Eduard GröllerORCID iD
Visual Computing and Analysis of Complex Systems, 9. December 2016, State Key Lab of CAD&CG, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China

Werner PurgathoferORCID iD
Visual Computing — a best practice from Vienna, 8. December 2016, Moskau

Eduard GröllerORCID iD
Visual Computing and Analysis of Complex Systems, 7. December 2016, SIGGRAPH Asia 2016 Symposium on Visualization, Macao, China

Eduard GröllerORCID iD
Visual Computing for the Analysis of Complex Systems, 5. December 2016, Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), Hong Kong

Jeremy Forsythe, Vitaliy Kurlin, Andrew Fitzgibbon
Resolution-independent superpixels based on convex constrained meshes without small angles
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 10072:223-233, December 2016. [paper] [slides]

Maximilian Mayrhauser
Migration of Surface Curve to Most Concave Isoline

Ludovic Autin, Peter Mindek
X-Mas Card 2016
[Picture] [X-Mas Card]

Klemens Jahrmann
Interactive Grass Rendering in Real Time Using Modern OpenGL Features
[poster] [thesis]

Douglas Cedrim, Viktor Vad, Afonso Paiva, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Luis Gustavo Nonato, Antonio Castelo
Depth functions as a quality measure and for steering multidimensional projections
Computers & Graphics (Special Section on SIBGRAPI 2016), 60:93-106, November 2016. [image] [Paper]

Lea Aichner
Interactive Shape-Aware Deformation of 3D Furniture Models

Barbora Kozlikova, Michael Krone, Martin Falk, Norbert Lindow, Daniel Baum, Ivan ViolaORCID iD, Marc Baaden, Julius Parulek, Hans-Christian Hege
Visualization of Biomolecular Structures: State of the Art Revisited
Computer Graphics Forum, (XX), November 2016.

Mathieu Le Muzic
From Atoms to Cells: Interactive and Illustrative Visualization of Digitally Reproduced Lifeforms
Supervisor: Ivan ViolaORCID iD
Duration: 2013 — 2016
[image] [PhD-Thesis]

Andreas Reichinger, Stefan Maierhofer, Anton Fuhrmann, Werner PurgathoferORCID iD
Gesture-Based Interactive Audio Guide on Tactile Reliefs
Proceedings of the 18th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers & Accessibility, October 2016. [image] [Paper]

Eduard GröllerORCID iD
Visual Data Exploration, October 2016, Keynote talk at the 21st International Symposium on Vision, Modeling and Visualization (VMV 2016), Bayreuth, Germany

Johannes Weissenböck, Artem Amirkhanov, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Johannes Kastner, Christoph Heinzl
PorosityAnalyzer: Visual Analysis and Evaluation of Segmentation Pipelines to Determine the Porosity in Fiber-Reinforced Polymers
In IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology, 2016 (VAST 2016), pages 101-110. October 2016.

Tamy Boubekeur, Paolo Cignoni, Elmar Eisemann, Michael Goesele, Reinhard Klein, Stefan Roth, Michael Weinmann, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Harvesting Dynamic 3DWorlds from Commodity Sensor Clouds
In Proceedings of the 14th Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage, pages 19-22. October 2016.

Przemyslaw Gora, Lukas Leibetseder
Unreal vs Unity: Ein Vergleich zwischen zwei modernen Spiele-Engines

Andreas Reichinger, Werner PurgathoferORCID iD
Spaghetti, Sink and Sarcophagus: Design Explorations of Tactile Artworks for Visually Impaired People
In Proceedings of the 9th Nordic Conference on CHI 2016. October 2016.

