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3. VRML 1.0 - Examples

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The smallest possible VRML Example
Example 1 - Using the Sphere Node
Example 2 - Using the Separator and Material Nodes
Example 3 - Using emissive color
Example 4 - Using the Transform Node
Example 5 - Using the shininess field of Material
Example 6 - Create the Moon
Example 7 - Create a link using the WWWAnchor node
Example 8 - Providing Context by using the description field
Example 9 - Create a link to another VRML - world
Example 10 - Naming objects by using the DEF node
Example 11 - Defining a lightsource
Example 12 - making the Earth more reflective
Example 13 - Defining a Camera for the Scene
Example 14 - Another Camera Example
Example 15 - Define several viewpoints by using the switch node
Example 16 - Using the WWWInline node to reference objects
Example 17 - Level of Detail (LOD node)
Example 18 - Texturing the Moon(Texture2 node)
Example 19 - Texturing the Earth
Advanced Enhancements - Building Shapes
Advanced Enhancements - Using USE

The smallest possible VRML Example

In this section we will look at some of the key features of VRML. We will do this by developing some examples. As most of the examples use parts of the examples, that have been created before, the new parts of the examples are always printed strong.

First of all, we already mentioned, that every VRML 1.0 file has to start with the line

#VRML V1.0 ascii

So, this would be the smallest VRML file one could create. Of course, this file is not very usefull, there are no objects in it, so every Browser would display an empty scene.

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Example 1 - Using the Sphere Node

We would like to create a world that is more interesting than an empty one, so why not try and build a sun - earth system (that's easy, too, because suns and planets are spheres and therefore simple objects).

Let us start with a first example. I suppose, the first object one would like to have in a sun-earth system is the sun itself. The sun is a sphere, so we could use the Sphere nodetype to create it:

#VRML V1.0 ascii

# Example 1 - the Sun

# Here comes the Sun
Sphere {
        radius 10                   # the Sun is very big

With this VRML file we can create a (not yet very realistic) sun, but it looks more like an ugly ball. We only changed the size of this sun by setting the radius of the sphere to 10 (because the sun is so big!).

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Example 2 - Using the Separator and Material Nodes

To make the sun a bit more realistic we try to change its color. For this purpose we introduce two new node types: the Separator node is used to group nodes, the Material node sets the material paramters for all the following objects in this group.

The Separator is one of the group nodes, these nodes can have other nodes within them. They can be seen as a box of objects. Everything in this box can be treated as a unit, and can be manipulated with the same operation. Therefore you can change or manipulate many nodes with a single operation.
That, and the fact, that the scene graph of a VRML file is orderd, that meens, that nodes that come first, influence nodes following them, is, why the Material node sets the material parameters for all of the following nodes.

In this next example, we set our sun to a yellow color, as we usually expect a sun to look like:

#VRML V1.0 ascii

# Example 2 - using the Separator and Material Nodes 

# Here comes the Sun
# The Separator node groups everything within it together
Separator {
       # The material will affect all subsequent nodes
       # The Sun becomes yellow
       Material {
              diffuseColor 1 1 0    # R G B
       Sphere {
               radius 10                   # the Sun is very big

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Example 3 - Using emissive color

The sun should be glowing, like the real one. To achieve this, we can change the diffuseColor field to an emissiveColor field, that means, we specify the color that is emitted from the surface, the sun immediatly brightens up (see next example).

#VRML V1.0 ascii

# Example 3 - using emissive colors

# Here comes the Sun
# The Separator node groups everything within it together
Separator {
       # The material will affect all subsequent nodes
       # The Sun becomes yellow
       # Switch to emissive color because Sun gives off light
       Material {
              emissiveColor 1 1 0    # R G B
       Sphere {
               radius 10                   # the Sun is very big

Other fields of the Material node include shininess, transparency, ambientColor, and specularColor.

