
  • Publication Type: Technical Report
  • Workgroup(s)/Project(s): not specified
  • Date: February 2002
  • Number: TR-186-2-02-03
  • Keywords: Human Visual system, Color sensitivity, Visual acuity, Glare, Time-Dependency


To properly reproduce a highy dynamic range image on a graphic display system is a harder problem than is commonly acknowledged. The last years have seen great progress in this area, and for non-interactive tone mapping problems adequate levels of realism have already been demonstrated, namely through the multiscale model of adaptation of Pattanaik et al.. Unfortunately, the high computational cost of their methods has so far precluded their use for the purposes of real-time rendering, and they have also been confined to single images without a temporal dependency. Conversely, the work of Tumblin et al. have demonstrated time dependency and interactivity for tone mapping techniques, but at the cost of significantly reduced realism. In this report we present a new high-quality time-dependent tone mapping algorithm which is comparable to the work of Pattanaik et al. in terms of visual realism, and demonstrate its viability on a number of test scenes.

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  title =      "New Realistic Tone mapping Algorithm",
  author =     "Alessandro Artusi and Alexander Wilkie",
  year =       "2002",
  abstract =   "To properly reproduce a highy dynamic range image on a
               graphic display system is a harder problem than is commonly
               acknowledged. The last years have seen great progress in
               this area, and for non-interactive tone mapping problems
               adequate levels of realism have already been demonstrated,
               namely through the multiscale model of adaptation of
               Pattanaik et al.. Unfortunately, the high computational cost
               of their methods has so far precluded their use for the
               purposes of real-time rendering, and they have also been
               confined to single images without a temporal dependency.
               Conversely, the work of Tumblin et al. have demonstrated
               time dependency and interactivity for tone mapping
               techniques, but at the cost of significantly reduced
               realism. In this report we present a new high-quality
               time-dependent tone mapping algorithm which is comparable to
               the work of Pattanaik et al. in terms of visual realism, and
               demonstrate its viability on a number of test               
  month =      feb,
  number =     "TR-186-2-02-03",
  address =    "Favoritenstrasse 9-11/E193-02, A-1040 Vienna, Austria",
  institution = "Institute of Computer Graphics and Algorithms, Vienna
               University of Technology ",
  note =       "human contact:",
  keywords =   "Human Visual system, Color sensitivity, Visual acuity,
               Glare, Time-Dependency",
  URL =        "",