
91 Publications found:
Image Bib Reference Publication Type
image Thomas Binder, Georgio De Michelis, Michael Gervautz, Giulio Iacucci, Kresimir MatkovicORCID iD, Thomas Psik, Ina Wagner
Supporting Configurability in a Tangibly Augmented Environment for Design Students
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 8(5):310-325, July 2004. [pdf]
Journal Paper (without talk)
Georg Zotti, Michael Gervautz, Heimo Kramer, Wolfgang Neubauer
Stone-Age Monumental Circular Ditch Systems
Poster shown at Spring Conference on Computer Graphics 2004 (22. April 2004-24. April 2004)
J Cosmas, T Itegaki, D Green, N Joseph, L Van Gool, A Zalesny, D Vanrintel, F Leberl, K Schindler, Konrad Karner, Michael Gervautz, S. Hynst, M Waelkens, K Pollefeys, T Vereenooghe, R Sablatnig, M Kampel, P Axell
Providing Multimedia Tools for Recording, Reconstruction, Visualization and Database Storage/ Access of Archaeological Excavations
In 4th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Intelligent Cultural Heritage. 2003.
Conference Paper
Kresimir MatkovicORCID iD, Zsolt Szalavári, Christoph TraxlerORCID iD, Michael Gervautz
Virtual Gutenberg`s Printing Press
OEGAI-Journal, 21(1), 2002.
Journal Paper (without talk)
Werner PurgathoferORCID iD, Dieter Schmalstieg, Anton Fuhrmann, Gerd Hesina, Zsolt Szalavári, Michael Gervautz, L. Miguel Encarnação
Augmented Reality: The Interface is Everywhere
SIGGRAPH 2001 Course Notes #27, Los Angeles, USA, ACM Press, August 2001
Miscellaneous Publication
J.-D. Gascuel, Werner PurgathoferORCID iD, Christian Faisstnauer, Michael Gervautz
Construction of an Open Geometry Server for Client Server Virtual Environments
Proceedings of the IEEE VR 2001 conference, pp. 105-112, Yokohama, Japan, 2001
Miscellaneous Publication
Dieter Schmalstieg, Anton Fuhrmann, Gerd Hesina, Zsolt Szalavári, L. Miguel Encarnação, Michael Gervautz, Werner PurgathoferORCID iD
The Studierstube Augmented Reality Project
TR-186-2-00-22, December 2000 [paper]
Technical Report
A. Hildebrandt, Dieter Schmalstieg, Michael Gervautz
Virtual Environments '99
Springer Wien-New York, 1999.
Miscellaneous Publication
Anton Fuhrmann, Gerd Hesina, Michael Gervautz, Francois Faure
Occlusion in collaborative augmented environments
Proceedings of the 5th EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Virtual Environments (EGVE 1999), Vienna, June 1-2, 1999.
Miscellaneous Publication
Anton Fuhrmann, Gerd Hesina, Michael Gervautz, Francois Faure
Occlusion in collaborative augmented environments (extended version). 
Computers & Graphics 23 (1999) pp.809-819, Oxford, 1999.
Miscellaneous Publication
A. Staller, S. Trappl, Thomas Psik, Zsolt Szalavári, Michael Gervautz, Stephan Mantler, Paolo Petta
Towards Engaging Full-Body Interaction
Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI International'99), August 22-27, Munich, Germany, 1999
Miscellaneous Publication
Anton Fuhrmann, Gerd Hesina, Francois Faure, Michael Gervautz
Occlusion in Collaborative Augmented Environments
TR-186-2-98-29, December 1998 [paper]
Technical Report
Anton Fuhrmann, Michael Gervautz, Helwig LöffelmannORCID iD, Dieter Schmalstieg
Collaborative Visualization in Augmented Reality
TR-186-2-98-01, January 1998 [paper]
Technical Report
Zsolt Szalavári, Erik Eckstein, Michael Gervautz
Collaborative Gaming in Augmented Reality
TR-186-2-98-10, January 1998 [paper]
Technical Report
Dieter Schmalstieg, Anton Fuhrmann, Zsolt Szalavári, Michael Gervautz
Augmented Reality Enabled Collaborative Work in "Studierstube"
Abstract, EURO-VR'97 conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Nov. 10-11, 1998.
