
110 Publications found:
Image Bib Reference Publication Type
Vahan Yoghourdjian, Daniel Archambault, Stephan Diehl, Tim Dwyer, Karsten Klein, Helen C. Purchase, Hsiang-Yun WuORCID iD
Exploring the limits of complexity: A survey of empirical studies ongraph visualisation
Visual Informatics, 2(4):264-282, January 2019. [paper]
Journal Paper (without talk)
Patrick Hromniak
Visual Comparison of Natural Language Processing Pipelines
Bachelor Thesis
David Kouřil, Ladislav Čmolík, Barbora Kozlikova, Hsiang-Yun WuORCID iD, Graham Johnson, David Goodsell, Arthur Olson, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Ivan ViolaORCID iD
Labels on Levels: Labeling of Multi-Scale Multi-Instance and Crowded 3D Biological Environments
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 25:977-986, January 2019. [LoL-conference-presentation] [paper] [Conference Talk Recording]
Journal Paper with Conference Talk
Haichao Miao, Tobias Klein, David Kouřil, Peter Mindek, Karsten Schatz, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Barbora Kozlikova, Tobias Isenberg, Ivan ViolaORCID iD
Multiscale Molecular Visualization
Journal of Molecular Biology, 6(31):1049-1070, January 2019. [Paper]
Journal Paper (without talk)
Dominik Scholz
Tile-Based Procedural Terrain Generation
Bachelor Thesis
Johannes Weissenböck, Bernhard Fröhler, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Johann Kastner, Christoph Heinzl
Dynamic Volume Lines: Visual Comparison of 3D Volumes through Space-filling Curves
Journal Paper (without talk)
Tobias Klein, Ivan ViolaORCID iD, Peter Mindek
A Multi-Scale Animation Framework for Biological Fibrous Structures
Poster shown at EuroVis 2019 ()
Aleksandr Amirkhanov, Ilona Kosiuk, Peter Szmolyan, Artem Amirkhanov, Gabriel Mistelbauer, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Renata RaidouORCID iD
EG VCBM 2019 Image Contest Award, people's choice—ManyLands: A Journey Across 4D Phase Space of Biological Systems
Unknown Publication
Stefan OhrhallingerORCID iD, Adam Celarek
X-Mas Card 2019
[image] [pdf]
X-Mas Card
Iana Podkosova
Walkable Multi-User VR: Effects of Physical and Virtual Colocation
Supervisor: Hannes KaufmannORCID iD
|◀ Results 101 - 110 of 110 ▶|
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