Eulerian Motion Magnification

About the program

The use of the program is to visualize repetitive motion in videos. It can be used to magnify motion that might be invisible to the human eye because the motion is too small (i.e. guitar) or to measure the pulse of a human being without contact.

How does the program work?

The user has to select a video in the first step. Next he has to choose the frequency band he wants to amplify, for humans the pulse can be interesting. Normally the pulse is around 60-80 beats per minute. To account for some inaccuracies, it would be good to select a frequency band of 40-150.

Guitar our implementation
Guitar paper implementation
Wrist Original
Wrist our implementation
Wrist paper implementation


Source code


filein = 'wrist.mp4';   % Input file
fileout = 'out';        % Output file
alpha = 40;             % Amplification factor
lowCutoff = 0.4;        % Temporal frequency low cutoff
highCutoff = 0.05;      % Temporal frequency high cutoff
lambdaC = 16;           % Spatial frequency cutoff
chromAtt = 0.1;         % Chromattic Attenuation
exaggerationFactor = 8; % Motion exaggeration factor
maxframes = 0;          % Maximum number of frames used from the video
eulermag ( filein, fileout, alpha, lambdaC, lowCutoff, highCutoff, ...
    chromAtt, exaggerationFactor, maxframes);

Source Paper