The EuroVis Young Researcher Award is given each year to one young researcher in the field who has already made a significant contribution to visualization in general and more specifically to the European visualization community (e.g., through outstanding scientific contributions to the EuroVis conference). The intent of this award is to recognize people early on in their career who have already made a notable contribution and are likely to make more.


The EuroVis Best PhD Dissertation Award recognizes outstanding dissertations in academic research and development over topics relevant to visualization. The intent of this award is to recognize excellent young researchers in their early career and to highlight visualization research.


In recognition of his leadership and outstanding contributions in visualization, our own Professor Helwig Hauser is being awarded an Honorary Doctorate at the Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg in Germany on June 10, 2022.

Helwig studied at the TU Wien, where he received his PhD and Habilitation. He was Scientific Director of the VRVis Research Center in Vienna, until he joined the University of Bergen in 2007 to build up the visualization research environment here.


Each semester, TU Wien Informatics recognizes the most outstanding master students for their exceptional achievements in research.

Caroline Magg: Development and Visual Assessment of a Cross-Modal Brain Tumor Segmentation Pipeline

Supervisor: Renata Raidou


VRVis Open House: Technologieleistungsschau, 30.06.2022 von 14.00-17.00, VRVis im Ares Tower, Donau-City-Straße 11, 1220 Wien


Boston Dynamics Spot® ist der neueste Mitarbeiter der Fakultät für Informatik, TU Wien. Der agile Roboter wird in verschiedenen Forschungskooperationen mitarbeiten.


Unser Forschungsbereich Computer Graphics gratuliert herzlich unserem langjährigen Instituts- und Forschungsbereichsleiter Prof. Werner Purgathofer zu dieser Auszeichnung.


Sebastian Mazza was awarded the "Distinguished Young Alumn Awards" for his diploma thesis "Homomorphic-Encrypted Volume Rendering" (TU library)

Research Unit: Computer Graphics


This year, TU Wien is hosting its first online Global Game Jam! Feel free to join a 48-hour session of game development starting at 5:00PM on January 28. Come with a team or by yourself (you can find a team at the event). You don’t need previous game-making experience, but a fun event with networking and learning opportunities awaits you! You can find more information here


Machines might have a sense for Christmas after all!
This scene of three trees was reconstructed from an unori-ented point cloud with scan shadows. Our neural network Points2Surf [1] estimates a signed-distance function from a local and a global subset of the point cloud. By relying not only on global data, it is independent from object classes.
