For the Paper Fast Rendering of Parametric Objects on Modern GPUs, our researchers Johannes Unterguggenberger, Lukas Lipp, Michael Wimmer, Bernhard Kerbl, and Markus Schütz received the best paper award at The Eurographics


Das Team rund um HORA 3D, der interaktiven Web-Anwendung zur Visualisierung von Hochwasserrisiken für ganz Österreich, kann sich über einen Best Paper Award bei der EuroVis 2024 freuen.


For the paper cVIL: Class-Centric Visual Interactive Labeling, our master student Matthias Matt and his co-authors Matthias Zeppelzauer (FH St.Pölten) and Manuela Waldner received the best paper award at the 14th international EuroVis Workshop on Visual Analytics 2024. EuroVA is co-located with EuroVis conference and took place in Odense, Denmark, this year.


Gabriel Mistelbauer who has been member of the research unit Computer Graphics (VIS-group) some time ago, om May 23, 2024 successfully defended his habilitation thesis in Magdeburg. We congratulate him to this very nice success.


May 1 - 4, Smolenice


We have 10 free Tickets for the combined A1 Austrian eSports Festival in its 3rd edition (, and the Spielefest ( to give away to motivated students. On 15./16.


For the paper Real-Time Editing of Path-Traced Scenes with Prioritized Re-Rendering, pubished at the 19th International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (


The Wilhelm Exner Medal Foundation focuses its activities on highlighting innovative research approaches and promising perspectives from all scientific disciplines and works to ensure that research and science are recognized as the nucleus of a prosperous development of our society. The foundation is supported by the Exner Circle (, a voluntary association of companies with an affinity for research.


Sie sind weiblich, studieren Informatik an der TU-Wien und wollen in naher Zukunft eine interessante praxisnahe Praktikums- oder Bachelorarbeit erstellen?
Wir betreiben ein Forschungszentrum für Visual Computing, das viele interessante praxisbezogene Themen bearbeitet, und bie- ten Ihnen an, in die- sem Rahmen ein „Praktikum aus Visual Computing“ oder eine Bachelorarbeit zu schreiben. Zusätzlich zum Zeugnis erhalten Sie 777,- € bezahlt.
