics Workshop on Rendering), pages 181-190. June 2002.

Stefan Jeschke, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Heidrun Schumann
Layered Environment-Map Impostors for Arbitrary Scenes
In Proceedings of Graphics Interface 2002, pages 1-8. May 2002.

Stefan Jeschke, Michael WimmerORCID iD
An Error Metric for Layered Environment Map Impostors
TR-186-2-02-04, February 2002 [Technical report]

Jirí BittnerORCID iD, Peter WonkaORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Visibility Preprocessing for Urban Scenes using Line Space Subdivision
In Proceedings of Pacific Graphics 2001 (Ninth Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications), pages 276-284. October 2001.

Michael WimmerORCID iD
Computerspiele in der Computergraphik-Lehre
In Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft in der Network Economy -- Visionen und Wirklichkeit, Tagungsband der GI/OCG-Jahrestagung, pages 1199-1204. September 2001.

Peter WonkaORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD, François Sillion
Instant Visibility
Computer Graphics Forum, 20(3):411-421, September 2001. [Paper]

Michael WimmerORCID iD
Representing and Rendering Distant Objects for Real-Time Visualization
Supervisor: Michael Gervautz
Duration: June 1997 — June 2001

Michael WimmerORCID iD, Peter WonkaORCID iD, François Sillion
Point-Based Impostors for Real-Time Visualization
In Rendering Techniques 2001 (Proceedings Eurographics Workshop on Rendering), pages 163-176. June 2001.

Peter WonkaORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Dieter Schmalstieg
Visibility Preprocessing with Occluder Fusion for Urban Walkthroughs
In Rendering Techniques 2000 (Proceedings Eurographics Workshop on Rendering), pages 71-82. June 2000.

Michael WimmerORCID iD, Markus Giegl, Dieter Schmalstieg
Fast Walkthroughs with Image Caches and Ray Casting
Computers and Graphics, 23(6):831-838, December 1999.

Michael WimmerORCID iD, Markus Giegl, Dieter Schmalstieg
Fast Walkthroughs with Image Caches and Ray Casting
In Virtual Environments '99. Proceedings of the 5th Eurographics Workshop on Virtual Environments, pages 73-84. June 1999.

Michael WimmerORCID iD, Dieter Schmalstieg
Load Balancing for Smooth LODs
TR-186-2-98-31, December 1998 [paper]

Michael WimmerORCID iD, Robert F. Tobler
Interactive Techniques in Three-dimensional Modeling
In 13th Spring Conference on Computer Graphics, pages 41-48. June 1997.

Michael WimmerORCID iD
Interaktive Techniken im Bereich des dreidimensionalen Modelings