Pacific Graphics 2019, Seoul. Für das paper: "Parallel Generation and Visualization of Bacterial Genome Structures." erhielt Tobias Klein den Award für die Best Student Presentation.


This lecture will offer an overview of current research efforts on all related topics, ranging from visual semantic world mapping to multiple drone mission planning and control and to drone perception for autonomous target following, tracking and AV shooting.


In this talk, I will introduce a few recent work on tree visualization.


On Tuesday 19th, Haichao Miao from the Visualization Group defended his PhD thesis with the title "Geometric Abstraction for Effective Visualization and Modeling".

Congratulations and all the best for the rest of his academic career!


the Research Division of Computer Graphics is organizing a small workshop "Vienna Symposium on Visualization (VieVisDays) on August 19th and 20th 2019", which we cordially invite you to attend. The talks will be given in English.

VieVisDays 2019

Monday, 19/08/2019

14:00 Haichao Miao PhD Defense: "Geometric Abstraction for Effective Visualization and Modeling"
Where: Dekanat Informatik (conference room, Erzherzog-Johann-Platz 1, 1040 Wien, 4th floor)

Tuesday, 20/08/2019


Lehrausgang zum Institute of Visual Computing & Human-Centered Technology der TU Wien

Am 19. Juni 2019 gingen wir, eine kleine aber feine Gruppe von drei Schülerinnen und drei Schülern der Klasse 7A, der auch ich (Prof. Born) beiwohnen durfte ins Institute of Visual Computing & Human-Centered Technology.


Wie schwer es sein kann, sich in seiner Umgebung zu orientieren, wenn man unter Grauem Star leidet, zeigt ein Projekt der TU Wien. Hier wurde untersucht, wie man Augenkrankheiten virtuell simulieren kann. Pflegepersonal in Altenheimen oder Gebäude- und Lichtplaner könnten in ihrer Arbeit davon profitieren.

ARTIKEL in der Pharmazeutischen Zeitschrift Ausgabe 21 /2019: 


"Optimizing Stepwise Animation in Dynamic Set Diagrams"
Kazuyo Mizuno, Hsiang-Yun Wu *), Shigeo Takahashi, Takeo Igarashi

EuroVis 2019, 3-7 June 


FRIDAY 7th June 2019,10:30 - Seminar room FAV 05 (186) - Favoritenstraße 9, Stiege 1, 5th floor
We are developing a web-based real-time visualization framework build on top of WebGL 2.0 with deferred rendering pipeline with support for mesh geometry data as well as volumetric data.


Károly Zsolnai-Fehér will speak at this year’s NATO Conference in a panel with Maciej Surowiec, Director of Governmental Affairs at Microsoft, Tim Hwang, Director of Ethics and Governance of AI Initiative at Harvard / MIT among others.