Philipp ErlerORCID iD
Finite Element Fluids in Matlab

Markus Schütz
Potree: Rendering Large Point Clouds in Web Browsers
[poster] [thesis]

Renata RaidouORCID iD, Freek Marcelis, Marcel Breeuwer, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Anna Vilanova i Bartroli, Huub van de Wetering
Visual Analytics for the Exploration and Assessment of Segmentation Errors
Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine:193-202, September 2016. [image] [Paper]

Lucas Dworschak
Semantically Zoomable Choropleth Map

Lukas Prost
Molecule-Rendering in Unity3D

Gabriel Mistelbauer, Johanna SchmidtORCID iD, A.M. Sailer, Kathrin Bäumler, Shannon Walters, Dominik Fleischmann
Aortic Dissection Maps: Comprehensive Visualization of Aortic Dissections for Risk Assessment
Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine (2016), September 2016. [image] [Paper]

Johannes Sorger, Peter Mindek, Tobias Klein, Graham Johnson, Ivan ViolaORCID iD
Illustrative Transitions in Molecular Visualization via Forward and Inverse Abstraction Transform
In Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine (VCBM), pages 21-30. September 2016.
[paper] [video]

Xi Wang
Game Design Patterns for CPU Performance Gain in Games

Tom Tucek
Agent-based architecture for artistic real-time installation

Florian Spechtenhauser
Visual Analytics for Rule-Based Quality Management of Multivariate Data

Kurt Leimer, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Przemyslaw Musialski
Relation-Based Parametrization and Exploration of Shape Collections
Poster shown at ACM SIGGRAPH 2016 (24. July 2016-28. July 2016) In ACM SIGGRAPH 2016 Posters , pages 34:1-34:1.
[abstract] [poster] [video]

Christian Kehl, Simon Buckley, Robert Gawthorpe, Ivan ViolaORCID iD, John Anthony Howell
Direct Image-to-Geometry Registration Using Mobile Sensor Data
ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial InformationSciences, III-2:121-128, July 2016.

Matthias Bernhard, Manuela WaldnerORCID iD, Pascal Plank, Veronika Solteszova, Ivan ViolaORCID iD
The Accuracy of Gauge-Figure Tasks in Monoscopic and Stereo Displays
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 36(4):56-66, July 2016.

Johanna SchmidtORCID iD
Scalable Comparative Visualization
Supervisor: Eduard GröllerORCID iD
Duration: 2011 — 2016

Saskia Reimerth
Redesigning the Graphical User Interface of an Application for Visualizing prenatal 3D Ultrasound Scans
[Bachelor Thesis]

Hani Gadllah
Comparative Visualization of the Circle of Willis

Alexey Karimov
Guided Interactive Volume Editing in Medicine
Supervisor: Eduard GröllerORCID iD
Duration: March 2012 — June 2016

Thomas Ortner, Johannes Sorger, Harald Piringer, Gerd Hesina, Eduard GröllerORCID iD
Visual analytics and rendering for tunnel crack analysis
The Visual Computer, 32(6):859-869, May 2016.

Peter Mindek
Multi-Scale Molecular Data Visualization, 3. May 2016, QCB Workshop on Visualizing & Modeling Cell Biology, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

Johanna SchmidtORCID iD, Bernhard Fröhler, Reinhold PreinerORCID iD, Johannes Kehrer, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Stefan BrucknerORCID iD, Christoph Heinzl
Visual Analysis of Volume Ensembles Based on Local Features
TR-186-2-16-2, May 2016

Eduard GröllerORCID iD
Understanding Data through Visual Exploration, May 2016, Keynote talk at Visionday 2016, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU Compute)

Martin Ilčík, Ivana Ilčíková, Andrej Ferko, Michael WimmerORCID iD
20 Years of the Central European Seminar on Computer Graphics
In Eurographics 2016 Education Papers, pages 25-30. May 2016.

Maximilian Langer
Dynamic Multiscale Vector Volumes

Dominik Schörkhuber
Fast KNN in Screenspace on GPGPU

Tobias Klein, Stefan BrucknerORCID iD, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Markus Hadwiger, Peter Rautek
Towards Interactive Visual Exploration of Parallel Programs using a Domain-Specific Language
Poster shown at 4th International Workshop on OpenCL (IWOCL '16) ()

Alexey Karimov, Gabriel Mistelbauer, Thomas Auzinger, Eduard GröllerORCID iD
Statistics-Driven Localization of Dissimilarities in Data
TR-186-2-16-1, April 2016

Eduard GröllerORCID iD
The Certainly Uncertain Uncertainty Talk, April 2016, Second Workshop on Uncertainty, Technische Universität München, Informatik 15 (Computer Graphik 6 Visualisierung)

