
Publication list of Eduard GröllerORCID iD:
564 Publications found:
Image Bib Reference Publication Type
Renata RaidouORCID iD, Katarína Furmanová, Nicolas Grossmann, Oscar Casares-Magaz, Vitali Moiseenko, John P. Einck, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Ludvig Paul Muren
Lessons Learnt from Developing Visual Analytics Applications for Adaptive Prostate Cancer Radiotherapy
In The Gap between Visualization Research and Visualization Software (VisGap) (2020), pages 1-8. May 2020.
Conference Paper
Guido Reina, Hank Childs, Kresimir MatkovicORCID iD, Katja BühlerORCID iD, Manuela WaldnerORCID iD, David Pugmire, Barbora Kozlikova, Timo Ropinski, Patric Ljung, Takayuki Itoh, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Michael Krone
The moving target of visualization software for an increasingly complex world
Computers & Graphics, 87:12-29, April 2020. [paper]
Journal Paper (without talk)
Dynamic BicFlows with nested time series visualization per cluster per set. Manuela WaldnerORCID iD, Daniel Steinböck, Eduard GröllerORCID iD
Interactive exploration of large time-dependent bipartite graphs
Journal of Computer Languages, 57, April 2020. [paper]
Journal Paper (without talk)
David Kouřil, Tobias Isenberg, Barbora Kozlikova, Miriah Meyer, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Ivan ViolaORCID iD
HyperLabels: Browsing of Dense and Hierarchical Molecular 3D Models
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 1:1-12, February 2020. [image] [Paper]
Journal Paper with Conference Talk
Eduard GröllerORCID iD
Interactive Visual Analysis in the Computational Sciences, 29. January 2020, Hotel Praha, Ore Mountains, Czech Republic
Invited Talk
Sarkis Halladjian, Haichao Miao, David Kouřil, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Ivan ViolaORCID iD, Tobias Isenberg
ScaleTrotter: Illustrative Visual Travels Across Negative Scales
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 26(1), January 2020. [paper]
Journal Paper with Conference Talk
Aleksandr Amirkhanov, Matthias Bernhard, Alexey Karimov, Sabine Stiller, Andreas Geier, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Gabriel Mistelbauer
Visual Analytics in Dental Aesthetics
Computer Graphics Forum, 39(7):635-646, 2020.
Journal Paper with Conference Talk
Tobias Klein, Peter Mindek, Ludovic Autin, David Goodsell, Arthur Olson, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Ivan ViolaORCID iD
Parallel Generation and Visualization of Bacterial Genome Structures
Computer Graphics Forum, 38(7):57-68, November 2019.
Journal Paper with Conference Talk
Elisabetta Di Nitto, Susan Eisenbach, Inmaculada García Fernández, Eduard GröllerORCID iD
The Wide Role of Informatics at Universities

[image] [Report]
Miscellaneous Publication
Aleksandr Amirkhanov, Ilona Kosiuk, Peter Szmolyan, Artem Amirkhanov, Gabriel Mistelbauer, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Renata RaidouORCID iD
ManyLands: A Journey Across 4D Phase Space of Trajectories
Computer Graphics Forum, 38(7):191-202, October 2019. [Paper] [Video demo]
Journal Paper with Conference Talk
Nicolas Grossmann, Oscar Casares-Magaz, Ludvig Paul Muren, Vitali Moiseenko, John P. Einck, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Renata RaidouORCID iD
Pelvis Runner: A Visual Analytics Tool for Pelvic Organ Variability Exploration in Prostate Cancer Cohorts
Poster shown at IEEE VIS VAST (20. October 2019-25. October 2019)
Maximilian Sbardellati, Haichao Miao, Hsiang-Yun WuORCID iD, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Ivan Barisic, Ivan ViolaORCID iD
Interactive Exploded Views for Molecular Structures
In Proceedings of the 9th Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine, pages 103-112. September 2019.