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Example 4 - Using the Transform Node

Now, we have a really nice sun, but for a sun-earth system, we need an earth, too. So we will create a blue earth in the next example. As we don't want our earth to be swallowed by the sun, we have to move the earth far away from it. We can do this with the Transform node and use the translation field of this node. In this field we can specify the x, y, and z values of the translation.
We also use a new Material node, so that we don't end up with a yellow earth.The example looks then as follows:

#VRML V1.0 ascii

# Example 4 - using the Transform Node, creating the Earth

# Here comes the Sun
# The Separator node groups everything within it together

Separator {

       # The material will affect all subsequent nodes
       # The Sun becomes yellow
       # Switch to emissive color because Sun gives off light

       Material {
              emissiveColor 1 1 0    # R G B

       Sphere {
               radius 10             # the Sun is very big
       # We place the Earth within its own Separator, to keep it isolated

       Separator {

              # Move the Earth away from the Sun

              Transform {
                     translation 0 20 20

              # Color the Earth blue, and make it absorb light

              Material {
                     diffuseColor 0 0 1 

              # Finally, create the earth

              Sphere {
                     radius 2         # earth is a lot smaller

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Example 5 - Using the shininess field of Material

So, now we have a sun and an earth, but the earth should look more shiny (blue), because it should look like real water, and water is shiny. So we can improve the world by using the shininess field of the Material node. This is done in the next example:

#VRML V1.0 ascii

# Example 5 - make the earth shiny                           

# Here comes the Sun
# The Separator node groups everything within it together

Separator {

       # The material will affect all subsequent nodes
       # The Sun becomes yellow
       # Switch to emissive color because Sun gives off light

       Material {
              emissiveColor 1 1 0    # R G B

       Sphere {
               radius 10             # the Sun is very big
       # We place the Earth within its own Separator, to keep it isolated

       Separator {

              # Move the Earth away from the Sun

              Transform {
                     translation 0 20 20

              # Color the Earth blue, and make it absorb light
              # But also make it reflective, like water

              Material {
                     diffuseColor 0 0 1 
                     shininess 0.9       # Water is rather shiny

              # Finally, create the earth

              Sphere {
                     radius 2         # earth is a lot smaller

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Example 6 - Create the Moon

Now we have sun and earth, the next object we miss is the moon. As there is no limit, how deep a set of group nodes can go, we use another Separator node, to encapsulate the moon from the other objects. We also use a Material node again, to color the moon grayish and a Sphere node to finally create the moon. This even more complete sun-earth model is represented by the next VRML Example-file:

#VRML V1.0 ascii

# Example 6 - Create the Moon as a child of the Earth        

# Here comes the Sun
# The Separator node groups everything within it together

Separator {

       # The material will affect all subsequent nodes
       # The Sun becomes yellow
       # Switch to emissive color because Sun gives off light

       Material {
              emissiveColor 1 1 0    # R G B

       Sphere {
               radius 10             # the Sun is very big
       # We place the Earth within its own Separator, to keep it isolated

       Separator {

              # Move the Earth away from the Sun

              Transform {
                     translation 0 20 20

              # Color the Earth blue, and make it absorb light
              # But also make it reflective, like water

              Material {
                     diffuseColor 0 0 1 
                     shininess 0.9       # Water is rather shiny

              # Finally, create the earth

              Sphere {
                     radius 2         # earth is a lot smaller

              # The Moon gets its own Separator, too
              Separator {
                     # The Moon is just outside the Earth

                     Transform {
                            translation 4 4 0

                     # Color the Moon gray and make it absorb light
                     # The Moon is only a little shiny

                     Material {
                            diffuseColor 0.7 0.7 0.7
                            shininess 0.3

                     # Finally, create the Moon

                     Sphere {
                            radius 1     # very tiny Moon

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In order to not let our examples grow longer and longer for ever, the following examples will be written with less comments (the old ones are not repeated) and in a more compressed way. It is not necessary to structure the definitions the way it has been done before, it's only better for understanding.

Example 7 - Create a link using the WWWAnchor node

A big advantage of VRML is that every object can be linked to the World Wide Web. The node that can be used for that, is called WWWAnchor. It is a group node, which means that all the nodes within the WWWAnchor node are anchored to the same Uniform Resource Locator(URL) within the Web.
The next example uses such a WWWAnchor, to link the sun to the homepage of the Computergraphics Institute at the University of Technology of Vienna.

