Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
ArgumentsUtility class for accessing command-line arguments
ColourPickerRGB and Lab color picker
GlewContentManagementManages multiple render contexts of subwindows
HistogramDrawDraw linear or logarithmic histogram
Lab_ColourLab color class
Matrix4x4 Matrix class
PositionControllpoints position
QuaternionUnit quaternion class
RGB_ColourRGB structure
RGBA_ColourRGBA structure
ShaderHandles shader functions
ShaderManagerManages shader files
TFControlPointHandles transfer function control points
TimerImer class using the high-resolution performance counter
TransferFunctionGUIHandles transferfunction user interaction
TransferFunctionTextureHandles transferfunction texture
Vector3-Vector class
VolumeSimple linear volume class which supports loading from DAT files
Volume::VoxelVoxel class