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Bib Reference |
Publication Type |
2006 |
Alexandra La Cruz
3D Modelling and Reconstruction of Peripheral Vascular Structure
Supervisor: Eduard Gröller
Duration: May 2002 — March 2006
[ pdf] |
PhD-Thesis |
2004 |
Alexandra La Cruz, Matús Straka, Arnold Köchl, Miloš Šrámek, Eduard Gröller , Dominik Fleischmann
Non-linear Model Fitting to Parameterize Diseased Blood Vessels
In IEEE Visualization 2004, pages 400-393. October 2004.
[ alacruzVIS2004] |
Conference Paper |
Matús Straka, Michal Cervenanský, Alexandra La Cruz, Arnold Köchl, Miloš Šrámek, Eduard Gröller , Dominik Fleischmann
The VesselGlyph: Focus & Context Visualization in CT-Angiography
In IEEE Visualization 2004, pages 392-385. October 2004.
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Conference Paper |
Alexandra La Cruz
Accuracy Evaluation of Diferent Centerline Approximations of Blood Vessels
In Symposium on Visualization 2004, pages 120-115. May 2004.
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Conference Paper |
Alexandra La Cruz, Matús Straka, Arnold Köchl, Miloš Šrámek, Eduard Gröller , Dominik Fleischmann
Non-linear Model Fitting to Parameterize Diseased Blood Vessels
TR-186-2-04-05, April 2004 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Matús Straka, Michal Cervenanský, Alexandra La Cruz, Arnold Köchl, Miloš Šrámek, Eduard Gröller , Dominik Fleischmann
The VesselGlyph: Focus & Context Visualization in CT-Angiography
TR-186-2-04-04, April 2004 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Alexandra La Cruz, Matús Straka, Arnold Köchl, Miloš Šrámek, Eduard Gröller , Dominik Fleischmann
Accuracy of Automated Centerline Approximation Algorithms for Lower Extremity Vessels in CTA Phantom
In European Congres of Radiology. March 2004.
Conference Paper |
Matús Straka, Alexandra La Cruz, Leonid Dimitrov, Miloš Šrámek, Dominik Fleischmann, Eduard Gröller
Bone Segmentation in CT-Angiography Data Using a Probabilistic Atlas
TR-186-2-04-01, January 2004 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
2003 |
Alexandra La Cruz
Accuracy Evaluation of Different Centerline Approximations of Blood Vessels
TR-186-2-03-12, November 2003 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Alexandra La Cruz
Accuracy Evaluation of Different Centerline Approximations of Blood Vessels
TR-186-2-03-12, November 2003 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Matús Straka, Alexandra La Cruz, Leonid Dimitrov, Miloš Šrámek, Dominik Fleischmann, Eduard Gröller
Bone Segmentation in CT-Angiography Data Using a Probabilistic Atlas
In Vision, Modeling and Visualization, pages 505-512. November 2003.
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Conference Paper |
Matús Straka, Alexandra La Cruz, Arnold Köchl, Miloš Šrámek, Dominik Fleischmann, Eduard Gröller
3D Watershed Transform Combined with a Probabilistic Atlas for Medical Image Segmentation
TR-186-2-03-13, November 2003 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Katja Bühler , Petr Felkel, Alexandra La Cruz
Geometric Methods for Vessel Visualization and Quantification- A Survey
In Geometric Modelling for Scientific Visualization, pages 421-399, 2003
Article in a Book |
Matús Straka, Alexandra La Cruz, Arnold Köchl, Miloš Šrámek, Eduard Gröller , Dominik Fleischmann
3D Watershed Transform Combined with a Probabilistic Atlas for Medical Image Segmentation
In MIT 2003. 2003.
[ ] |
Conference Paper |
Matús Straka, Miloš Šrámek, Alexandra La Cruz, Arnold Köchl, Eduard Gröller , Dominik Fleischmann
A probabilistic atlas of the lower extremity arterial tree for perpheral CT angiography
In European Congress of Radiology. 2003.
[ PDF] |
Conference Paper |