Eduard GröllerORCID iD
Visual Computing and Comparative Visualization, April 2016, Czech Technical University, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Computer Graphics and Interaction

Stefan Ovidiu Oancea
Variance Orientation Transform Detection of Early Osteoarthritis in Knee Trabecular Bone

Katharina KröslORCID iD
Interactive, Progressive Photon Tracing using a Multi-Resolution Image-Filtering Approach
[poster] [thesis]

Daniel Prieler
Real-time Meshing for Noisy Points
[poster] [thesis]

Murat Arikan, Reinhold PreinerORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Multi-Depth-Map Raytracing for Efficient Large-Scene Reconstruction
IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics, 22(2):1127-1137, February 2016. [draft] [image]

Thomas Ortner, Johannes Sorger, Harald Steinlechner, Gerd Hesina, Harald Piringer, Eduard GröllerORCID iD
Vis-a-ware: Integrating spatial and non-spatial visualization for visibility-aware urban planning
Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on, January 2016.

Jan Byska, Mathieu Le Muzic, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Ivan ViolaORCID iD, Barbora Kozlikova
AnimoAminoMiner: Exploration of Protein Tunnels and their Properties in Molecular Dynamics
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 22(1):747-756, January 2016. [Paper]

Johannes Sorger, Thomas Ortner, Christian Luksch, Michael Schwärzler, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Harald Piringer
LiteVis: Integrated Visualization for Simulation-Based Decision Support in Lighting Design
Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on, 22(1):290-299, January 2016. [teaser]

Matthias Labschütz
An Adaptive, Hybrid Data Structure for Sparse Volume Data on the GPU
[Poster] [Thesis]

Matthias Labschütz, Stefan BrucknerORCID iD, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Markus Hadwiger, Peter Rautek
JiTTree: A Just-in-Time Compiled Sparse GPU Volume Data Structure
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 22(1):1025-1034, January 2016.

Karoly Zsolnai-FehérORCID iD
Real-time Subsurface Scattering, Light Transport and Two Minute Papers, 2016, Intel Advanced Rendering Technology group

Ivan ViolaORCID iD
Effective Visual Representations

DF Malan, SJ van der Walt, Renata RaidouORCID iD, B van den Berg, BC Stoel, CP Botha, RG Nelissen, ER Valstar
A fluoroscopy-based planning and guidance software tool for minimally invasive hip refixation by cement injection.
International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery,, 11(2):281-296, 2016.

Viktor Vad, Douglas Cedrim, Wolfgang Busch, Peter Filzmoser, Ivan ViolaORCID iD
Generalized box-plot for root growth ensembles
BMC Bioinformatics, 2016.

Daniel Cornel, Artem Konev, Berhard Sadransky, Zsolt Horvath, Andrea Brambilla, Ivan ViolaORCID iD, Jürgen Waser
Composite Flow Maps
Computer Graphics Forum, 35(3):461-470, 2016. [paper]

Michael Krone, Barbora Kozlikova, Norbert Lindow, Marc Baaden, Daniel Baum, Julius Parulek, Hans-Christian Hege, Ivan ViolaORCID iD
Visual Analysis of Biomolecular Cavities: State of the Art
Computer Graphics Forum, 35(3):527-551, 2016. [paper]

Matthias Reisacher, Mathieu Le Muzic, Ivan ViolaORCID iD
CellPathway: A Simulation Tool for Illustrative Visualization of Biochemical Networks
In Proceedings of WSCG. 2016.

Haichao Miao, Gabriel Mistelbauer, Christian Nasel, Eduard GröllerORCID iD
Visual Quantification of the Circle of Willis: An Automated Identification and Standardized Representation
Computer Graphics Forum, 2016.

Veronika Solteszova, Åsmund Birkeland, Sergej Stoppel, Ivan ViolaORCID iD, Stefan BrucknerORCID iD
Output-Sensitive Filtering of Streaming Volume Data
Computer Graphics Forum, 35, 2016. [paper]

Renata RaidouORCID iD, Hugo J. Kuijf, Neda Sepasian, Nicola Pezzotti, Willem H. Bouvy, Marcel Breeuwer, Anna Vilanova i Bartroli
Employing Visual Analytics to Aid the Design of White Matter Hyperintensity Classifiers.
Proceedings of International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), 2016.

