Manfred Kopp, Werner Purgathofer
Efficient 3x3 Median Filter Computations
TR-186-2-94-18, December 1994 [paper]
Michael Gervautz, Christoph Traxler
Representation and Realistic Rendering of Natural Phenomena
with Cyclic CSG-graphs
TR-186-2-94-19, December 1994 [paper]
Werner Purgathofer, Robert F. Tobler, Manfred Geiler
Forced Random Dithering: Improved Threshold
Matrices for Ordered Dithering
TR-186-2-94-15, November 1994 [paper]
Martin Feda, Robert F. Tobler, László Neumann
Fast Perspective Z-Buffer with Inverse Depths
TR-186-2-94-16, November 1994 [paper]
Werner Purgathofer, Robert F. Tobler, Manfred Geiler
Forced Random Dithering: Improved Threshold Matrices for Ordered Dithering
In Proceedings of 1st IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. November 1994.
László Neumann, Werner Purgathofer, Robert F. Tobler, Attila Neumann, Pavol Elias, Martin Feda, Xavier Pueyo
The Stochastic Ray Method for Radiosity
TR-186-2-94-17, November 1994
Helwig Löffelmann, Eduard Gröller
Parameterizing Superquadrics
TR-186-2-94-5, November 1994 [paper]
Peter Ferschin, Ingeborg Tastl, Werner Purgathofer
A Comparision of Techniques for the Transformation of Radiosity Values to Monitor Colors
In Proceedings of 1st IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. November 1994.
Manfred Kopp
Efficient filter computation with symmetric matrix kernels
TR-186-2-94-4, November 1994 [paper]
Robert F. Tobler, Helwig Löffelmann, Werner Purgathofer
VEGA: Vienna Environment for Graphics Applications
TR-186-2-94-6, November 1994 [paper]
Eduard Gröller
Modeling and Rendering of Nonlinear Iterated
Function Systems
TR-186-2-94-12, November 1994 [paper]
Eduard Gröller
Hyperrealistic image synthesis and manipulation
In Proceedings of the Symposium . November 1994.
Eduard Gröller
Hyperrealistic Image Synthesis and Manipulation
TR-186-2-94-11, November 1994 [paper]
Eduard Gröller, Herbert Oppolzer
Attract - Interactive Visualization of
Dynamical Systems
TR-186-2-94-14, November 1994 [paper]
Michael Gervautz, Werner Petricek
Multimedia und Interaktion
TR-186-2-94-7, October 1994 [paper]
Martin Feda, Werner Purgathofer
Efficient Realistic Image Synthesis by Parallel Monte Carlo Radiosity on Transputers
In Transputer Applications and Systems '94, Proceeding of the World Transputer Congress'94. September 1994.
Martin Feda, Werner Purgathofer
A Median Cut Algorithm for Efficient Sampling of Radiosity Functions
Computer Graphics Forum, Proceedings of Eurographics '94, 13(3), September 1994.
Martin Feda
Parallel Radiosity on Transputers with Low Communication Overhead
In Proceedings of the 2nd Austro- Hungarian Workshop on Transputer Applications. September 1994.
Werner Purgathofer, Martin Feda, Michael Gervautz, Robert Devide, Werner Petricek, Eduard Gröller, Helwig Löffelmann, Michael Zeiller, A. Vesel
A Collection of Papers of the Institute of Computer
TR-186-2-94-1, August 1994
Michael Gervautz, Olga Beltcheva
An Approach for Object-Oriented Animation Design
TR-186-2-94-2, August 1994 [paper]
Eduard Gröller, Rainer Wegenkittl
Interactive Design of Nonlinear Functions for
Iterated Function Systems
TR-186-2-94-3, August 1994
Vojtech Jankovic, Eduard Gröller
Physically Based Matching of Multimodal Medical Information
In Proceedings of the 10. Spring School on Computer Graphics '94 and its applications. June 1994.
Vojtech Jankovic, Eduard Gröller
Physically Based Matching of Multimodal Medical
TR-186-2-94-9, June 1994 [paper]
Martin Feda
Efficient Radiosity Algorithms
Supervisor: Werner Purgathofer
Duration: — June 1994
W. Stürzlinger, Robert F. Tobler
Two Optimization Methods for Raytracing
In Proceedings of Spring School on Computer Graphics, pages 104-107. June 1994.
