
Example Worlds of VRML 1.0

Example 1 - Using the Sphere Node
Example 2 - Using the Separator and Material Nodes
Example 3 - Using emissive color
Example 4 - Using the Transform Node
Example 5 - Using the shininess field of Material
Example 6 - Create the Moon
Example 7 - Create a link using the WWWAnchor node
Example 8 - Providing Context by using the description field
Example 9 - Create a link to another VRML - world
Example 10 - Naming objects by using the DEF node
Example 11 - Defining a lightsource
Example 12 - making the Earth more reflective
Example 13 - Defining a Camera for the Scene
Example 14 - Another Camera Example
Example 15 - Define several viewpoints by using the switch node
Example 16 - Using the WWWInline node to reference objects
Example 17 - Level of Detail (LOD node)
Example 18 - Texturing the Moon(Texture2 node)
Example 19 - Texturing the Earth

This page was created by Helmut Doleisch and Edgar Weippl on November 26, 1996.