Image |
Bib Reference |
Publication Type |
2023 |
Johannes Eschner , Peter Mindek, Manuela Waldner
Illustrative Motion Smoothing for Attention Guidance in Dynamic Visualizations
Computer Graphics Forum, 42(3):361-372, June 2023. [ paper] [ video] |
Journal Paper with Conference Talk |
2021 |
David Kouřil, Ondrej Strnad, Peter Mindek, Sarkis Halladjian, Tobias Isenberg, Eduard Gröller , Ivan Viola
Molecumentary: Adaptable Narrated Documentaries Using Molecular Visualization
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 1:1-1, November 2021. |
Journal Paper with Conference Talk |
Hsiang-Yun Wu , Aleksandr Amirkhanov, Nicolas Grossmann, Tobias Klein, David Kouřil, Haichao Miao, Laura R. Luidolt , Peter Mindek, Renata Raidou , Ivan Viola , Manuela Waldner , Eduard Gröller
Visualization working group at TU Wien: Visibile Facimus Quod Ceteri Non Possunt
Visual Informatics, 5:76-84, March 2021. [ paper] |
Journal Paper (without talk) |
2020 |
Ngan Nguyen, Ondrej Strnad, Tobias Klein, Ruwayda Alharbi, Peter Wonka , Martina Maritan, Peter Mindek, Ludovic Autin, David Goodsell, Ivan Viola
Modeling in the Time of COVID-19: Statistical and Rule-based Mesoscale Models
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2020. |
Journal Paper with Conference Talk |
2019 |
Tobias Klein, Peter Mindek, Ludovic Autin, David Goodsell, Arthur Olson, Eduard Gröller , Ivan Viola
Parallel Generation and Visualization of Bacterial Genome Structures
Computer Graphics Forum, 38(7):57-68, November 2019. |
Journal Paper with Conference Talk |
Peter Mindek, Tobias Klein, Ludovic Autin, Theresia Gschwandtner
Microtubule Catastrophe
VCBM 2019, Image Contest Jury's Award
[ Microtubule Catastrophe] |
Miscellaneous Publication |
Tobias Klein, Ivan Viola , Eduard Gröller , Peter Mindek
Multi-Scale Procedural Animations of Microtubule Dynamics Based on Measured Data
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 26(1):622-632, August 2019. [ paper] |
Journal Paper with Conference Talk |
Haichao Miao, Tobias Klein, David Kouřil, Peter Mindek, Karsten Schatz, Eduard Gröller , Barbora Kozlikova, Tobias Isenberg, Ivan Viola
Multiscale Molecular Visualization
Journal of Molecular Biology, 6(31):1049-1070, January 2019. [ Paper] |
Journal Paper (without talk) |
Tobias Klein, Ivan Viola , Peter Mindek
A Multi-Scale Animation Framework for Biological Fibrous Structures
Poster shown at EuroVis 2019
Poster |
2018 |
Peter Mindek
TEDxDonauinsel: Scientific visualization meets biology,
29. November 2018, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
[Youtube video of the talk] |
Invited Talk |
Peter Mindek
Molecular Visualization,
10. November 2018, FYI: Informationsdesign Konferenz Wien, Nordbahn-Halle, Vienna
WorkshopTalk |
Thomas Bernhard Koch, David Kouřil, Tobias Klein, Peter Mindek, Ivan Viola
Semantic Screen-Space Occlusion for Multiscale Molecular Visualization
Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine, September 2018. [ paper] |
Journal Paper with Conference Talk |
2017 |
Peter Mindek, Gabriel Mistelbauer, Eduard Gröller , Stefan Bruckner
Data-Sensitive Visual Navigation
Computers & Graphics, 67(C):77-85, October 2017. [ Paper] |
Journal Paper with Conference Talk |
Johannes Sorger, Peter Mindek, Peter Rautek, Eduard Gröller , Graham Johnson, Ivan Viola
Metamorphers: Storytelling Templates For Illustrative Animated Transitions in Molecular Visualization
In Proceedings of the Spring Conference on Computer Graphics 2017, pages 27-36. May 2017.
