
  • Publication Type: Journal Paper (without talk)
  • Workgroup(s)/Project(s):
  • Date: April 2022
  • DOI: 10.1016/j.cag.2022.04.013
  • ISSN: 1873-7684
  • Journal: Computers and Graphics
  • Open Access: yes
  • Pages: 12
  • Volume: 105
  • Publisher: Elsevier
  • Pages: 73 – 84
  • Keywords: Concept spaces, Latent spaces, Similarity maps, Visual exploratory analysis


Similarity maps show dimensionality-reduced activation vectors of a high number of data points and thereby can help to understand which features a neural network has learned from the data. However, similarity maps have severely limited expressiveness for large datasets with hundreds of thousands of data instances and thousands of labels, such as ImageNet or word2vec. In this work, we present “concept splatters” as a scalable method to interactively explore similarities between data instances as learned by the machine through the lens of human-understandable semantics. Our approach enables interactive exploration of large latent spaces on multiple levels of abstraction. We present a web-based implementation that supports interactive exploration of tens of thousands of word vectors of word2vec and CNN feature vectors of ImageNet. In a qualitative study, users could effectively discover spurious learning strategies of the network, ambiguous labels, and could characterize reasons for potential confusion.

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supplementary document: Detailed findings supplementary document: Detailed findings



  title =      "Concept splatters: Exploration of latent spaces based on
               human interpretable concepts",
  author =     "Nicolas Grossmann and Eduard Gr\"{o}ller and Manuela Waldner",
  year =       "2022",
  abstract =   "Similarity maps show dimensionality-reduced activation
               vectors of a high number of data points and thereby can help
               to understand which features a neural network has learned
               from the data. However, similarity maps have severely
               limited expressiveness for large datasets with hundreds of
               thousands of data instances and thousands of labels, such as
               ImageNet or word2vec. In this work, we present “concept
               splatters” as a scalable method to interactively explore
               similarities between data instances as learned by the
               machine through the lens of human-understandable semantics.
               Our approach enables interactive exploration of large latent
               spaces on multiple levels of abstraction. We present a
               web-based implementation that supports interactive
               exploration of tens of thousands of word vectors of word2vec
               and CNN feature vectors of ImageNet. In a qualitative study,
               users could effectively discover spurious learning
               strategies of the network, ambiguous labels, and could
               characterize reasons for potential confusion.",
  month =      apr,
  doi =        "10.1016/j.cag.2022.04.013",
  issn =       "1873-7684",
  journal =    "Computers and Graphics",
  pages =      "12",
  volume =     "105",
  publisher =  "Elsevier",
  pages =      "73--84",
  keywords =   "Concept spaces, Latent spaces, Similarity maps, Visual
               exploratory analysis",
  URL =        "",