
129 Publications found:
Image Bib Reference Publication Type
Florian Steinschorn
SPSR Parameter determined by Neural Network
[report] [Repo]
Student Project
Angeliki GrammatikakiORCID iD
X-Mas Card 2024
X-Mas Card
Markus Königsberger, Valentin Senk, Markus LukacevicORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Josef Füssl
Micromechanics stiffness upscaling of plant fiber-reinforced composites
COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING, 281:1-20, July 2024. [paper]
Journal Paper (without talk)
PPSurf teaser with comparison Philipp ErlerORCID iD, Lizeth Fuentes-PerezORCID iD, Pedro Hermosilla-CasajusORCID iD, Paul Guerrero, Renato Pajarola, Michael WimmerORCID iD
PPSurf: Combining Patches and Point Convolutions for Detailed Surface Reconstruction
Computer Graphics Forum, 43(1):tbd-tbd, January 2024. [paper] [teaser] [Live System] [Repo (Github)]
Journal Paper with Conference Talk
Moritz Leander Großfurtner
Generating Aesthetic Plant Models from an Open Data Format of the Project for Sustainable Agroecosystems in Godot
Bachelor Thesis
Michael WimmerORCID iD
Advanced Computational Design, 7. October 2023, Stuttgart
Invited Talk
Julia Reisinger, Shervin RasoulzadehORCID iD, Bálint Istvan Kovács, Peter Ferschin, Khrystyna VasylevskaORCID iD, Michael HenselORCID iD, Iva KovacicORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Integrating AEC Domain-Specific Multidisciplinary Knowledge for Informed and Interactive Feedback in Early Design Stages
In Advances in Information Technology in Civil and Building Engineering: Proceedings of ICCCBE 2022 - Volume 2, pages 153-170. October 2023.
Conference Paper
Pix2Model Evaluation Example Florian Steinschorn
Reconstruction for a photogrammetry webservice
[Pix2Model Live-System] [Pix2Model Repo]
Student Project
Kurt Leimer
Ergonomics-Driven Computational Design of Furniture and Indoor Layouts
Supervisor: Michael WimmerORCID iD
Duration: 1. March 2016 — 31. May 2023
General system overview. From a seeded user sketch, the silhouette image, the normal and depth maps are translated and a base mesh is determined. Using those, a differentiable renderer is used in order to predict a 3d model. Kerstin Hofer (Department Creative Technologies, University of Applied Sciences Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria)
Sketch to 3d-Model using Deep Learning and Differentiable Rendering
[Method] [Thesis] [Source Code]
Master Thesis
Alexandra Gamsjäger
Procedural Modeling utilizing Parser Generators
Bachelor Thesis
Front side of the card as an image Martin Ilčík, Philipp ErlerORCID iD
X-Mas Card 2021
[Card] [Music]
X-Mas Card
Victoria Caic
Modelling the Effect of emotional Feedback as Stimulus in fMRI Neurofeedback
[Image] [Master Thesis] [Poster]
Master Thesis
Mohamed Radwan, Stefan OhrhallingerORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Fast occlusion-based point cloud exploration
The Visual Computer Journal, 37:2769-2781, September 2021. [paper]
Journal Paper with Conference Talk
Lukas Eibensteiner, Martin Ilčík, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Temporal-Scope Grammars for Polyphonic Music Generation
In Proceedings of the 9th ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Functional Art, Music, Modelling, and Design (FARM ’21), pages 23-34. August 2021.
[preprint] [demo]
Conference Paper
Lukas Eibensteiner
Polyphonic music composition with grammars
[poster] [thesis]
Master Thesis
Lisa-Maria Kellner
Klassifikation Urbaner Punktwolken Mittels 3D CNNs In Kombination mit Rekonstruktion von Gehsteigen
Master Thesis
Lukas Brunner
Space Partitioning for Distributed Surface Reconstruction
Student Project
Daniel PahrORCID iD
Vologram: Educational Craftworks for Volume Physicalization
[Image] [Master Thesis] [Poster]
Master Thesis
Aleksandr Amirkhanov
X-Mas Card 2020
[Card] [Cover]
X-Mas Card
Klara Brandstätter
Building a Sandbox Towards Investigating the Behavior of Control Algorithms and Training of Real-World Robots
[Master Thesis] [Poster]
Master Thesis
Michael WimmerORCID iD
Applications of Smart Graphics, 12. November 2020, online
Invited Talk
We present Points2Surf, a method to reconstruct an accurate implicit surface from a noisy point cloud. Unlike current data-driven surface reconstruction methods like DeepSDF and AtlasNet, it is patch-based, improves detail reconstruction, and unlike Screened Poisson Reconstruction (SPR), a learned prior of low-level patch shapes improves reconstruction accuracy. 
Note the quality of reconstructions, both geometric and topological, against the original surfaces. The ability of Points2Surf to generalize to new shapes makes it the first learning-based approach with significant generalization ability under both geometric and topological variations. Philipp ErlerORCID iD, Paul Guerrero, Stefan OhrhallingerORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Niloy Mitra
Points2Surf: Learning Implicit Surfaces from Point Clouds
In Computer Vision -- ECCV 2020, pages 108-124. October 2020.
[points2surf_paper] [short video]
Conference Paper
Meliha Honic, Iva KovacicORCID iD, Ildar Gilmutdinov, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Scan to BIM for the Semi-Automated Generation of a Material Passport for an Existing Building
In Proceedings of the 37th International Conference of CIB W78, pages 338-346. August 2020.
