Christian Luksch, Robert F. Tobler, Ralf Habel, Michael Schwärzler, Michael Wimmer
Fast Light-Map Computation with Virtual Polygon Lights
In Proceedings of ACM Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games 2013, pages 87-94. March 2013.
Thomas Auzinger, Ralf Habel, Andreas Musilek, Dieter Hainz, Michael Wimmer
GeigerCam: Measuring Radioactivity with Webcams
Poster shown at ACM SIGGRAPH 2012
( 5. August 2012- 9. August 2012)
In ACM SIGGRAPH 2012 Posters
, pages 40:1-40:1.
Ralf Habel, Michael Kudenov, Michael Wimmer
Practical Spectral Photography
Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings EUROGRAPHICS 2012), 31(2):449-458, May 2012. [Draft]
Ralf Habel, Anders Nilsson, Michael Wimmer
Level-of-Detail and Streaming Optimized Irradiance Normal Mapping
In GPU Pro 2, pages 143-158, February 2011
Ralf Habel
Real-Time Rendering and Animation of Vegetation
In 14th International Conference on System Theory and Control (Joint conference of SINTES14, SACCS10, SIMSIS14), pages 231-236. October 2010.
Ralf Habel, Michael Wimmer
Efficient Irradiance Normal Mapping
In Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games 2010, pages 189-195. February 2010.
Ralf Habel, Alexander Kusternig
Real-Time Rendering and Animation of Trees
Ralf Habel, Alexander Kusternig, Michael Wimmer
Physically Guided Animation of Trees
Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings EUROGRAPHICS 2009), 28(2):523-532, March 2009. [draft]
Ralf Habel
Real-time Rendering and Animation of Vegetation
Supervisor: Michael Wimmer
Duration: May 2005 — March 2009
Ralf Habel
Real-time Rendering and Animation of Vegetation: Advances in displaying vegetation for interactive applications. Suedwestdeutscher Verlag fuer Hochschulschriften, 2009.
Ralf Habel, Bogdan Mustata, Michael Wimmer
Efficient Spherical Harmonics Lighting with the Preetham Skylight Model
In Eurographics 2008 - Short Papers, pages 119-122. April 2008.
Ralf Habel, Alexander Kusternig, Michael Wimmer
Physically Based Real-Time Translucency for Leaves
In Rendering Techniques 2007 (Proceedings Eurographics Symposium on Rendering), pages 253-263. June 2007.
Ralf Habel, Michael Wimmer, Stefan Jeschke
Instant Animated Grass
Journal of WSCG, 15(1-3):123-128, January 2007. [Preprint]