
  • Publication Type: Invited Talk
  • Workgroup(s)/Project(s): not specified
  • Date: 2008
  • Event: AR-Conference
  • Location: Kaoshung, Taiwan
  • Conference date: 31. May 2008 –
  • Keywords: augmented reality


The talk will give an overview of Augmented Reality. In contrast to Virtual Reality which immerses the user into a completely artificial world, Augmented Reality leaves the user in the real world, thereby adding or enhancing details for some purpose. Applications are in medicine, in industrial maintenance, in navigation, in museums, and many more. Hardware devices used include see-through head mounted displays and augmented video signals, always including some sort of tracking of the user. The user interface design requires new techniques and variants. Augmented Reality enables collaborative work of people either at the same or at distant locations. Mobile Augmented Reality is based on advanced communication technology and lightweight devices.

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  title =      "Augmented Reality - Basics and Technology",
  author =     "Werner Purgathofer",
  year =       "2008",
  abstract =   "The talk will give an overview of Augmented Reality. In
               contrast to Virtual Reality which immerses the user into a
               completely artificial world, Augmented Reality leaves the
               user in the real world, thereby adding or enhancing details
               for some purpose. Applications are in medicine, in
               industrial maintenance, in navigation, in museums, and many
               more. Hardware devices used include see-through head mounted
               displays and augmented video signals, always including some
               sort of tracking of the user. The user interface design
               requires new techniques and variants. Augmented Reality
               enables collaborative work of people either at the same or
               at distant locations. Mobile Augmented Reality is based on
               advanced communication technology and lightweight devices. ",
  event =      "AR-Conference",
  location =   "Kaoshung, Taiwan",
  keywords =   "augmented reality",
  URL =        "",