Aleksandr Amirkhanov, Artem Amirkhanov, Dietmar Salaberger, Johannes Kastner, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Christoph Heinzl
Visual Analysis of Defects in Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymers for 4DCT Interrupted In situ Tests
Computer Graphics Forum (2016), 35(3):201-210, 2016. [image] [Paper]

Sanjin Rados, Rainer Splechtna, Kresimir Matkovic, Mario Duras, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Helwig HauserORCID iD
Towards Quantitative Visual Analytics with Structured Brushing and Linked Statistics
Computer Graphics Forum (2016), 35(3):251-260, 2016. [image] [paper]

P. Ljung, J. Krüger, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Markus Hadwiger, C. Hansen, Anders Ynnerman
State of the Art in Transfer Functions for Direct Volume Rendering
Computer Graphics Forum (2016), 35(3):669-691, 2016. [image] [paper]

Martin Ilčík, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Collaborative Modeling with Symbolic Shape Grammars
In Proceedings of eCAADe 2016, pages 417-426. 2016.

Felix Kendlbacher
Introduction Of OpenStreetMap For The Automatic Generation Of Destination Maps

Felix Kreuzer
Interactive Sketching of Floorplans

Kurt Leimer
Co-Analysis and Parameterization of 3D Shape Collections for Shape Synthesis
[poster] [thesis]

Renata RaidouORCID iD, Oscar Casares-Magaz, Ludvig Paul Muren, Uulke A van der Heide, Jarle Roervik, Marcel Breeuwer, Anna Vilanova i Bartroli
Visual Analysis of Tumor Control Models for Prediction of Radiotherapy Response.
EuroVis - Eurographics/IEEE-VGTC Symposium on Visualization 2016, 2016.

Matthias Glinzner
Texturing of 3D Objects using Simple Physics and Equilateral Triangle Patches

Johanna Donabauer
Advanced Screen Capturing

Przemyslaw Musialski, Christian Hafner, Florian Rist, Michael Birsak, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Leif Kobbelt
Non-Linear Shape Optimization Using Local Subspace Projections
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 35(4):87:1-87:13, 2016. [paper_3MB] [supplemental]

Eric MörthORCID iD
3D-Printing of Fetal Ultrasound

Min Chen, Miquel Feixas, Ivan ViolaORCID iD, Anton Bardera, Mateu Sbert, Han Wei Shen
Information Theory Tools for Visualization. CRC Press, 2016.

Stefan OhrhallingerORCID iD, Scott A. Mitchell, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Curve Reconstruction with Many Fewer Samples
Computer Graphics Forum, 35(5):167-176, 2016. [paper] [slides] [Reproducibility Source Code]

Matthias Reisacher
CellPathway a Simulation Tool for Illustrative Visualization of Biochemical Networks

Andreas Reichinger, Anton Fuhrmann, Stefan Maierhofer, Werner PurgathoferORCID iD
A Concept for Re-Useable Interactive Tactile Reliefs
In A Concept for Re-Useable Interactive Tactile Reliefs. 2016.
[image] [paper]

Mathieu Le Muzic, Peter Mindek, Johannes Sorger, Ludovic Autin, David Goodsell, Ivan ViolaORCID iD
Visibility Equalizer: Cutaway Visualization of Mesoscopic Biological Models
Computer Graphics Forum, 35(3), 2016. [Paper] [Slides]

Nicholas Waldin, Mathieu Le Muzic, Manuela WaldnerORCID iD, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, David Goodsell, Ludovic Autin, Ivan ViolaORCID iD
Chameleon Dynamic Color Mapping for Multi-Scale Structural Biology Models
In Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine. 2016.

Nicholas Waldin, Matthias Bernhard, Ivan ViolaORCID iD
Personalized 2D color maps
Computers & Graphics, 59:143-150, 2016.

Nicholas Waldin, Matthias Bernhard, Peter Rautek, Ivan ViolaORCID iD
Individualization of 2D Color Maps for People with Color Vision Deficiencies
In Proceedings of the 32Nd Spring Conference on Computer Graphics. 2016.