#VRML V1.0 ascii
# Example 7 - Create a link from the Sun to an HTML document 

# Here comes the Sun
# The Separator node groups everything within it together
Separator {
       Material {
              emissiveColor 1 1 0    # R G B

       # The WWWAnchor node is a group node
       # This means that all objects within it are linked to the URL
       # We want to link the Sun

       WWWAnchor {
              name "http://www.cg.tuwien.ac.at/"

              Sphere {
                      radius 10             # the Sun is very big
       # We place the Earth within its own Separator, to keep it isolated

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Example 8 - Providing Context by using the description field

If you now point on the sun with your mousecursor, the sun will change its appearance, and in the statusarea of your VRML Browser is the URL of the link displayed. But sometimes, people who are not real computer experts want to use this Browser, too, and they won't understand the URL, so it might be more usefull, to provide some context. You can use the description field of the WWWAnchor node. There you can give the user any information you want, for example an description in a sentence, where the link is pointing to.
In the next example we provided the user of this sun-earth model with some more usefull description, than displaying only the URL.

#VRML V1.0 ascii
# Example 8 - Create a descriptive link 

# Here comes the Sun
# The Separator node groups everything within it together
Separator {
       Material {
              emissiveColor 1 1 0    # R G B

       # The WWWAnchor node is a group node
       # This means that all objects within it are linked to the URL
       # We want to link the Sun

       WWWAnchor {
              name "http://www.cg.tuwien.ac.at/"

              # Using the description field, we provide context for the user

              description "A link from the Sun to the CG-Institute"

              Sphere {
                      radius 10             # the Sun is very big
       # We place the Earth within its own Separator, to keep it isolated

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Example 9 - Create a link to another VRML - world

Of course you can not only link HTML documents to your objects, but any types of data (movies, audio files,...). And it is possible, to link a VRML world with another. For example you could link two different VRML worlds, representing two different Rooms of a house, and link them with the door. Then you could move from one room into the other by simply clicking the door.

In our example we will link the earth of the last world, with our second example-world, so it looks like you can be teleported to the earth by clicking on it, and then only watch the sun from there.

#VRML V1.0 ascii
# Example 9 - create a portal from the Earth to another VRML world
# Here comes the Sun
# The Separator node groups everything within it together
Separator {
       Material {
              emissiveColor 1 1 0    # R G B
       WWWAnchor {
              name "http://www.cg.tuwien.ac.at/"
              description "A link from the Sun to the CG-Institute"
              Sphere {
                      radius 10             # the Sun is very big
       Separator {
              Transform {
                     translation 0 20 20
              Material {
                     diffuseColor 0 0 1 
                     shininess 0.9       # Water is rather shiny

              # We want to link the Earth to another VRML world

              WWWAnchor {
                     name "earth_sun_2.wrl"
                     description " A link to our second example world"

                     Sphere {
                            radius 2         # earth is a lot smaller

              # The Moon gets its own Separator, too

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Example 10 - Naming objects by using the DEF node

VRML nodes have one quality we haven't yet covered - a name, which identifies that node in particular from all other nodes in the scene graph. Nodes are given names using DEF. Placing DEF, and then the name of the node, before the node's definition gives the node that name. If one wants to put spaces in the name, he has to enclose it in quotes.

Our last example can now be changed by this concept, and looks afterwards like the following:

#VRML V1.0 ascii
# Example 10 - We are giving our objects DEF names                   
# Here comes the Sun
# The Separator node groups everything within it together
DEF SolarSystem Separator {
       DEF SolarMaterial Material {
              emissiveColor 1 1 0    # R G B
       DEF SUN2CG WWWAnchor {
              name "http://www.cg.tuwien.ac.at/"
              description "A link from the Sun to the CG-Institute"
              DEF SunBall Sphere {
                      radius 10             # the Sun is very big
       DEF EarthSystem Separator {
              DEF EarthPlacement Transform {
                     translation 0 20 20
              DEF EarthMaterial Material {
                     diffuseColor 0 0 1 
                     shininess 0.9       # Water is rather shiny
              DEF EARTH2OTHERWORLD WWWAnchor {
                     name "earth_sun_2.wrl"
                     description " A link to our second example world"
                     DEF EarthBall Sphere {
                            radius 2         # earth is a lot smaller

