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Bib Reference |
Publication Type |
2014 |
Christian Luksch, Robert F. Tobler, Thomas Mühlbacher, Michael Schwärzler, Michael Wimmer
Real-Time Rendering of Glossy Materials with Regular Sampling
The Visual Computer, 30(6-8):717-727, June 2014. |
Journal Paper with Conference Talk |
2013 |
Christian Luksch, Robert F. Tobler, Ralf Habel, Michael Schwärzler, Michael Wimmer
Fast Light-Map Computation with Virtual Polygon Lights
In Proceedings of ACM Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games 2013, pages 87-94. March 2013.
[ draft] |
Conference Paper |
2010 |
Werner Purgathofer , Robert F. Tobler
Current Trends in Computer Graphics
Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iaşi, (2):9-24, 2010. [ ] |
Journal Paper (without talk) |
2004 |
Alexander Wilkie , Robert F. Tobler, Christiane Ulbricht, Georg Zotti, Werner Purgathofer
An Analytical Model for Skylight Polarisation
In Proceedings of the Eurographics Symposium on Rendering, pages 387-399. June 2004.
[ ] |
Conference Paper |
2002 |
Robert F. Tobler, Stefan Maierhofer, Alexander Wilkie
A Multiresolution Mesh Generation Approach for Procedural Definition of Complex Geometry
In Shape Modeling International 2002, pages 35-42. 2002.
Conference Paper |
Robert F. Tobler, Stefan Maierhofer, Alexander Wilkie
Mesh-Based Parametrized L-Systems and Generalized Subdivision for Generating Complex Geometry
International Journal of Shape Modeling, 8(2):173-191, 2002. |
Journal Paper (without talk) |
2001 |
Alexander Wilkie , Robert F. Tobler, Werner Purgathofer
Combined Rendering of Polarization and Fluorescence Effects
TR-186-2-01-11, April 2001 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Heinrich Hey, Robert F. Tobler, Werner Purgathofer
Real-Time Occlusion Culling With A Lazy Occlusion Grid
TR-186-2-01-02, January 2001 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Werner Purgathofer , Heinrich Hey, Robert F. Tobler
Real-Time Occlusion Culling with a Lazy Occlusion Grid
In Rendering Techniques'01 (proceedings of Eurographics Workshop on Rendering 2001, June 2001), Springer-Verlag, Wien, 2001
Miscellaneous Publication |
Alexander Wilkie , Robert F. Tobler, Werner Purgathofer
Orientation Lightmaps for Photon Radiosity in Complex Environments
The Visual Computer, 2001. |
Journal Paper (without talk) |
Werner Purgathofer , Alexander Wilkie , Robert F. Tobler
Combined Rendering of Polarization and Fluorescence Effects
In Rendering Techniques'01 (proceedings of Eurographics Workshop on Rendering 2001), June 2001, Springer- Verlag, Wien, 2001
Miscellaneous Publication |
2000 |
László Szirmay-Kalos, Mateu Sbert, Roel Martinez, Robert F. Tobler
Incoming First-Shot for Non-Diffuse Global Illumination
TR-186-2-00-04, April 2000 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Werner Purgathofer , Alexander Wilkie , Robert F. Tobler
Raytracing of Dispersion Effects
In Proceedings of WSCG2000, Plzen, Czech Republic, February 2000
Miscellaneous Publication |
Werner Purgathofer , Robert F. Tobler
Hierarchical Stochastic Radiosity for Implicitly Defined Surfaces
In Machine Graphics & Vision, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp.561-571, 2000
Miscellaneous Publication |
1999 |
Thomas Theußl, Robert F. Tobler, Eduard Gröller
The Multi-Dimensional Hartley Transform as a Basis for Volume
TR-186-2-99-21, October 1999 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Helmut Mastal, Robert F. Tobler, Werner Purgathofer
Radiosity for Large Vegetation Scenes
TR-186-2-99-17, June 1999 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Alexander Wilkie , Robert F. Tobler, Werner Purgathofer
Orientation Lightmaps for Photon Radiosity in Complex Environments
TR-186-2-99-11, April 1999 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Heinrich Hey, Robert F. Tobler, Werner Purgathofer
Lazy Occlusion Grid Culling
TR-186-2-99-12, March 1999 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Dieter Schmalstieg, Robert F. Tobler
Real-time Bounding Box Area Computation
TR-186-2-99-05, January 1999 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Werner Purgathofer , Alexander Wilkie , Robert F. Tobler
A Spectral Extension to the Tagged Image File Format.
Short Communications of The Seventh International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualisation and Digital Interactive Media '99, University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech Republic, February 1999.
Miscellaneous Publication |
Robert F. Tobler
X-Mas 1999
X-Mas Card |
Dieter Schmalstieg, Robert F. Tobler
Fast Projected Area Computation for 3D Bounding Boxes.
Journal of Graphics Tools, Vol. 4., No. 2, pp. 37-43, A. K. Peters, Ltd., 1999.
Miscellaneous Publication |
Werner Purgathofer , Robert F. Tobler, Helmut Mastal
Radiosity for large Vegetation Scenes.
State of the Art Report, Eurographics´99, Milano, Italy, 1999.
Miscellaneous Publication |
Werner Purgathofer , Robert F. Tobler, Helmut Mastal
Radiosity Calculations for Rotational Surfaces.
Proceedings of WSCG´99, pp. 186-193, Univ.of Plzen, 1999.
