This page contains information regarding the Eurographics 2006 IPC Mini-Symposium which will be held in conjunction with the IPC meeting.If you have any further questions, please contact Eduard Gröller or Stefan Bruckner .
Time and Location
The Mini-Symposium will take place on April 8th from 9:00am to 3:00pm (including coffee breaks) in the Zemanek lecture room. The talks are scheduled for 20+5 minutes each.
This is a prelimary program. Please contact us in case of a conflict with your travel arrangements. If you have not done so yet, please announce the title of your presentation to Stefan Bruckner.
Session 1: 9:00 - 10:15
Facial Aging Simulation
Min Chen, University of Wales Swansea -
A Procedural Object Distribution Function
Philip Dutré, K.U.Leuven -
[title not announced yet]
Wolfgang Heidrich, University of British Columbia
Session 2: 10:30 - 12:10
Why is attention important in modelling, rendering and animation research
Carol O'Sullivan, Trinity College Dublin -
Efficient Rotation of Wavelets
David Luebke, University of Virginia -
Non-separable Filtering
Torsten Moeller, Simon Fraser University -
Modeling and Animation with Level Sets
Ken Museth, Linköping Institute of Technology
Lunch Break: 12:10 - 13:00
Drinks and snacks will be availabe.
Session 3: 13:00 - 13:50
Making Animations with As-Rigid-As-Possible Shape Manipulation Techniques
Takeo Igarashi, University of Tokyo -
Real-time Realistic Caustics
Sumanta Pattanaik, University of Central Florida
Session 4: 14:00 - 14:50
[title not announced yet]
Mateu Sbert, University of Girona -
Improvements for Interactive Image-Space Caustics
Chris Wyman, University of Iowa
Please announce the title of your talk via email to Stefan Bruckner.
Speaker | Affiliation | Title |
Min Chen | University of Wales Swansea | Facial Aging Simulation |
Philip Dutré | K.U.Leuven | A Procedural Object Distribution Function |
Wolfgang Heidrich | University of British Columbia | [not announced yet] |
Takeo Igarashi | University of Tokyo | Making Animations with As-Rigid-As-Possible Shape Manipulation Techniques |
David Luebke | University of Virginia | Efficient Rotation of Wavelets |
Torsten Moeller | Simon Fraser University | Non-separable Filtering |
Ken Museth | Linköping Institute of Technology | Modeling and Animation with Level Sets |
Carol O'Sullivan | Trinity College Dublin | Why is attention important in modelling, rendering and animation research |
Sumanta Pattanaik | University of Central Florida | Real-time Realistic Caustics |
Mateu Sbert | University of Girona | [not announced yet] |
Chris Wyman | University of Iowa | Improvements for Interactive Image-Space Caustics |