              DEF MoonSystem Separator {
                     DEF MoonPlacement Transform {
                            translation 4 4 0
                     DEF MoonMaterial Material {
                            diffuseColor 0.7 0.7 0.7
                            shininess 0.3
                     DEF MoonBall Sphere {
                            radius 1     # very tiny Moon

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Example 11 - Defining a lightsource

Although our model looks quite nice by now, the lightning is still wrong. Our sun is still dark and not giving off any light. The only reason, why we saw any objects is, because the VRML Browsers install a default lightsource, but this is the wrong one for our model of course. If we install a lightsource in the scene, then the default lightsource will be dropped by the Browsers. There are different types of lightsources (PointLight, SpotLight, DirectionalLight) in VRML, but for the sun the PointLight node is the suitable one. We set the sunlight to very bright (intensity = 1), and the sunlight to nearly white, because that's what the sunlight is rather than yellow.

#VRML V1.0 ascii
# Example 11 - Let the Sun illuminate the Earth and Moon 

# Here comes the Sun
# The Separator node groups everything within it together
DEF SolarSystem Separator {
       DEF SolarMaterial Material {
              emissiveColor 1 1 0    # R G B

       # We make the Sun shine
       # A Pointlight shines equally in all directions, like the Sun does

       DEF SunLight PointLight {
              intensity 1               # The Sun is very bright
              color 1 1 0.9             # The Sunlight is nearly white
       DEF SUN2CG WWWAnchor {
              name "http://www.cg.tuwien.ac.at/"
              description "A link from the Sun to the CG-Institute"
              DEF SunBall Sphere {
                      radius 10             # the Sun is very big
       # We place the Earth within its own Separator, to keep it isolated

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Example 12 - making the Earth more reflective

Now we have the right lightning of the scene, it looks a lot more realistic with that than it did before.

Still we can try to make it a little more realistic with every step we take from here. In the next example, we try to make the earth even shinier (more like water) by using the specularColor field of the Material node.

#VRML V1.0 ascii
# Example 12 - The Earth reflects more of the Sunlight (specularColor)              
       # We place the Earth within its own Separator, to keep it isolated

       DEF EarthSystem Separator {

              # Move the Earth away from the Sun

              DEF EarthPlacement Transform {
                     translation 0 20 20

              # Color the Earth blue, and make it absorb light
              # But also make it reflective, like water

              DEF EarthMaterial Material {
                     diffuseColor 0 0 1 
                     specularColor 0.9 0.9 0.9  # a little more shiny
                     shininess 0.9       # Water is rather shiny

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Example 13 - Defining a Camera for the Scene

But we have also used another built-in behavior of the VRML Browsers: To view a scene in VRML, you have to create at least one camera, which sets up a viewpoint, from which to capture the scene. If you don't create a camera, one will be created automatically for you by the Browser.

The next step we want to take now, is defining a camera for our scene (the earth-sun model).
In VRML 1.0 there are two camera nodes, that can be used to define a camera: PerspectiveCamera and OrthographicCamera. In our example we will use the PerspectiveCamera node.

#VRML V1.0 ascii
# Example 13 - Define a Camera for the world using the PerspectiveCamera node 

# This Camera gives you a different point of view 

DEF StartingCamera PerspectiveCamera {
       position -22 10 73         # x, y, z coordinates of the position
       orientation 0.25 0 0.63 0  # we twist the orientation of the camera
       focalDistance 200

# Here comes the Sun
# The Separator node groups everything within it together

DEF SolarSystem Separator {

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Example 14 - Another Camera Example

In VRML the group nodes act as insulators - they really do prevent nodes within the scene graph from knowing anything about other nodes in other groups within the scene graph.
That is why, if you put the camera into the Separator that defines the earth-moon system, you won't be able to see the sun; it's not within the PerspectiveCamera group, so that camera doesn't know about it.