Miscellaneous Publication |
1998 |
Alexander Wilkie , Robert F. Tobler, Werner Purgathofer
A Spectral Extension to the Tag Image File Format
TR-186-2-98-28, October 1998 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Helmut Mastal, Robert F. Tobler, Werner Purgathofer
Radiosity--Calculations for Rotational Surfaces
TR-186-2-98-27, October 1998 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Robert F. Tobler
Designing a Parallel Object Oriented Graphics Framework
TR-186-2-98-34, September 1998 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Robert F. Tobler, László Neumann, Mateu Sbert, Werner Purgathofer
A new Form Factor Analogy and its Application to
Stochastic Global Illumination Algorithms
TR-186-2-98-33, June 1998 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Robert F. Tobler
Designing a Parallel Object Oriented Graphics Framework
In the Proceedings of the 2nd Eurographics Workshop on Parallel Rendering and Visualisation, Rennes, September 1998.
Miscellaneous Publication |
Werner Purgathofer , Alexander Wilkie , Robert F. Tobler
Photon Radiosity Lightmaps for CSG Solids
In Proceedings of the CSG98 conference "CSG98 - Set theoretic Solid Modelling Techniques and Applications", Ammerdown, UK, April 1998.
Miscellaneous Publication |
S. Hynst, Werner Purgathofer , Robert F. Tobler
Linearly Combining Shading Models for Texturing in Global Illumination Algorithms
In Proceedings of the WinterSchool of Computer Graphics, Plzen, Czech Republic, February 1998.
Miscellaneous Publication |
László Neumann, Werner Purgathofer , Mateu Sbert, Robert F. Tobler
A new Form Factor Analogy and its Application to Stochastic Global Illumination Algorithms
In Rendering Techniques 98, Springer-Verlag, Wien, 1998.
Miscellaneous Publication |
László Neumann, Werner Purgathofer , Mateu Sbert, Robert F. Tobler
A New Formfactor Analogy
In Rendering Techniques´98 (ed. G.Drettakis, N.Max), Springer-Verlag, Wien, July 1998.
Miscellaneous Publication |
1997 |
Alexander Wilkie , Robert F. Tobler, Werner Purgathofer
Photon Radiosity Lightmaps for CSG Solids
TR-186-2-97-19, September 1997 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Robert F. Tobler, Alexander Wilkie , Martin Feda, Werner Purgathofer
A Hierarchical Subdivision Algorithm for Stochastic Radiosity Methods
In Eurographics Rendering Workshop 1997, pages 193-204. June 1997.
[ image1] |
Conference Paper |
Michael Wimmer , Robert F. Tobler
Interactive Techniques in Three-dimensional Modeling
In 13th Spring Conference on Computer Graphics, pages 41-48. June 1997.
Conference Paper |
Robert F. Tobler
Global Illumination using Stochastic Radiosity for Constructive Solid Geometry
Supervisor: Werner Purgathofer
Duration: April 1994 — April 1997
PhD-Thesis |
1996 |
Dieter Schmalstieg, Robert F. Tobler
Exploiting coherence in 2 1/2 D visibility computation
TR-186-2-96-18, July 1996 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Robert F. Tobler, Martin Feda, Werner Purgathofer , Alexander Wilkie
A Hierarchical Subdivision Algorithm for Stochastic
Radiosity Methods
TR-186-2-96-14, April 1996 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
1995 |
Robert F. Tobler, Thomas Galla, Werner Purgathofer
ACSGM -- An adaptive CSG meshing algorithm
TR-186-2-95-13, December 1995 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Robert F. Tobler, Helwig Löffelmann , Thomas Galla, Werner Purgathofer
BABEL: A Generic Data structure for Geometric Modeling
TR-186-2-95-07, November 1995 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
László Neumann, Robert F. Tobler, Pavol Elias
The Constant Radiosity Step
In Rendering Techniques. July 1995.
Conference Paper |
Werner Purgathofer , Robert F. Tobler, Manfred Geiler
Generating Semi-Stochastic Threshold Matrices for Ordered Dithering
In Proceedings of 11th Spring Conference on Computer Graphics. May 1995.
Conference Paper |
Robert F. Tobler, Helwig Löffelmann , Werner Purgathofer
VEGA: Vienna Environment for Graphics Applications
Proceedings of Winter School on Compuer Graphics (WSCG), February 1995. |
Journal Paper with Conference Talk |
László Neumann, Werner Purgathofer , Robert F. Tobler, Attila Neumann, Pavol Elias, Martin Feda, Xavier Pueyo
The Stochastic Ray Method for Radiosity
TR-186-2-95-3, January 1995 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Robert F. Tobler
ACSGM: An Adaptive CSG Meshing Algorithm,
1995, University of Girona, Spain
Invited Talk |
Werner Purgathofer , Robert F. Tobler, Manfred Geiler
Improved Matrices for Ordered Dithering
In Graphics Gems V, 1995
Article in a Book |
László Neumann, Werner Purgathofer , Robert F. Tobler, Attila Neumann, Pavol Elias, Martin Feda, Xavier Pueyo
The Stochastic Ray Method for Radiosity
In Rendering Techniques. 1995.
Conference Paper |
1994 |
László Neumann, Werner Purgathofer , Robert F. Tobler, Attila Neumann, Pavol Elias, Martin Feda, Xavier Pueyo
The Stochastic Ray Method for Radiosity
TR-186-2-94-17, November 1994 |
Technical Report |
Martin Feda, Robert F. Tobler, László Neumann
Fast Perspective Z-Buffer with Inverse Depths
TR-186-2-94-16, November 1994 [ paper] |
Technical Report |