Katharina KröslORCID iD, Anna Felnhofer, Johanna X. Kafka, Laura Schuster, Alexandra Rinnerthaler, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Oswald D. Kothgassner
The Virtual Schoolyard: Attention Training in Virtual Reality for Children with Attentional Disorders
Poster shown at ACM SIGGRAPH 2018 (12. August 2018-16. August 2018)
[abstract] [poster] [video]



This work presents a virtual reality simulation for training different attentional abilities in children and adolescents. In an interdisciplinary project between psychology and computer science, we developed four mini-games that are used during therapy sessions to battle different aspects of attentional disorders. First experiments show that the immersive game-like application is well received by children. Our tool is also currently part of a treatment program in an ongoing clinical study.

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  title =      "The Virtual Schoolyard: Attention Training in Virtual
               Reality for Children with Attentional Disorders",
  author =     "Katharina Kr\"{o}sl and Anna Felnhofer and Johanna X.  Kafka
               and Laura Schuster and Alexandra Rinnerthaler and Michael
               Wimmer and Oswald D. Kothgassner",
  year =       "2018",
  abstract =   "This work presents a virtual reality simulation for training
               different attentional abilities in children and adolescents.
               In an interdisciplinary project between psychology and
               computer science, we developed four mini-games that are used
               during therapy sessions to battle different aspects of
               attentional disorders. First experiments show that the
               immersive game-like application is well received by
               children. Our tool is also currently part of a treatment
               program in an ongoing clinical study.",
  month =      aug,
  publisher =  "ACM",
  location =   "Vancouver, Canada",
  isbn =       "978-1-4503-5817-0",
  event =      "ACM SIGGRAPH 2018",
  doi =        "10.1145/3230744.3230817",
  Conference date = "Poster presented at ACM SIGGRAPH 2018
  note =       "Article 27--",
  pages =      "Article 27 – ",
  keywords =   "virtual reality, attentional disorders, user study",
  URL =        "https://www.cg.tuwien.ac.at/research/publications/2018/kroesl-2018-TVS/",