#VRML V1.0 ascii
# Example 14 - We define a camera inside a group node 
# Because it's inside the group node, we only see the Earth and Moon
# Here comes the Sun
# The Separator node groups everything within it together
DEF SolarSystem Separator {
       DEF SolarMaterial Material {
              emissiveColor 1 1 0    # R G B
       DEF SunLight PointLight {
              intensity 1               # The Sun is very bright
              color 1 1 0.9             # The Sunlight is nearly white
       DEF SUN2CG WWWAnchor {
              name "http://www.cg.tuwien.ac.at/"
              description "A link from the Sun to the CG-Institute"
              DEF SunBall Sphere {
                      radius 10             # the Sun is very big
       DEF EarthSystem Separator {
              DEF EarthPlacement Transform {
                     translation 0 20 20

              # From this point of view, all you can see is the Earth and Moon

              DEF EarthView PerspectiveCamera {
                     position 0 0 13
                     orientation 0 0 1 0
                     focalDistance 200

              DEF EarthMaterial Material {
                     diffuseColor 0 0 1 
                     specularColor 0.9 0.9 0.9  # a little more shiny
                     shininess 0.9       # Water is rather shiny
              DEF EARTH2OTHERWORLD WWWAnchor {
                     name "earth_sun_2.wrl"
                     description " A link to our second example world"
                     DEF EarthBall Sphere {
                            radius 2         # earth is a lot smaller

              DEF MoonSystem Separator {
                     DEF MoonPlacement Transform {
                            translation 4 4 0
                     DEF MoonMaterial Material {
                            diffuseColor 0.7 0.7 0.7
                            shininess 0.3
                     DEF MoonBall Sphere {
                            radius 1     # very tiny Moon

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Example 15 - Define several viewpoints by using the switch node

Now we want to have a look at another very important node type of VRML, the Switch node. The Switch node is a group node, that selects one node from an entire group based upon the index value of its only field whichChild. The first node within the group has the index zero, all the following count up from zero.

By using the Switch node, we can define several different Viewpoints in the scene (cameras), and, by giving the Switch node the name 'Cameras', Webspace knows, that it should take them into its Viewpoints-Menu. This is done in the next example. Like this one can create a guided tour and follow it by simply clicking the viewpoint entries in the menu in the desired order.

#VRML V1.0 ascii
# Example 15 - We define a list of viewpoints by using the switch node

# The Switch node creates a group
# Only the node that corresponds to whichChild is visible to VRML
# Entries start from zero and count up
# WebSpace looks for a Switch node named "Cameras"

DEF Cameras Switch {
       whichChild 1      # start with the second node in the group

       DEF EarthCamera PerspectiveCamera {
              position 20 10 73
              orientation 0.25 0 0.63 0
              focalDistance 200

       # This is the default camera:

       DEF EntryView PerspectiveCamera {
              position 0 0 60
              orientation 0 0 1 0
              focalDistance 200

# Here comes the Sun
# The Separator node groups everything within it together
DEF SolarSystem Separator {

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Example 16 - Using the WWWInline node to reference objects

Another very nice and important thing about the World Wide Web is inclusion by reference. That means that you don't have to build something explicitly, but can reference parts of it from all over the world.
For example, when a Web page is composed of text and some pictures, then in HTML you can say something like <img src="....">. That says your Web browser, that it should go to the given adress and get the image at the same time it gets the text.
This is called image inlining - the image is included by reference. With VRML we can do something very similar. There exists a VRML node called WWWInline, that is a group node, and can replace any group node inside of a VRML document. In the next example we replace the sphere node that defines the sun with a reference to our third VRML example, which also defines a sphere node.

The WWWInline node has three fields. In the name field the referenced URL or filename is given in quotes. In the bboxSize field and the bboxCenter field define a bounding box for the referenced object, which is displayed as long as the object could not be referenced.