Conference Paper
Nicolas Grossmann, Oscar Casares-Magaz, Ludvig Paul Muren, Vitali Moiseenko, John P. Einck, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Renata RaidouORCID iD
Pelvis Runner: Visualizing Pelvic Organ Variability in a Cohort of Radiotherapy Patients
In Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine (2019), pages 69-78. September 2019.
Conference Paper
Georg Bernold, Kresimir MatkovicORCID iD, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Renata RaidouORCID iD
preha: Establishing Precision Rehabilitation with Visual Analytics
In Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine (2019), pages 79-89. September 2019.
Conference Paper
Tobias Klein, Ivan ViolaORCID iD, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Peter Mindek
Multi-Scale Procedural Animations of Microtubule Dynamics Based on Measured Data
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 26(1):622-632, August 2019. [paper]
Journal Paper with Conference Talk
Renata RaidouORCID iD, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Martin Eisemann
Relaxing Dense Scatter Plots with Pixel-Based Mappings
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 25:1-12, March 2019.
Journal Paper with Conference Talk
Multiple color zoom levels. Nicholas Waldin, Manuela WaldnerORCID iD, Mathieu Le Muzic, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, David Goodsell, Ludovic Autin, Arthur Olson, Ivan ViolaORCID iD
Cuttlefish: Color Mapping for Dynamic Multi‐Scale Visualizations
Computer Graphics Forum, 38(6):150-164, March 2019. [Open Access Article in Wiley Online Library]
Journal Paper (without talk)
Harald Steinlechner, Georg Haaser, Bernd Oberdorfer, Daniel Habe, Stefan Maierhofer, Michael Schwärzler, Eduard GröllerORCID iD
A Novel Approach for Immediate, Interactive CT Data Visualization andEvaluation using GPU-based Segmentation and Visual Analysis
In International Conference on Industrial Computed Tomography (ICT) 2019, pages 1-6. February 2019.
Conference Paper
David Kouřil, Ladislav Čmolík, Barbora Kozlikova, Hsiang-Yun WuORCID iD, Graham Johnson, David Goodsell, Arthur Olson, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Ivan ViolaORCID iD
Labels on Levels: Labeling of Multi-Scale Multi-Instance and Crowded 3D Biological Environments
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 25:977-986, January 2019. [LoL-conference-presentation] [paper] [Conference Talk Recording]
Journal Paper with Conference Talk
Haichao Miao, Tobias Klein, David Kouřil, Peter Mindek, Karsten Schatz, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Barbora Kozlikova, Tobias Isenberg, Ivan ViolaORCID iD
Multiscale Molecular Visualization
Journal of Molecular Biology, 6(31):1049-1070, January 2019. [Paper]
Journal Paper (without talk)
Johannes Weissenböck, Bernhard Fröhler, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Johann Kastner, Christoph Heinzl
Dynamic Volume Lines: Visual Comparison of 3D Volumes through Space-filling Curves
Journal Paper (without talk)
Aleksandr Amirkhanov, Ilona Kosiuk, Peter Szmolyan, Artem Amirkhanov, Gabriel Mistelbauer, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Renata RaidouORCID iD
EG VCBM 2019 Image Contest Award, people's choice—ManyLands: A Journey Across 4D Phase Space of Biological Systems
Unknown Publication
Aleksandr Amirkhanov, Artem Amirkhanov, Matthias Bernhard, Zsolt Toth, Sabine Stiller, Andreas Geier, Eduard GröllerORCID iD
WithTeeth: Denture Preview in Augmented Reality
In Vision, Modeling and Visualization. October 2018.
[paper] [video demo]
Conference Paper
BiCFlows showing visualization authors and their key words Daniel Steinböck, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Manuela WaldnerORCID iD
Casual Visual Exploration of Large Bipartite Graphs Using Hierarchical Aggregation and Filtering
In International Symposium on Big Data Visual and Immersive Analytics. October 2018.
