
  • Visibility: hidden
  • Publication Type: Ongoing Bachelor Thesis
  • Workgroup(s)/Project(s):
  • Date: ongoing
  • Date (Start): 24. February 2023
  • Matrikelnummer: 12002225
  • First Supervisor: Michael WimmerORCID iD


Image stitching has gained popularity in the recent years in the area of ortho photos as it allows for the use of multiple images for a single ortho photo. This approach allows to cover a much bigger area than a single photograph making it possible to cover kilometers of pavement data to ease road inspection. In this work the application and the adaption of state-of-the-art image stitching techniques is to be examined for the use with pavement cameras and high resolution meshes created from a LiDAR system. The expected outcome of this thesis is a novel approach to the application of image stitching for the use with pavement cameras.

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  title =      "High Resolution Ortho Photos via Image Stitiching for
               Pavement Cameras",
  author =     "Martin Reichholf",
  year =       "2023",
  abstract =   "Image stitching has gained popularity in the recent years in
               the area of ortho photos as it allows for the use of
               multiple images for a single ortho photo. This approach
               allows to cover a much bigger area than a single photograph
               making it possible to cover kilometers of pavement data to
               ease road inspection. In this work the application and the
               adaption of state-of-the-art image stitching techniques is
               to be examined for the use with pavement cameras and high
               resolution meshes created from a LiDAR system. The expected
               outcome of this thesis is a novel approach to the
               application of image stitching for the use with pavement
  month =      feb,
  URL =        "",