#VRML V1.0 ascii

# Example 16 - We reference the Sun using WWWInline 

# Here comes the Sun
# The Separator node groups everything within it together

DEF SolarSystem Separator {

DEF SolarMaterial Material {
      emissiveColor 1 1 0    # R G B

DEF SunLight PointLight {
      intensity 1               # The Sun is very bright
      color 1 1 0.9             # The Sunlight is nearly white

      name "http://www.cg.tuwien.ac.at/"
      description "A link from the Sun to the CG-Institute"

      # We reference the Sun using the WWWInline node

      WWWInline {
	     name "earth_sun_3.wrl"
	     bboxSize 20 20 20       # As big as the Sun is
	     bboxCenter 0 0 0        # From the center of the Sun

# We place the Earth within its own Separator, to keep it isolated

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Example 17 - Level of Detail (LOD node)

Another thing you can use in VRML is Level-of-detail representations. There exists a special node, called LOD. Using it, you can switch between different representations of the same node based upon how far away you are from the node.

The LOD node has one field, range, which is an array of distance values. An array in VRML is a list of values separated by commas and enclosed in brackets.
The LOD node is a group node, within which always n+1 other nodes have to be, where n is the number of values in the range field.

The next example is a very simple (but also silly) one, but it shows how LOD works in VRML. Normally you should use different representations of the same objects, and not change the objects when coming closer or moving farther away.

#VRML V1.0 ascii

# Example 17 - Example for level-of-detail (LOD)


       # The LOD node groups everything within it together

              range [ 50,100 ]
              # if closer than 50 units, the object is a yellow Sphere

              DEF CloseIn Separator {

                    Material {
                           emissiveColor 1 1 0
                    Sphere {
                           radius 10     # Big Sphere (like the Sun)

              # if closer than 100 units, but greater than 50, a magenta Cone

              DEF Medium Separator {

                    Material {
                           emissiveColor 1 0 1

                    Cone {
                           bottomRadius 10
                           height 10

              # if further away than 100 units, a white Cube

              DEF FarAway Separator {

                    Material {
                           emissiveColor 1 1 1

                    Cube {
                           width 10
                           height 10
                           depth 10

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Example 18 - Texturing the Moon(Texture2 node)

Texture maps are images applied to the surfaces of polygons. Our solar system looks good, but we can make it look better and more realistic by using textures.

VRML defines the Texture2 node to provide a mechanism by which texture maps can be applied to any visible VRML object.
A texture map is an image, a picture. The Texture2 node has an image field that defines the picture associated with the texture map. This field is a bit more complicated, than the ones we have seen before. The first two values in the field give the width and height of the image, specified as integers. The third value defines the type of image. There are four possible types of images:

The number can be easier remembered, when knowing, that it also gives the number of bytes associated with each pixel in the image.

After the type value (third value in the image field), the value for each point within the image has to be provided explicitly. These values are given from the lower left hand corner of the image through the upper right hand corner of the image, one row at a time.
In the next example we use a texture map to texture the surface of the moon.

#VRML V1.0 ascii

# Example 18 - We texture map the Moon manually     


              # The Moon gets its own Separator, too
              DEF MoonSystem Separator {
                     DEF MoonPlacement Transform {
                            translation 4 4 0

                     DEF MoonMaterial Material {
                            diffuseColor 0.7 0.7 0.7
                            shininess 0.3

                     # small texture map. just to show how it works
                     # it's in black/gray/white

                     Texture2 {
                          # Define a 4 x 4 pixel texture map using RGB values

                          image 4 4 3
                          # Here is the map from lower left, to upper right

                          0xC0C0C0 0x808080 0xFFFFFF 0x404040
                          0x808080 0x202020 0x808080 0xC0C0C0
                          0x202020 0x808080 0xFFFFFF 0x808080
                          0x808080 0xC0C0C0 0x808080 0x202020

                     # Finally, create the Moon

                     DEF MoonBall Sphere {
                            radius 1     # very tiny Moon

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Example 19 - Texturing the Earth

Hand-crafting texture maps is a difficult process, unless the images are quite simple.
The Texture2 node has another field, called filename, which can be used to specify the name of an image file to be read in and used as the texture map. If the filename field is used within a Texture2 node, the image field should not be used.

In this example we texture map the Earth with a texture map of its surface. You could also instead of referencing to a local filename (the texture map) use an URL to reference an image, that is on the other side of our planet.

