32 Publications found:Image | Bib Reference | Publication Type |
2016 | ||
Johanna Schmidt Scalable Comparative Visualization Supervisor: Eduard Gröller Duration: 2011 — 2016 |
PhD-Thesis | |
Matthias Labschütz, Stefan Bruckner, Eduard Gröller, Markus Hadwiger, Peter Rautek JiTTree: A Just-in-Time Compiled Sparse GPU Volume Data Structure IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 22(1):1025-1034, January 2016. |
Journal Paper (without talk) | |
2015 | ||
Peter Mindek Interactive Integrated Exploration and Management of Visualization Parameters Supervisor: Stefan Bruckner Duration: October 2011 — June 2015 [Defense Slides] [Dissertation] |
PhD-Thesis | |
Peter Mindek Automatized Summarization of Multiplayer Games, 2015, Comenius University in Bratislava |
Invited Talk | |
2014 | ||
Michael Beham, Wolfgang Herzner, Eduard Gröller, Johannes Kehrer Cupid: Cluster-based Exploration of Geometry Generators with Parallel Coordinates and Radial Trees IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 20(12):1693-1702 , December 2014. |
Journal Paper with Conference Talk | |
Peter Mindek, Eduard Gröller, Stefan Bruckner Managing Spatial Selections with Contextual Snapshots Computer Graphics Forum, 33(8):132-144, December 2014. [Paper] [Video] |
Journal Paper (without talk) | |
Johanna Schmidt, Reinhold Preiner, Thomas Auzinger, Michael Wimmer, Eduard Gröller, Stefan Bruckner YMCA - Your Mesh Comparison Application In IEEE Visual Analytics Science and Technology. November 2014. |
Conference Paper | |
Peter Mindek ViviSection: Skeleton-based Volume Editing, 2014, Czech Technical University in Prague |
Invited Talk | |
Peter Mindek Managing Spatial Selections with Contextual Snapshots, 2014, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia [Slides + Video] |
Invited Talk | |
Johannes Kehrer Interactive Visual Analysis of Complex Scientific Data, 2014, Munich, Germany |
Invited Talk | |
2013 | ||
Johannes Kehrer, Harald Piringer, Wolfgang Berger, Eduard Gröller A Model for Structure-based Comparison of Many Categories in Small-Multiple Displays IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 19(12):2287-2296, December 2013. [Draft] [Slides] |
Journal Paper with Conference Talk | |
Johanna Schmidt, Eduard Gröller, Stefan Bruckner VAICo: Visual Analysis for Image Comparison IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 19(12):2090-2099, December 2013. |
Journal Paper with Conference Talk | |
Steffen Oeltze, Helwig Hauser, Johannes Kehrer IEEE VIS Tutorial on Interactive Visual Analysis of Scientific Data, October 2013, IEEE VisWeek, Atlanta, Georgia, USA [Tutorial proposal] |
WorkshopTalk | |
Rita Borgo, Johannes Kehrer, David H.S. Chung, Eamonn Maguire, Robert S. Laramee, Helwig Hauser, Matthew Ward, Min Chen Glyph-based Visualization: Foundations, Design Guidelines, Techniques and Applications Eurographics State of the Art Reports:39-63, May 2013. |
Journal Paper with Conference Talk | |
Peter Mindek, Stefan Bruckner, Eduard Gröller Contextual Snapshots: Enriched Visualization with Interactive Spatial Annotations In Proceedings of the 29th Spring Conference on Computer Graphics. May 2013. [Paper] [Slides] |
Conference Paper | |
Johannes Kehrer Visual Analysis of Multi-faceted Scientific Data: Challenges and Trends, 2013, Karlsruhe, Germany |
Invited Talk | |
Peter Mindek Contextual Snapshots: Enriched Visualization with Interactive Spatial Annotations, 2013, Czech Technical University in Prague |
Invited Talk | |
Peter Mindek, Stefan Bruckner, Peter Rautek, Eduard Gröller Visual Parameter Exploration in GPU Shader Space Journal of WSCG, 21(3):225-234, 2013. [Paper] |
Journal Paper with Conference Talk | |
2012 | ||
Timo Ropinski, Stefan Diepenbrock, Stefan Bruckner, Klaus Hinrichs, Eduard Gröller Unified Boundary-Aware Texturing for Interactive Volume Rendering IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 18(11):1942-1955, November 2012. |
Journal Paper (without talk) | |
Balázs Csébfalvi, Balázs Tóth, Stefan Bruckner, Eduard Gröller Illumination-Driven Opacity Modulation for Expressive Volume Rendering In Proceedings of Vision, Modeling & Visualization 2012, pages 103-109. November 2012. [Paper] |
Conference Paper | |
Paul Herghelegiu, Vasile Manta, Radu Perin, Stefan Bruckner, Eduard Gröller Biopsy Planner - Visual Analysis for Needle Pathway Planning in Deep Seated Brain Tumor Biopsy Computer Graphics Forum, 31(3):1085-1094, June 2012. [Paper] |
Journal Paper with Conference Talk | |
Åsmund Birkeland, Stefan Bruckner, Andrea Brambilla, Ivan Viola Illustrative Membrane Clipping Computer Graphics Forum, 31(3):905-914, June 2012. [Paper] |
Journal Paper with Conference Talk | |
Moritz Gerl, Peter Rautek, Tobias Isenberg, Eduard Gröller Semantics by Analogy for Illustrative Volume Visualization Computers & Graphics, 36(3):201-213, May 2012. [Paper] |
Journal Paper (without talk) | |
2011 | ||
Gábor Sörös, Peter Rautek, Hartmut Seichter, Eduard Gröller Augmented Visualization with Natural Feature Tracking In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (MUM 2011) , pages 4-12. December 2011. [Paper] |
Conference Paper | |
Jürgen Waser, Hrvoje Ribičić, Raphael Fuchs, Christian Hirsch, Benjamin Schindler, Günter Blöschl, Eduard Gröller Nodes on Ropes: A Comprehensive Data and Control Flow for Steering Ensemble Simulations IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 17(12):1872-1881, December 2011. [Paper] |
Journal Paper (without talk) | |
Peter Sikachev, Peter Rautek, Stefan Bruckner, Eduard Gröller Dynamic Focus + Context for Volume Rendering, 9. June 2011, Austrian-Russian Joint Seminar, VRVis, Vienna, Austria [presentation] |
WorkshopTalk | |
Peter Sikachev ProtoVis, 11. May 2011, Software Seminar, Vienna [presentation] |
WorkshopTalk | |
2010 | ||
Peter Rautek Continuous Integration, 10. November 2010, Software Engineering Seminar, Vienna |
WorkshopTalk | |
Peter Sikachev, Peter Rautek, Stefan Bruckner, Eduard Gröller Dynamic Focus+Context for Volume Rendering In Proceedings of Vision, Modeling and Visualization 2010, pages 331-338. November 2010. [Preprint] |
Conference Paper | |
Peter Sikachev STL Containers Inside, 25. May 2010, Software Engineering Seminar, TUW [Presentation] |
WorkshopTalk | |
Peter Sikachev Illustrative Visualization and Volume Rendering, 30. July 2010, Moscow, Russia [Presentation] |
Invited Talk | |
Stefan Bruckner, Peter Rautek, Ivan Viola, Mike Roberts, Mario Costa Sousa, Eduard Gröller Hybrid Visibility Compositing and Masking for Illustrative Rendering Computers & Graphics, (34):361-369, 2010. [Preprint] |
Journal Paper (without talk) |
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