

Knowledge workers, such as scientists, journalists, or consultants, adaptively seek, gather, and consume information. These processes are often inefficient as existing user interfaces provide limited possibilities to combine information from various sources and different formats into a common knowledge representation. In this paper, we present the concept of an information collage (IC) -- a web browser extension combining manual spatial organization of gathered information fragments and automatic text analysis for interactive content exploration and expressive visual summaries. We used IC for case studies with knowledge workers from different domains and longer-term field studies over a period of one month. We identified three different ways how users collect and structure information and provide design recommendations how to support these observed usage strategies.

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  title =      "Collecting and Structuring Information in the Information
  author =     "Sebastian Sippl and Michael Sedlmair and Manuela Waldner",
  year =       "2019",
  abstract =   "Knowledge workers, such as scientists, journalists, or
               consultants, adaptively seek, gather, and consume
               information. These processes are often inefficient as
               existing user interfaces provide limited possibilities to
               combine information from various sources and different
               formats into a common knowledge representation. In this
               paper, we present the concept of an information collage (IC)
               -- a web browser extension combining manual spatial
               organization of gathered information fragments and automatic
               text analysis for interactive content exploration and
               expressive visual summaries. We used IC for case studies
               with knowledge workers from different domains and
               longer-term field studies over a period of one month. We
               identified three different ways how users collect and
               structure information and provide design recommendations how
               to support these observed usage strategies. ",
  month =      aug,
  number =     "TR-193-02-2019-2",
  address =    "Favoritenstrasse 9-11/E193-02, A-1040 Vienna, Austria",
  institution = "Research Unit of Computer Graphics, Institute of Visual
               Computing and Human-Centered Technology, Faculty of
               Informatics, TU Wien ",
  note =       "human contact:",
  URL =        "",