Wie gut sind Notausgangsschilder für Menschen mit Sehbeeinträchtigung erkennbar? Ein Testlauf von Wiener Forschern in der virtuellen Realität gibt Antworten: Die aktuellen Normen sind nicht ausreichend.


The members of the Center for Geometry and Computational Design cordially invite interested faculty, students, company representatives and the interested public to our fifth Symposium on Geometry and Computational Design on Oct 25, 2018 at the Kuppelsaal of TU Wien.

We will have a series of lectures by leading researchers who present recent developments in geometry, computer graphics, computational design and architectural engineering. Please forward this announcement to people who might be interested in the event.


Károly Zsolnai Fehér will hold a talk on AI at a conference named "Election Interference in the Digital Age: Building Resilience to Cyber-Enabled Threats".
This conference is held at the European Union's European Political Strategy Centre.


Out of more than 120 articles, our teaser image for the paper Gaussian Material Synthesis was used as the cover art for ACM Transactions on Graphics, Volume 37 Issue 4, August 2018.
The lower and higher-resolution cover images are available here:
- https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=3197517.3201307


Markus Schütz PhD Student gewinnt den 2. Platz in der ACM SIGGRAPH Poster Student Research Competition 2018

Congratulations to This Year’s Winners


First Place: Seungbae Bang

Computation of Skinning Weight Using Spline Interface


Für seine Diplomarbeit "Evaluation of the Recognition Distances of Safety Signs in VR Considering Vision Impairments" und seinen Vortrag beim EPILOG wird Dominik Bauer mit dem Titel "Distinguished Young Alumnus" der Fakultät für Informatik ausgezeichnet.


Best Short paper: "Comparative Visual Analysis of Pelvic Organ Segmentations" - O. Reiter, M. Breeuwer, E. Gröller, R. G. Raidou (Award)

EuroVis Best PhD Award 2018 (Award)


The sensors we carry every day will design future digital worlds for our virtual selves.

Have you ever used Waze, the famous crowdsourced navigation app? When driving down a road that the app does not recognise, you are teaching it that a new street must be added. In a similar way, the sensors we carry every day in our smartphones and fitness gadgets could not just map the world but be used for creating a virtual copy, quicker and cheaper than anything we have today.


Our SIGGRAPH paper on Gaussian Material Synthesis is featured in the SIGGRAPH 2018 Technical Papers Trailer (at the 45 second mark)! Watch it on Youtube


Verleihung der Ehrendoktorwürde der Technischen Universität Wien (TU Wien) an Henry Fuchs (Universität North Carolina / TU Wien) und Moshe Vardi (Rice University).

Am 8. Mai 2018 verlieh Sabine Seidler, Rektorin der TU Wien, den beiden renommierten Informatikern Henry Fuchs und Moshe Vardi die akademische Ehrung "Ehrendoktor". Die Laudatoren Prof. Werner Purgathofer und Prof. Georg Gottlob gaben einen kurzen Einblick in die Verdienste der neuen Ehrendoktoren.
