Matthias Bernhard, Karl Grosse, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Bi-modal Task Faciliation in a Virtual Traffic Scenario through Spatialized Sound Rendering
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, 8(4):1-22, November 2011.

Matthias Labschütz
Realistic real-time sound rendering in virtual environments

Matthias Labschütz
Enabling bimodal search in games by spatial sound rendering

David Grelaud, Nicolas Bonneel, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Manuel Asselot, George Drettakis
Efficient and Practical Audio-Visual Rendering for Games using Crossmodal Perception
In Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games 2009, pages 177-182. February 2009.

Veronica Sundstedt, Efstathios Stavrakis, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Erik Reinhard
A Psychophysical Study of Fixation Behavior in a Computer Game
In ACM Symposium on Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualization 2008, pages 43-50. August 2008.

Daniel Scherzer, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Frame Sequential Interpolation for Discrete Level-of-Detail Rendering
Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings EGSR 2008), 27(4):1175-1181, June 2008. [draft]

Oliver Mattausch, Jirí BittnerORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD
CHC++: Coherent Hierarchical Culling Revisited
Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings Eurographics 2008), 27(2):221-230, April 2008. [draft]

Daniel Scherzer, Stefan Jeschke, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Pixel-Correct Shadow Maps with Temporal Reprojection and Shadow Test Confidence
In Rendering Techniques 2007 (Proceedings Eurographics Symposium on Rendering), pages 45-50. June 2007.