- Research assistant
- Member of the DiagVis research project
- PhD student
Research Work
- Visualization in Medical Applications
- Human Computer Interaction
- Diploma thesis on "Transfer Functions Design Based on Statistical Shape Models" at the Computer Graphics and Multimedia Systems Group of the University of Siegen, Germany under the supervision of Christof Rezk Salama and Andreas Kolb.
- Visualization
- Literature, Music, Coffee
Other Publications:
- C. Bastuck, T. Hambürger, T. Hof, M. Keller, P. Kohlmann, J. Mehnert, S. Nowak,
C. Rezk-Salama, A. Kolb: An Open and Extensible Framework for Visualization.
In Tagungsband der Informatiktage 2005 der Gesellschaft für Informatik, 2005.