Our group performs extensive fundamental and applied research in computer graphics. Our areas of expertise are modelling and rendering for computer graphics, visualization, visual computing, virtual environments, and color. Besides our research projects, we specialize in consulting and technology transfer as well as computer graphics related education on both undergraduate and graduate levels.
Our research workgroups: Visualization Group, Rendering and Modeling
- VRVis erneut für Flagship-Forschungsprogramm COMET ausgewählt | VRVis Zentrum für Virtual Reality und Visualisierung
- For the Paper Fast Rendering of Parametric Objects on Modern GPUs, our researchers Johannes Unterguggenberger, Lukas Lipp, Michael Wimmer, Bernhard Kerbl, and Markus Sc
- Das Team rund um HORA 3D, der interaktiven Web-Anwendung zur Visualisierung von Hochwasserrisiken für ganz Österreich, kann sich über einen Best Paper Award bei der EuroVis 2024 freuen.
- For the paper cVIL: Class-Centric Visual Interactive Labeling, our master student Matthias Matt and his co-authors Matthias Zeppelzauer (FH St.Pölten) and Manuela Waldn