Miscellaneous Publication
Zsolt Szalavári, Michael Gervautz, Erik Eckstein
Collaborative Gaming in Augmented Reality, Proceedings of VRST'98, pp.195-204, November 2-5, 1998

Miscellaneous Publication
Zsolt Szalavári, Michael Gervautz
Interaktion mit virtuellen Informationen in realen Umgebungen - das "Personal Interaction Panel"
Arbeiten und begreifen: Neue Mensch-Maschine - Schnittstellen, lit-Verlag, pp. 147-158, Germany, 1998.
Miscellaneous Publication
Peter WonkaORCID iD, Michael Gervautz
Raytracing of nonlinear fractals
WSCG Plzen 1998 Proceedings, pp. 424-431, 1998.
Miscellaneous Publication
Dieter Schmalstieg, Anton Fuhrmann, Zsolt Szalavári, Michael Gervautz
Studierstube - An Environment for Collaboration in Augmented Reality
Virtual Reality: Research, Development & Applications, (3): pp. 37-48, 1998.
Miscellaneous Publication
Dieter Schmalstieg, Anton Fuhrmann, Zsolt Szalavári, Michael Gervautz
Studierstube - An Environment for Collaboration in Augmented Reality
Virtual Reality - Systems, Development and Applications, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 37-49, 1998.
Miscellaneous Publication
Dieter Schmalstieg, Anton Fuhrmann, Michael Gervautz
Strolling through Cyberspace with Your Hands in Your Pockets: Head Directed Navigation in Virtual Environments
Virtual Environments '98 (Proceedings of the 4th EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Virtual Environments), pp. 216-227, Stuttgart, Germany, June 16-18, Springer-Verlag, 1998.
Miscellaneous Publication
Dieter Schmalstieg, Anton Fuhrmann, Michael Gervautz, Helwig LöffelmannORCID iD
Collaborative Visualization in Augmented Reality
IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 54-59, IEEE Computer Society, 1998.
Miscellaneous Publication
Zsolt Szalavári, Michael Gervautz, Anton Fuhrmann, Dieter Schmalstieg
Augmented Reality Enabled Collaborative Work in 'Studierstube'
TR-186-2-97-18, September 1997 [paper]
Technical Report
Zsolt Szalavári, Michael Gervautz, Anton Fuhrmann, Dieter Schmalstieg
Augmented Reality Enabled Collaborative Work in 'Studierstube'
TR-186-2-97-18, September 1997 [paper]
Technical Report
Dieter Schmalstieg, Michael Gervautz
recursIV: Interactive Rendering of Natural Phenomena
TR-186-2-97-04, March 1997 [paper]
Technical Report
Zsolt Szalavári, Dieter Schmalstieg, Anton Fuhrmann, Michael Gervautz
'Studierstube' An Environment for Collaboration in Augmented Reality
TR-186-2-97-01, January 1997 [paper]
Technical Report
Christoph TraxlerORCID iD, Michael Gervautz
Efficient Ray Tracing of Complex Natural Scenes
In Proceedings of Fractal 97. 1997.
