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Bib Reference |
Publication Type |
2018 |
Nikolaus Karall
Comparative Visual Analytics in a Cohort of Breast Cancer Patients
[ image] [ Master Thesis] |
Master Thesis |
Nikolaus Karall
Comparative Visual Analytics in a Cohort of Breast Cancer Patients
Poster shown at EPILOG
(18. June 2018)
[ image] [ Poster] |
Poster |
Thomas Tramberger
Automatic Breast Lesion Evaluation for Comparative Studies
[ Bachelor Thesis] [ image] |
Bachelor Thesis |
Matthias Gusenbauer
Bitstream - Top-Down/Bottom-Up Data Processing for Interactive Bitcoin Visualization.
Poster shown at EPILOG
(18. June 2018)
[ image] |
Poster |
Matthias Gusenbauer
Bitstream - A bottom-up/top-down hybrid approach for web-based visual analysis of big data
[ image] [ Master thesis] |
Master Thesis |
Sebastian Mazza
Optimized Sorting for Out-of-Core Surface Reconstruction
[ thesis] |
Bachelor Thesis |
Markus Schreiner, Hannes Platzgummer, Sylvia Unterhumer, Michael Weber, Gabriel Mistelbauer, Eduard Gröller , Christian Loewe, Rüdiger Schernthaner
Multipath Curved Planar Reformations of Peripheral CT Angiography: Diagnostic Accuracy and Time Efficiency
CardioVascular and Interventional Radiology, 41(5):718-725, May 2018. |
Journal Paper (without talk) |
Michael Birsak, Przemyslaw Musialski , Peter Wonka , Michael Wimmer
Dynamic Path Exploration on Mobile Devices
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 24(5):1784-1798, May 2018. [ preprint] |
Journal Paper (without talk) |
Michael Vasiljevs
Procedural Modelling of Park Layouts
[ poster] [ thesis] |
Master Thesis |
Katharina Krösl , Dominik Bauer, Michael Schwärzler, Henry Fuchs , Michael Wimmer , Georg Suter
A VR-based user study on the effects of vision impairments on recognition distances of escape-route signs in buildings
The Visual Computer, 34(6-8):911-923, April 2018. [ Paper] |
Journal Paper with Conference Talk |
Werner Purgathofer
Best Practice in Technology Transfer,
19. April 2018, Eurographics Industrial Presentations, Delft, NL
WorkshopTalk |
Yan Cai
Research on Graphical Interfaces to Perform Anatomical Queries on Large Collections of Gene Expression Images
[ Bachelor Thesis] [ image] |
Bachelor Thesis |
Manuela Waldner
Visual Data Exploration and Analysis in Emerging Display Environments ,
5. April 2018, Pisa, Italy
Invited Talk |
Hsiang-Yun Wu , Martin Nöllenburg, Ivan Viola
The Travel of a Metabolite
submitted to PacificVis 2018 Data Story Telling Contest
[ paper] [ video] |
Miscellaneous Publication |
Dea Cizmic
Exploratory Data Visualization Dashboard for Technical Analysis of Commodity Market Indicators
Bachelor Thesis |
Michael Birsak, Florian Rist, Peter Wonka , Przemyslaw Musialski
String Art: Towards Computational Fabrication of String Images
Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. EUROGRAPHICS 2018), 37(2):263-274, April 2018. |
Journal Paper with Conference Talk |
Martin Smiech
Configurable Text Exploration Interface with NLP for Decision Support
Bachelor Thesis |
Andreas Walch, Katharina Krösl , Christian Luksch, David Pichler, Thomas Pipp, Michael Schwärzler
An Automated Verification Workflow for Planned Lighting Setups using BIM
In REAL CORP 2018, Proceedings, pages 55-65. April 2018.
[ paper] |
Conference Paper |
Katarína Furmanová, Jan Byska, Eduard Gröller , Ivan Viola , Jan J. Paleček, Barbora Kozlikova
COZOID: contact zone identifier for visual analysis of protein-protein interactions
BMC Bioinformatics, (19:125 ):1-25, April 2018. [ image] [ Paper] |
Journal Paper (without talk) |
Byoungkwon An, Ye Tao, Jianzhe Gu, Tingyu Cheng, Xiang 'Anthony' Chen, Xiaoxiao Zhang, Wei Zhao, Youngwook Do, Shigeo Takahashi, Hsiang-Yun Wu , Teng Zhang, Lining Yao
Thermorph: Democratizing 4D Printing of Self-Folding Materials and Interfaces
In CHI 2018. April 2018.