Conference Paper
Elisa De Llano, Haichao Miao, Yasaman Ahmadi, Armanda J Wilson, Morgan Beeby, Ivan ViolaORCID iD, Ivan Barisic
Adenita: interactive 3D modelling and visualization of DNA nanostructures
Nucleic Acids Research, July 2020.
Journal Paper (without talk)
Kurt Leimer, Andreas Winkler, Stefan OhrhallingerORCID iD, Przemyslaw MusialskiORCID iD
Pose to Seat: Automated design of body-supporting surfaces
Computer Aided Geometric Design, 79:1-1, April 2020. [image] [Paper] [paper]
Journal Paper (without talk)
Oriol Pueyo, Albert Sabria, Xavier Pueyo, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Gustavo Patow
Shrinking City Layouts
Computers & Graphics, 86:15-26, February 2020.
Journal Paper (without talk)
Tobias Klein
Instant Construction of Atomistic Models for Visualization in Integrative Cell Biology
Supervisor: Ivan ViolaORCID iD
Duration: 2016 — 2019
Tobias Klein, Peter Mindek, Ludovic Autin, David Goodsell, Arthur Olson, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Ivan ViolaORCID iD
Parallel Generation and Visualization of Bacterial Genome Structures
Computer Graphics Forum, 38(7):57-68, November 2019.
Journal Paper with Conference Talk
Andreas Winkler
Pose-Driven Generation and Optimization of Seating Furniture
[poster] [thesis]
Master Thesis
Haichao Miao
Geometric Abstraction for Effective Visualization and Modeling
Supervisor: Ivan ViolaORCID iD
Tobias Klein, Ivan ViolaORCID iD, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Peter Mindek
Multi-Scale Procedural Animations of Microtubule Dynamics Based on Measured Data
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 26(1):622-632, August 2019. [paper]
Journal Paper with Conference Talk
Viktor Pogrzebacz
A Graph Grammar for Modelling of 2D Shapes
Bachelor Thesis
Christian Clemenz
Fast Rotationally Symmetric Direction Fields on 3D Surfaces
Bachelor Thesis
Haichao Miao, Elisa De Llano, Ivan ViolaORCID iD, Ivan Barisic
Interactive Visual Analysis for the Design of DNA Nanostructures
Poster shown at NANTECH 2019 – Nucleic Acid Nanotechnology: From Algorithmic Design to Biochemical Applications – Espoo, Finland (27. May 2019-29. May 2019)
Dominik Scholz
Tile-Based Procedural Terrain Generation
Bachelor Thesis
image Kurt Leimer, Michael Birsak, Florian Rist, Przemyslaw MusialskiORCID iD
Sit & Relax: Interactive Design of Body-Supporting Surfaces
Computer Graphics Forum, 37(7):349-359, October 2018. [preprint] [video]
Journal Paper with Conference Talk
Michael Birsak
Discrete Optimization on Graphs and Grids for the Creation of Navigational and Artistic Imagery
Supervisor: Michael WimmerORCID iD
Duration: August 2012 — September 2018
Michael Hecher, Paul Guerrero, Peter WonkaORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD
How Do Users Map Points Between Dissimilar Shapes?
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 24(8):2327-2338, August 2018. [draft]
Journal Paper (without talk)
Michael Vasiljevs
Procedural Modelling of Park Layouts
[poster] [thesis]
Master Thesis
Michael Birsak, Florian Rist, Peter WonkaORCID iD, Przemyslaw MusialskiORCID iD
String Art: Towards Computational Fabrication of String Images
Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. EUROGRAPHICS 2018), 37(2):263-274, April 2018.
Journal Paper with Conference Talk
Lukas Gersthofer
Reduced-Order Shape Optimization Using Offset Surfaces in Blender
Bachelor Thesis
Haichao Miao
Visual Abstraction and Modeling in DNA Nanotechnology, 14. December 2017, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia
Invited Talk
image Bernhard Steiner, Elham Mousavian, Fatemeh Mehdizadeh Saradj, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Przemyslaw MusialskiORCID iD
Integrated Structural-Architectural Design for Interactive Planning
Computer Graphics Forum, 36(8):80-94, December 2017. [preprint]
Journal Paper (without talk)
Shaojun Hu, Zhengrong Li, Zhiyi Zhang, Dongijan He, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Efficient Tree Modeling from Airborne LiDAR Point Clouds
Computers & Graphics, 67:1-13, October 2017. [draft]
Journal Paper (without talk)
Kurt Leimer, Lukas Gersthofer, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Przemyslaw MusialskiORCID iD
Relation-Based Parametrization and Exploration of Shape Collections
Computers & Graphics, 67:127-137, October 2017. [preprint] [video]
Journal Paper (without talk)
Reinhold PreinerORCID iD
Dynamic and Probabilistic Point-Cloud Processing
Supervisor: Michael WimmerORCID iD
Duration: 2010 — 2017
Stefan Sietzen
A Method for Automatically Animating the Reassembly of Arbitrary Voronoi-Fractured Objects
Bachelor Thesis
Nikole Leopold
Algorithmic Botany via Lindenmayer Systems in Blender
Bachelor Thesis
David Kouřil, Mathieu Le Muzic, Barbora Kozlikova, Ivan ViolaORCID iD
Maya2cellVIEW: Integrated Tool for Creating Large and Complex Molecular Scenes
Poster shown at Spring Conference on Computer Graphics 2017 (May 2017)
|◀ Results 1 - 50 of 129 ▶|
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