
  • Publication Type: Bachelor Thesis
  • Workgroup(s)/Project(s):
  • Date: October 2014
  • Date (Start): 11. October 2013
  • Matrikelnummer: 0929255
  • First Supervisor: Michael WimmerORCID iD


In this thesis an overview about my work on the framework for the lab course “Introduction to computer graphics” will be given. At first the current situation is explained and what extensions should be made. It is described how task variations are implemented with an ANT-script. Also some computer graphics algorithms are evaluated on how well they would perform in the framework and it is explained how they are implemented or why not. The major topics are Weiler-Atherton clipping and why it is problematic, different methods for backface culling and the Oren-Nayar and Cook-Torrance shading models. The last chapter explains the new transparency feature that has been implemented in detail and why order independent transparency (OIT) has been chosen over BSP-Trees including a extensive comparisons.

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  title =      "Advanced Modifications of a Basic Rendering Framework",
  author =     "Gernot Winkler",
  year =       "2014",
  abstract =   "In this thesis an overview about my work on the framework
               for the lab course “Introduction to computer graphics”
               will be given. At first the current situation is explained
               and what extensions should be made. It is described how task
               variations are implemented with an ANT-script. Also some
               computer graphics algorithms are evaluated on how well they
               would perform in the framework and it is explained how they
               are implemented or why not. The major topics are
               Weiler-Atherton clipping and why it is problematic,
               different methods for backface culling and the Oren-Nayar
               and Cook-Torrance shading models. The last chapter explains
               the new transparency feature that has been implemented in
               detail and why order independent transparency (OIT) has been
               chosen over BSP-Trees including a extensive comparisons.",
  month =      oct,
  address =    "Favoritenstrasse 9-11/E193-02, A-1040 Vienna, Austria",
  school =     "Institute of Computer Graphics and Algorithms, Vienna
               University of Technology ",
  URL =        "",