#VRML V1.0 ascii

# Example 19 - We texture map the Earth with its surface 

       # We place the Earth within its own Separator, to keep it isolated

       DEF EarthSystem Separator {

              DEF EarthPlacement Transform {
                     translation 0 20 20

              DEF EarthMaterial Material {
                     diffuseColor 0 0 1 
                     specularColor 0.9 0.9 0.9  # a little more shiny
                     shininess 0.9       # Water is rather shiny

              # Here's the definition for the Earth's texture map 
              # As you can see, the definition is very straightforward
              # Just a filename 

              DEF Surface Texture2 {
                      filename "WORLDMAP.RGB"

Before we move on to a discussion of complex shapes in VRML, it is important to note one of the holes in the VRML 1.0 specification: There is no standart texture map image file format.

An RGB format texture map, like the one in the above example, will be read in and wrapped properly in WebSpace, but it won't work in other VRML Browsers like WorldView or QMosaic. WorldView will read in GIF and JPEG images for texture maps, but won't read in RGB format, and so on.

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Advanced Enhancements - Building Shapes

So far, we've been using only predefined shapes, like Sphere, Cone, Cube, and Cylinder. Sometimes this might be enough, but for creating more complex and realistic scenes one needs the possibility to create objects of whatever shape he likes.

VRML has the capacity to define arbitrary shapes, and it defines several nodes that must be used together to create these arbitrary shapes.
In VRML every surface is composed of polygons, and these polygons are defined as a set of points, grouped together to create a surface.

A set of points can be specified in VRML with the Coordinate3 node. Once a set of points has been defined, the IndexedFaceSet node is used to create polygons from these points. These two nodes are always used together:

The Coordinate3 node gives a list ( called array ) of points. Each point is given by specifying the x, y, and z position of the point, followed by a comma, then the next values for the next point, and so on. IndexedFaceSet references this array of points - where the first point is defined as array entry zero - as it specifies the connection between these points to create polygons.

Let's look at a small example:

         # The Coordinate3 node gives a list of points

         Coordinate3 {
             point [
                     1.0 -1.0  1.0, # Point Zero
                     1.0 -1.0 -1.0, # Point One 
                    -1.0 -1.0 -1.0, # Point Two 
                    -1.0 -1.0  1.0, # Point Three

         # Each line defines a triangular polygon
         # The definition of each polygon ends with -1
         IndexedFaceSet {
             coordIndex [
                  2, 1, 0, -1, # Polygon composed of Points 2, 1, and 0
                  2, 0, 3, -1, # Polygon composed of Points 2, 0, and 3

The Coordinate3 and indexedFaceSet nodes together define something known as a polygon mesh or polymesh; that is the surface of a complex object.
The Sphere, Cube, and Cone nodes are all converted to polymeshes by the VRML Browser befor they are renderd to the display.

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Advanced Enhancements - Using USE

When we are creating complex shapes in VRML files, as shown above, their definitions take up lots of room, and lots of download time. Normal complex objects will have hundrets of points, and hundrets of polygons using this points, so this will be a very long code!
It would be nicer if one could define a complex object ones, and then use it again and again by just referencing it. In VRML this is also possible.

The USE feature of VRML enables you to create multiple instances of a node or a group. USE isn't really a node, but it tells the VRML Browser to use a previously defined node, without having to specify the content of this nopde again.

USE relies upon the naming ability provided with the DEF construct. DEF gives a node a name. This name can then be supplied to USE.

USE-instanced nodes can be grouped with other nodes, so it's possible, to take a shape and give it material or texture qualities unique to that instance of the object. They don't all have to look the same.

A short example will make the usage of USE clearer:


DEF ComplexObject Separator {

      # here comes Coordinate3 and IndexedFaceSet....

Translation { 
      translation 1 2 3 

# use another complex object

USE ComplexObject

# and once again with other material

Translation { 
      translation 2 2 2
Material {
     emissiveColor 1.0 1.0 1.0
USE ComplexObject


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This page was created by Helmut Doleisch and Edgar Weippl on November 26, 1996.