
  • Publication Type: Journal Paper (without talk)
  • Workgroup(s)/Project(s):
  • Date: 2001
  • Journal: The Visual Computer
  • Note: In The Visual Computer, Vol. 17, No. 5, pp. 318-327, Springer, Heidelberg, 2001


We present a method that makes the use of photon tracing methods feasible for complex scenes when a totally accurate solution is not essential. This is accomplished by using orientation lightmaps, which average the illumination of complex objects depending on the surface normal. Through this averaging, they considerably reduce the variance of the stochastic solution. In order to use these specialised lightmaps, which consume comparatively small amounts of memory, no changes have to be made to the basic photon-tracing algorithm. Also, they can be freely mixed with normal lightmaps. This gives the user good control over the amount of inaccuracy he introduces by their application. The area computations necessary for their insertion are performed using a stochastic sampling method that performs well for highly complex objects.

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  title =      "Orientation Lightmaps for Photon Radiosity in Complex
  author =     "Alexander Wilkie and Robert F. Tobler and Werner Purgathofer",
  year =       "2001",
  abstract =   "We present a method that makes the use of photon tracing
               methods feasible for complex scenes when a totally accurate
               solution is not essential. This is accomplished by using
               orientation lightmaps, which average the illumination of
               complex objects depending on the surface normal. Through
               this averaging, they considerably reduce the variance of the
               stochastic solution. In order to use these specialised
               lightmaps, which consume comparatively small amounts of
               memory, no changes have to be made to the basic
               photon-tracing algorithm. Also, they can be freely mixed
               with normal lightmaps. This gives the user good control over
               the amount of inaccuracy he introduces by their application.
               The area computations necessary for their insertion are
               performed using a stochastic sampling method that performs
               well for highly complex objects.",
  journal =    "The Visual Computer",
  note =       "In The Visual Computer, Vol. 17, No. 5, pp. 318-327,
               Springer, Heidelberg, 2001",
  URL =        "",