Conference Paper |
Robert Glanz
A Comparison of Physically Based Rendering Systems
[ thesis] |
Bachelor Thesis |
Werner Purgathofer
Wolfgang Straßer Memorial Lecture:His Engagement for Vienna and Austria,
15. March 2018, Riezlern, A
Invited Talk |
Oliver Reiter
Comparative Visualization of Pelvic Organ Segmentations
[ image] [ Master Thesis] |
Master Thesis |
Andreas Reichinger, H. G. Carrizosa, J. Wood, S. Schröder, C. Löw, Laura R. Luidolt , Maria Schimkowitsch, Anton Fuhrmann, Stefan Maierhofer, Werner Purgathofer
Pictures in Your Mind: Using Interactive Gesture-Controlled Reliefs to Explore Art
ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing, (2), March 2018. |
Journal Paper (without talk) |
Attila Szabo
A Composable and Reusable Photogrammetric Reconstruction Library
Master Thesis |
Beatriz Sousa Santos, Jean-Michel Dischler, Valery Adzhiev, Eike Falk Anderson, Andrej Ferko, Oleg Fryazinov, Martin Ilčík, Ivana Ilčíková, P. Slavik, Veronica Sundstedt, Lucie Svobodova, Michael Wimmer , Jiri Zara
Distinctive Approaches to Computer Graphics Education
Computer Graphics Forum, 37(1):403-412, February 2018. |
Journal Paper (without talk) |
Dominik Bauer
Evaluation of the Recognition Distances of Safety Signs in VR Considering Vision Impairments
[ poster] [ thesis] |
Master Thesis |
Patrik Polatsek, Manuela Waldner , Ivan Viola , Peter Kapec, Wanda Benesova
Exploring visual attention and saliency modeling for task-based visual analysis
Computers & Graphics, (2), February 2018. [ paper] |
Journal Paper (without talk) |
Lukas Gersthofer
Reduced-Order Shape Optimization Using Offset Surfaces in Blender
[ thesis] |
Bachelor Thesis |
Hsiang-Yun Wu , Shigeo Takahashi, Rie Ishida
Overlap-Free Labeling of Clustered Networks Based on Voronoi Tessellation
Journal of Visual Languages & Computing, (44), February 2018. [ paper] |
Journal Paper (without talk) |
Thomas Bernhard Koch
Semantic Screen-Space Occlusion for Multiscale Molecular Visualization
[ Bachelor Thesis] |
Bachelor Thesis |
Haichao Miao, Elisa De Llano, Johannes Sorger, Yasaman Ahmadi, Tadija Kekic, Tobias Isenberg, Eduard Gröller , Ivan Barisic, Ivan Viola
Multiscale Visualization and Scale-adaptive Modification of DNA Nanostructures
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 24(1), January 2018. [ paper] |
Journal Paper with Conference Talk |
Lukas Lipp
Visualization of Fiber Orientation in Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymers
[ Bachelor Thesis] |
Bachelor Thesis |
Julian Strohmayer
A Visual Analytics Approach to Hypocotyl/Root Transition Detection in Arabidopsis Thaliana
[ image] |
Bachelor Thesis |
Oscar Casares-Magaz, Renata Raidou , Jarle Roervik, Anna Vilanova i Bartroli, Ludvig Paul Muren
Uncertainty evaluation of image-based tumour control probability models in radiotherapy of prostate cancer using a visual analytic tool
Physics and Imaging in Radiation Oncology, (5), January 2018. [ paper] |
Journal Paper (without talk) |
Stefan Dietrich
Smart Visibility Technique for Linear and Planar Molecular Assemblies
Bachelor Thesis |
Nikolaus Karall, Eduard Gröller , Renata Raidou
ChemoExplorer: A Dashboard for the Visual Analysis of ChemotherapyResponse in Breast Cancer Patients
Computer Graphics Forum, 2018. [ ] [ Paper] |
Journal Paper with Conference Talk |
Oliver Reiter, Marcel Breeuwer, Eduard Gröller , Renata Raidou
Comparative Visual Analysis of Pelvic Organ Segmentations
Computer Graphics Forum, 2018. [ Honorable Mention ] [ paper] [ Video] |
Journal Paper with Conference Talk |
Radu Jianu, Martin Krzywinski, Luana Micallef, Hsiang-Yun Wu
Mapifying the Genome, Scalable Set Visualizations (Dagstuhl Seminar 17332)
TR-193-02-2018-2, 2018 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Renata Raidou
Uncertainty Visualization: Recent Developments and Future Challenges inProstate Cancer Radiotherapy Planning
EuroVis Workshop on Reproducibility, Verification, and Validation in Visualization (EuroRV3) 2018, 2018. [ Image] |
Journal Paper with Conference Talk |
Renata Raidou
EuroVis Best PhD Award 2018—Visual Analytics for Digital Radiotherapy: Towards a Comprehensible Pipeline
Miscellaneous Publication |
Tobias Klein, Ludovic Autin, Barbora Kozlikova, David Goodsell, Arthur Olson, Eduard Gröller , Ivan Viola
Instant Construction and Visualization of Crowded Biological Environments
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2018. [ paper] |
Journal Paper with Conference Talk |
Renata Raidou , Oscar Casares-Magaz, Aleksandr Amirkhanov, Vitali Moiseenko, Ludvig Paul Muren, John P. Einck, Anna Vilanova i Bartroli, Eduard Gröller
Bladder Runner: Visual Analytics for the Exploration of RT-Induced Bladder Toxicity in a Cohort Study
Computer Graphics Forum, 37(3):205-216, 2018. [ Paper] [ Video] |
Journal Paper with Conference Talk |
Christoph Heinzl, Aleksandr Amirkhanov, Johannes Kastner
Processing, Analysis and Visualization of CT Data in Industrial X-Ray Computed Tomography
In Processing, Analysis and Visualization of CT Data, pages 99-142, 2018
Article in a Book |
Kai Lawonn, Ivan Viola , Bernhard Preim, Tobias Isenberg
A Survey of Surface-Based Illustrative Rendering for Visualization
Computer Graphics Forum, (NN), 2018. |
Journal Paper (without talk) |