[ paper] [ teaser] [ video] |
Conference Paper |
Peter Mindek, Johannes Sorger, David Kouřil, Tobias Klein, Graham Johnson, Ivan Viola
The Birth of a Virtual Cell
submitted to the Pacific Vis 2017 Storytelling Contest
Miscellaneous Publication |
Peter Mindek, David Kouřil, Johannes Sorger, David Toloudis, Blair Lyons, Graham Johnson, Eduard Gröller , Ivan Viola
Visualization Multi-Pipeline for Communicating Biology
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 24(1), 2017. [ Paper] [ Preview Movie] [ Slides] |
Journal Paper with Conference Talk |
2016 |
Ludovic Autin, Peter Mindek
X-Mas Card 2016
[ Picture] [ X-Mas Card] |
X-Mas Card |
Johannes Sorger, Peter Mindek, Tobias Klein, Graham Johnson, Ivan Viola
Illustrative Transitions in Molecular Visualization via Forward and Inverse Abstraction Transform
In Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine (VCBM), pages 21-30. September 2016.
[ paper] [ video] |
Conference Paper |
Peter Mindek
Multi-Scale Molecular Data Visualization,
3. May 2016, QCB Workshop on Visualizing & Modeling Cell Biology, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
[ Slides] |
WorkshopTalk |
Mathieu Le Muzic, Peter Mindek, Johannes Sorger, Ludovic Autin, David Goodsell, Ivan Viola
Visibility Equalizer: Cutaway Visualization of Mesoscopic Biological Models
Computer Graphics Forum, 35(3), 2016. [ Paper] [ Slides] |
Journal Paper with Conference Talk |
2015 |
Peter Mindek, Ladislav Čmolík, Ivan Viola , Eduard Gröller , Stefan Bruckner
Automatized Summarization of Multiplayer Games
In Proceedings of Spring Conference on Computer Graphics 2015, pages 93-100. April 2015.
[ Paper] [ Slides] |
Conference Paper |
Peter Mindek
Automatized Summarization of Multiplayer Games,
2015, Comenius University in Bratislava
Invited Talk |
Peter Mindek
Interactive Integrated Exploration and Management of Visualization Parameters
Supervisor: Stefan Bruckner
Duration: October 2011 — June 2015
[ Defense Slides] [ Dissertation] |
PhD-Thesis |
2014 |
Peter Mindek, Eduard Gröller , Stefan Bruckner
Managing Spatial Selections with Contextual Snapshots
Computer Graphics Forum, 33(8):132-144, December 2014. [ Paper] [ Video] |
Journal Paper (without talk) |
Peter Mindek
ViviSection: Skeleton-based Volume Editing,
2014, Czech Technical University in Prague
Invited Talk |
Peter Mindek
Managing Spatial Selections with Contextual Snapshots,
2014, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia
[ Slides + Video] |
Invited Talk |
Peter Mindek
X-Mas Card 2014
[ Picture] [ X-Mas card] |
X-Mas Card |
2013 |
Alexey Karimov, Gabriel Mistelbauer, Johanna Schmidt , Peter Mindek, Elisabeth Schmidt, Timur Sharipov, Stefan Bruckner , Eduard Gröller
ViviSection: Skeleton-based Volume Editing
Computer Graphics Forum, 32(3):461-470, June 2013. |
Journal Paper with Conference Talk |
Peter Mindek, Stefan Bruckner , Eduard Gröller
Contextual Snapshots: Enriched Visualization with Interactive Spatial Annotations
In Proceedings of the 29th Spring Conference on Computer Graphics. May 2013.
[ Paper] [ Slides] |
Conference Paper |
Peter Mindek, Stefan Bruckner , Peter Rautek, Eduard Gröller
Visual Parameter Exploration in GPU Shader Space
Journal of WSCG, 21(3):225-234, 2013. [ Paper] |
Journal Paper with Conference Talk |
Peter Mindek
Contextual Snapshots: Enriched Visualization with Interactive Spatial Annotations,
2013, Czech Technical University in Prague
Invited Talk |
2012 |
Peter Mindek
VisGroup: visualization research projects,
2012, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies
Invited Talk |
Peter Mindek
X-Mas Card 2012
[ card] |
X-Mas Card |
undated |
Hsiang-Yun Wu , Aleksandr Amirkhanov, Nicolas Grossmann, Tobias Klein, David Kouřil, Haichao Miao, Laura R. Luidolt , Peter Mindek, Renata Raidou , Ivan Viola , Manuela Waldner , Eduard Gröller
Visualization working group at TU Wien: Visible Facimus Quod Ceteri Non Possunt
Visual Informatics, 5:76-84, . [ paper] |
Journal Paper (without talk) |