Peter Ferschin
A Two-Pass Radiosity Method for CSG-Models
In Proceedings of the 10. Sprig Schoon on Comoputer Graphics '94. June 1994.
László Neumann, Martin Feda, Manfred Kopp, Werner Purgathofer
A New Stochastic Radiosity Method for Highly Complex Scenes
In Proceedings of Fifth Eurographics Workshop on Rendering. June 1994.
Eduard Gröller
Interactive Transformation of 2D Vector Data
TR-186-2-94-8, June 1994 [paper]
Eduard Gröller
Interactive Transformation of 2D Vector Data
In Proceedings of the 10. Spring Schoon on Computer Graphics '94 and its applications. June 1994.
Michael Gervautz, Olga Beltcheva
An Approach for Object-Oriented Animation Design
In Proceedings of Spring School of Computer Graphics. June 1994.
Eduard Gröller
Application of Visualization Techniques to
Complex and Chaotic Dynamical Systems
TR-186-2-94-13, June 1994 [paper]
Werner Purgathofer, László Neumann, Martin Feda, Manfred Kopp
Radiosity for very Complex Scenes
In Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Graphics ICCG. June 1994.
Eduard Gröller
Application of Visualization Techniques to Complex and Chaotic Dynamical Systems
In Proceedings of the 5th Eurographics Workshop on Visualization in Scientific Computing. May 1994.
Michael Gervautz, Dieter Schmalstieg
Integrating a Scripting Language into an Interactive Animation System
In Proceedings Computer Animation '94. May 1994.
Peter Ferschin
Implementing Radiosity on Vector-Computers
In Proceedings of the Workshop Paragraph'94. March 1994.
Martin Feda
Prallel Radiosity on Transputers with a Combined CSG-BRep Data Structure
In Workshop Proceedings Paragraph'94, RISC - Linz Report Series Nr. 94-17. March 1994.
Pavol Elias, Martin Feda, Peter Ferschin, Werner Purgathofer
Monte Carlo Radiosity using Piecewise Cubic Illumination Functions
Proceedings of the Winter School of Computer Graphics, January 1994.
Eduard Gröller, Peter Brunner
Coherence in scan-line algorithms for CSG
TR-186-2-94-10, January 1994 [paper]
Eduard Gröller, Peter Brunner
Coherence in scan-line algorithms for CSG
Proceedings of the Winter School on Computer Graphics '94:19.1.1994-20.1.1994, January 1994.
Robert F. Tobler
New Efficient Algorithms with Positive Definite Radiosity Matrix,
Ingeborg Tastl
Color and Computer Graphics,
1994, TU Prag
Margit Schrotta
Collision Detection of Animated CT/NMR Joint Reconstruction
Supervisor: Werner Purgathofer
Duration: — 1994
Christoph Traxler
Representation and Realistic Rendering of Natural Phenomena with Cyclic CSG Graphs,
1994, Prague, Czech Republic
Michael Zeiller
Collision Detection for Complex Objects in Computer Animation
Supervisor: Werner Purgathofer
Duration: — 1994
Dieter Schmalstieg
A Programming Language for Computer Animation,
1994, Prag, Tschechien
Heimo Müller
Data Space Semantics
Supervisor: Werner Purgathofer
Duration: — 1994
Helwig Löffelmann
Grundlagen der objektorientierten Programmierung,
1994, TU Wien
Manfred Kopp, Michael Gervautz
XOR-Drawing with Guaranteed Contrast
In Graphic Gems IV, pages 414-413, 1994
Eduard Gröller
Visualization Techniques for Complex and Chaotic Dynamical Systems,
1994, TU Prag
Eduard Gröller
Techniken der Computergraphik zur Analyse dynamischer Systeme,
1994, TU Wien
Eduard Gröller
Modeling and Rendering of Nonlinear Iterated Function Systems
Computers & Graphics, 18(5):739-748, 1994.
Eduard Gröller, Helwig Löffelmann
Extended Camera Specification for Image Synthesis
Machine Graphics & Vision, 3(3):514-530, 1994.
Michael Gervautz
Multimedia und Interaktiv - Neue Lernwelten sind Realität geworden - ein Überblick,
1994, Wien, Austria
Peter Ferschin
Simulation globaler Beleuchtungsmodelle mit dem Radiosityverfahren,
1994, TU Wien