91 Publications found:
Image Bib Reference Publication Type
Michael Gervautz, Dieter Schmalstieg
Integrating a Scripting Language into an Interactive Animation System
In Proceedings Computer Animation '94. May 1994.
Conference Paper
Michael Gervautz
Multimedia und Interaktiv - Neue Lernwelten sind Realität geworden - ein Überblick, 1994, Wien, Austria
Invited Talk
Manfred Kopp, Michael Gervautz
XOR-Drawing with Guaranteed Contrast
In Graphic Gems IV, pages 414-413, 1994
Article in a Book
Michael Gervautz, Robert Devide
VAST - An integrated Animation System Based on an Actor - Controller Structure
In Proc. of the 4th EUROGRAPHICS'93 Animation and Simulation Workshop. September 1993.
Conference Paper
A. Vesel, Martin Feda, Michael Gervautz, Werner PurgathoferORCID iD
Radiosity Computation in Flatland using a Monte Carlo Approach with extended Rays
In Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Graphics ICCG'93, pages 181-194. June 1993.
Conference Paper
Michael Gervautz
The Use of BSP-Trees for Solid Modelling
In Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Graphics ICCG'93, pages 75-95. June 1993.
Conference Paper
H Bienenstein, St Halama, Margit Schrotta, Michael Gervautz
Volume Rendering of Tetrahedral Data
In Proceedings der International Conference on Computer Graphics. February 1993.
Conference Paper
Michael Gervautz
On Realistic Image Synthesis and Display
Miscellaneous Publication
Michael Gervautz
CSG-Graphen zur realistischen Darstellung von Fraktalen Objekten, 1993, Friedrich- Alexander- University of Erlangen- Nürnberg
Invited Talk
Michael Gervautz
Wie eignen sich Multimedia- Systeme für den Einsatz in der universitären Lahre?, 1993, Technical University of Vienna
Invited Talk
Peter Ferschin, Michael Gervautz
Konstruktive Hilfsmittel für den CAD- Einsatz bei Architekten
In CAAD-Forum. October 1992.
Conference Paper
Michael Gervautz, Werner Petricek
Multimedial und Interaktiv- Die Vorlesung der Zukunft, Multi Media Database, ein Vorlesungssystem an der TU-Wien
In Proc. des GI- Fachgesprächs Graphische Datanverarbeitung als Werkzeug in der Aus- und Weiterbildung. May 1992.
Conference Paper
Michael Gervautz
Consistent Schemes for Adressing Surfaces when Ray Tracing transparent CSG Objects
Computer Graphics Forum, 11(4):203-211, 1992.
Journal Paper (without talk)
Michael Gervautz
Refraction on different Material Boundaries in a CSG Environment - more a Modeling than a Shading Task
Computer Graphics Forum, 1991.
Journal Paper (without talk)
Michael Gervautz, Werner PurgathoferORCID iD
Realistic Image Synthesis with Computer Graphics
Digital Image Processing and Computer Graphics - Theory and Applications, 58, 1991.
Journal Paper (without talk)
Michael Gervautz
Multi Media Database, a multi media course system, 1991, Schloß Dagstuhl, Germany
Invited Talk
Michael Gervautz, Werner Petricek
Erfahrungen mit dem Einsatz von Multimedia in der Universitären Lehre, 1991, Graz
Invited Talk
Michael Gervautz
Correct Modeling of Transparency with Raytracing CSG-models
In Proceedings of Eurographics Workshop on Photosimulation, Realism and Physics in Computer Graphics. June 1990.
Conference Paper
Michael Gervautz, Werner PurgathoferORCID iD
Realistic Image Synthesis with Computer Graphics
In OCG-Schriftenreihe, in Druck
Miscellaneous Publication
Michael Gervautz
Die Rolle von CGI in der Realistischen Computergraphik, 1990, Wien, Austria
Invited Talk
Michael Gervautz
Realistic Image Synthesis with Computer Graphics, 1990, Wien, Austria
Invited Talk
Michael Gervautz, Werner PurgathoferORCID iD
Using an Octree for Color Quantization
Eingereicht für Technology News, DEC
Miscellaneous Publication
Michael Gervautz
SOL An Object Description Language for Solid Modelling
In Conference Proceedings of International Conference on CAD & CG. 1989.
Conference Paper
Michael Gervautz, Werner PurgathoferORCID iD
Realism in Computer Graphics
In Tutorial Notes, Eurographics '89. 1989.
Conference Paper
Michael Gervautz
SOL Eine Objektbeschreibungssprache für Solid Modelling, 1988, Kühlungsborn (DDR)
Invited Talk
Michael Gervautz, Werner PurgathoferORCID iD
RISS- Ein Entwicklungssystem zur Generierung realistischer Bilder
In Visualisierungstechniken und Algorithmen, Informatik Fachberichte 182, pages 61-79, 1988
Article in a Book
Michael Gervautz
Erzeugung realistischer Bilder und Animation, 1988, Wien, Austria
Invited Talk
Michael Gervautz
SOL Eine Objektbeschreibungssprache für Solid Modelling
DIGRA'88, Kühlungsborn, DDR
Miscellaneous Publication
Michael Gervautz
Erzeugung realistischer Bilder und Animation
Tutorium, Austrographics'88, TU Wien
Miscellaneous Publication
Michael Gervautz, Werner PurgathoferORCID iD
RISS - Ein Entwicklungssystem für realistische Bilder, 1988, Wien, Austria
Invited Talk
Michael Gervautz, Werner PurgathoferORCID iD
A simple Method for Color Quantization: Octree Quantization
In New Trends in Computer Graphics, pages 219-231, 1988
Article in a Book
Michael Gervautz, Werner PurgathoferORCID iD
A Simple Method for Color Quantization: Octree Quantization
In New Trends in Computer Graphics, pages 219-231. 1988.
Conference Paper
Michael Gervautz
Improvements of the Ray-tracing Algorithm
Supervisor: Wilhelm Barth
Duration: 1984 — 1987
Michael Gervautz
Three Improvements of the Ray Tracing Algorithm for CSG-Trees
Computer & Graphics, 10(4):333-339, 1986.
Journal Paper (without talk)
Michael Gervautz
PASCAL/Graph Vs. 4.0 Handbuch
Institutsbericht Nr. 24, Institut für Praktische Informatik, TU Wien, September 1986
Miscellaneous Publication
Michael Gervautz
Kugel- und Quaderumgebungen zu Optimierung des Ray- Tracing- Verfahrens für CSG-Bäume
In Austrographics'86, R. Oldenbourg
Miscellaneous Publication
Michael Gervautz
Fractals in Computer Graphics
In Tagungsband der 2. österr. -Jugoslawischen Computer Graphik Tagung, Juni
Miscellaneous Publication
Michael Gervautz
Fractals in der Graphischen Datenverarbeitung
Berichte aus den Informatikinstituten, Conference Report, Universität Passau, p. 93
Miscellaneous Publication
Michael Gervautz
Erzeugung realistischer Bilder
Tutorium, Austographics'86, TU Wien
Miscellaneous Publication
Wilhelm Barth, Alexander Clauer, Michael Gervautz, Werner PurgathoferORCID iD
PASCAL/Graph Handbuch Version 4.0
Institutsbericht Nr. 24 des Instituts für Praktische Informatik, TU Wien, August 1984
Miscellaneous Publication
Michael Gervautz
Entwurf und Implementierung des PASCAL/Graph-Precompilers
Master Thesis
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