

The goal of this project was to receive mountain peak names from a vector tile server, process this information and visualize them on the AlpineMapsOrg application. Initially we agreed on using basemap as the vector tile provider but after encountering some problems (mentioned below), we switched to a custom tile server approach that we developed to fill our needs.

Additional Files and Images

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Additional files



  title =      "Alpine Maps Labels",
  author =     "Lucas Dworschak",
  year =       "2024",
  abstract =   "The goal of this project was to receive mountain peak names
               from a vector tile server, process this information and
               visualize them on the AlpineMapsOrg application. Initially
               we agreed on using basemap as the vector tile provider but
               after encountering some problems (mentioned below), we
               switched to a custom tile server approach that we developed
               to fill our needs.",
  month =      apr,
  URL =        "",