
  • Publication Type: Invited Talk
  • Workgroup(s)/Project(s):
  • Date: 2008
  • Event: Visualization Seminar
  • Location: Bergen, Norway
  • Conference date: 5. May 2008 –


Interactive steering with visualization has been a central goal of the international visualization research community for twenty years. Still, we rarely ever see it applied to real-world problems. Here we describe our recent experiences with a realization of a tightly coupled steering loop, integrating simulation and interactive visual analysis in a prototyping environment for automotive industry system design. Very positive feedback from domain experts proves the usefulness of the approach.

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  title =      "Interactive Visual Steering – Our Experiences",
  author =     "Kresimir Matkovic",
  year =       "2008",
  abstract =   "Interactive steering with visualization has been a central
               goal of the international visualization research community
               for twenty years. Still, we rarely ever see it applied to
               real-world problems. Here we describe our recent experiences
               with a realization of a tightly coupled steering loop,
               integrating simulation and interactive visual analysis in a
               prototyping environment for automotive industry system
               design. Very positive feedback from domain experts proves
               the usefulness of the approach.",
  event =      "Visualization Seminar",
  location =   "Bergen, Norway",
  URL =        "",