Conference Paper
Nicolas Grossmann, Thomas Köppel, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Renata RaidouORCID iD
VisualFlatter - Visual Analysis of Distortions in the Projection of Biomedical Structures
Eurographics Proceedings, September 2018.
Journal Paper with Conference Talk
Elisa De Llano, Haichao Miao, Tobias Isenberg, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Ivan ViolaORCID iD, Ivan Barisic
A Preview to Adenita: Visualization and Modeling of DNA Nanostructures
Poster shown at 3rd Functional DNA Nanotechnology Workshop ( 6. June 2018- 8. June 2018)
Haichao Miao, Elisa De Llano, Tobias Isenberg, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Ivan Barisic, Ivan ViolaORCID iD
DimSUM: Dimension and Scale Unifying Maps for Visual Abstraction of DNA Origami Structures
Computer Graphics Forum, 37(3), June 2018. [Paper]
Journal Paper with Conference Talk
Markus Schreiner, Hannes Platzgummer, Sylvia Unterhumer, Michael Weber, Gabriel Mistelbauer, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Christian Loewe, Rüdiger Schernthaner
Multipath Curved Planar Reformations of Peripheral CT Angiography: Diagnostic Accuracy and Time Efficiency
CardioVascular and Interventional Radiology, 41(5):718-725, May 2018.
Journal Paper (without talk)
Katarína Furmanová, Jan Byska, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Ivan ViolaORCID iD, Jan J. Paleček, Barbora Kozlikova
COZOID: contact zone identifier for visual analysis of protein-protein interactions
BMC Bioinformatics, (19:125 ):1-25, April 2018. [image] [Paper]
Journal Paper (without talk)
Haichao Miao, Elisa De Llano, Johannes Sorger, Yasaman Ahmadi, Tadija Kekic, Tobias Isenberg, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Ivan Barisic, Ivan ViolaORCID iD
Multiscale Visualization and Scale-adaptive Modification of DNA Nanostructures
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 24(1), January 2018. [paper]
Journal Paper with Conference Talk
Nikolaus Karall, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Renata RaidouORCID iD
ChemoExplorer: A Dashboard for the Visual Analysis of ChemotherapyResponse in Breast Cancer Patients
Computer Graphics Forum, 2018. [] [Paper]
Journal Paper with Conference Talk
Oliver Reiter, Marcel Breeuwer, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Renata RaidouORCID iD
Comparative Visual Analysis of Pelvic Organ Segmentations
Computer Graphics Forum, 2018. [Honorable Mention ] [paper] [Video]
Journal Paper with Conference Talk
Tobias Klein, Ludovic Autin, Barbora Kozlikova, David Goodsell, Arthur Olson, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Ivan ViolaORCID iD
Instant Construction and Visualization of Crowded Biological Environments
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2018. [paper]
Journal Paper with Conference Talk
Renata RaidouORCID iD, Oscar Casares-Magaz, Aleksandr Amirkhanov, Vitali Moiseenko, Ludvig Paul Muren, John P. Einck, Anna Vilanova i Bartroli, Eduard GröllerORCID iD
Bladder Runner: Visual Analytics for the Exploration of RT-Induced Bladder Toxicity in a Cohort Study
Computer Graphics Forum, 37(3):205-216, 2018. [Paper] [Video]
Journal Paper with Conference Talk
Eduard GröllerORCID iD
A Random Talk on Random Walks, 20. October 2017, University of Bergen, Norway
Invited Talk
Alexandra DiehlORCID iD, Leandro Pelorosso, Claudio Delrieux, Kresimir MatkovicORCID iD, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Stefan BrucknerORCID iD
Albero: A Visual Analytics Approach for Probabilistic Weather Forecasting
Computer Graphics Forum 36(7) 135-144 (2017), October 2017. [paper]
Journal Paper with Conference Talk
Peter Mindek, Gabriel Mistelbauer, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Stefan BrucknerORCID iD
Data-Sensitive Visual Navigation
Computers & Graphics, 67(C):77-85, October 2017. [Paper]
Journal Paper with Conference Talk
Eduard GröllerORCID iD
A Matter of Scale, 28. September 2017, Molecular Animation Summit, University of Utah, SCI
Eduard GröllerORCID iD
Adaptive Visual Computing, 31. August 2017, University of Konstanz
Invited Talk
Jan Byska, Mathieu Le Muzic, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Ivan ViolaORCID iD, Barbora Kozlikova
AnimoAminoMiner: Exploration of Protein Tunnels and their Properties in Molecular Dynamics
Poster shown at BioVis@ISMB 2017 (24. July 2017)
María Luján Ganuza, Gabriela Ferracutti, Maria Florencia Gargiulo, Silvia Castro, Ernesto Bjerg, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Kresimir MatkovicORCID iD
Interactive Visual Categorization of Spinel-Group Minerals
In Proceedings of the 33rd Spring Conference on Computer Graphics (SCCG 2017). May 2017.