Conference Paper
Zsolt Szalavári, Michael Gervautz
The Personal Interaction Panel - a Two-Handed Interface for Augmented Reality
TR-186-2-96-20, September 1996 [paper]
Technical Report
Dieter Schmalstieg, Anton Fuhrmann, Zsolt Szalavári, Michael Gervautz
'Studierstube' - An Environment for Collaboration in Augmented Reality
TR-186-2-96-17, April 1996 [paper]
Technical Report
Dieter Schmalstieg, Christoph TraxlerORCID iD, Michael Gervautz
Interactive Rendering of Natural Phenomena with Directed Cyclic Graphs
TR-186-2-96-16, April 1996 [paper]
Technical Report
Michael Gervautz, Dieter Schmalstieg, Zsolt Szalavári, Konrad Karner, Franz Madritsch, Axel Pinz
Studierstube - A Multi-User Augmented Reality Environment for Visualization and Education
TR-186-2-96-10, March 1996 [paper]
Technical Report
Tomasz Mazuryk, Michael Gervautz
Virtual Reality History, Applications, Technology and Future
TR-186-2-96-06, February 1996 [paper]
Technical Report
Dieter Schmalstieg, Michael Gervautz
Demand-Driven Geometry Transmission for Distributed Virtual Environments
TR-186-2-96-01, January 1996 [paper]
Technical Report
Christoph TraxlerORCID iD, Michael Gervautz
Using Genetic Algorithms to Improve the Visual Quality of Fractal Plants Generated with CSG-PL-Systems
TR-186-2-96-04, January 1996 [paper]
Technical Report
Christoph TraxlerORCID iD, Michael Gervautz
Calculation of Tight Bounding Volumes for Cyclic CSG-Graphs
TR-186-2-96-03, January 1996 [paper]
Technical Report
Dieter Schmalstieg, Michael Gervautz, Peter Stieglecker
Optimizing Communication in Distributed Virtual Environments by Specialized Protocols
TR-186-2-95-14, November 1995 [paper]
Technical Report
Dieter Schmalstieg, Michael Gervautz
Implementing Gibsonian Virtual Environments
TR-186-2-95-10, October 1995 [paper]
Technical Report
Michael Gervautz, Dieter Schmalstieg
Computer Animation and Visualization - Current Status and Trends
In Proceedings of EUROSIM. September 1995.
Conference Paper
Tomasz Mazuryk, Michael Gervautz
Two-Step Prediction and Image Deflection for Exact Head-Tracking in Virtual Environments
In Proceedings of Eurographics, pages 29-41. August 1995.
Conference Paper
Michael Zeiller, Werner PurgathoferORCID iD, Michael Gervautz
Efficient Collision Detection for General CSG Objects
In Computer Animation' 95. August 1995.
Conference Paper
Tomasz Mazuryk, Dieter Schmalstieg, Michael Gervautz
Zoom Rendering: Accelerating 3-D Rendering Performance With 2-D Operations
TR-186-2-95-09, July 1995 [paper]
Technical Report
Dieter Schmalstieg, Michael Gervautz
Towards a virtual environment for interactive world building
TR-186-2-95-08, June 1995 [paper]
Technical Report
Dieter Schmalstieg, Michael Gervautz
On System Architectures for Virtual Environments
In Proceedings of the 11th Spring Conference on Computer Graphics. May 1995.
Conference Paper
Christoph TraxlerORCID iD, Michael Gervautz
Calculation of tight bounding volumes for cyclic CSG-graphs
In Proceedings of 11th Spring Conference on Computer Graphics. May 1995.
Conference Paper
Michael Gervautz, Christoph TraxlerORCID iD
Representation and Realistic Rendering of Natural Phenomena with Cyclic CSG-Graphs
Visual Computer, 11, 1995.
Journal Paper (without talk)
Michael Gervautz, Christoph TraxlerORCID iD
Representation and Realistic Rendering of Natural Phenomena with Cyclic CSG-graphs
TR-186-2-94-19, December 1994 [paper]
Technical Report
Michael Gervautz, Werner Petricek
Multimedia und Interaktion
TR-186-2-94-7, October 1994 [paper]
Technical Report
Werner PurgathoferORCID iD, Martin Feda, Michael Gervautz, Robert Devide, Werner Petricek, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Helwig LöffelmannORCID iD, Michael Zeiller, A. Vesel
A Collection of Papers of the Institute of Computer Graphics
TR-186-2-94-1, August 1994
Technical Report
Michael Gervautz, Olga Beltcheva
An Approach for Object-Oriented Animation Design
TR-186-2-94-2, August 1994 [paper]
Technical Report
Michael Gervautz, Olga Beltcheva
An Approach for Object-Oriented Animation Design
In Proceedings of Spring School of Computer Graphics. June 1994.
Conference Paper
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