Conference Paper
Johannes Sorger, Peter Mindek, Peter Rautek, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Graham Johnson, Ivan ViolaORCID iD
Metamorphers: Storytelling Templates For Illustrative Animated Transitions in Molecular Visualization
In Proceedings of the Spring Conference on Computer Graphics 2017, pages 27-36. May 2017.
[paper] [teaser] [video]
Conference Paper
Manuela WaldnerORCID iD, Alexey Karimov, Eduard GröllerORCID iD
Exploring Visual Prominence of Multi-Channel Highlighting in Visualizations
In Spring Conference on Computer Graphics 2017. May 2017.
Conference Paper
María Luján Ganuza, J.M. Trippel Nagel, N.F. Gazcón, Silvia Castro, Ernesto Bjerg, Maria Florencia Gargiulo, Gabriela Ferracutti, Kresimir MatkovicORCID iD, Eduard GröllerORCID iD
Visualización y Realidad Aumentada en el Campo de las Ciencias Geológicas

[image] [paper]
Miscellaneous Publication
Aleksandr Amirkhanov, Dietmar Salaberger, Johannes Kastner, Christoph Heinzl, Eduard GröllerORCID iD
Comparison of Final Fracture Extraction Techniques for Interrupted In situ Tensile Tests of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymers
In Proceedings of 7th Conference on Industrial Computed Tomography , Leuven , Belgium (iCT 2017) . February 2017.
Conference Paper
Eduard GröllerORCID iD
Interactive Visual Analysis in the Material and Computational Sciences, 10. January 2017, Workshop on Visual analysis of dynamic processes, Rigi Kulm, Switzerland
Haichao Miao, Gabriel Mistelbauer, Alexey Karimov, Amir Alansary, Alice Davidson, David F.A. Lloyd, Mellisa Damodaram, Lisa Story, Jana Hutter, Joseph V. Hajnal, Mary Rutherford, Bernhard Preim, Bernhard Kainz, Eduard GröllerORCID iD
Placenta Maps: In Utero Placental Health Assessment of the Human Fetus
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 23(6):1612-1623, 2017.
Journal Paper with Conference Talk
Peter Mindek, David Kouřil, Johannes Sorger, David Toloudis, Blair Lyons, Graham Johnson, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Ivan ViolaORCID iD
Visualization Multi-Pipeline for Communicating Biology
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 24(1), 2017. [Paper] [Preview Movie] [Slides]
Journal Paper with Conference Talk
Viktor Vad, Jan Byska, Adam Jurcik, Ivan ViolaORCID iD, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Helwig HauserORCID iD, Sergio M. Margues, Jiri Damborsky, Barbora Kozlikova
Watergate: Visual Exploration of Water Trajectories in Protein Dynamics
In Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine 2017, pages 33-42. 2017.
Conference Paper
Eduard GröllerORCID iD
Visual Computing and Analysis of Complex Systems, 9. December 2016, State Key Lab of CAD&CG, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
Invited Talk
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