We have 10 free Tickets for the combined A1 Austrian eSports Festival in its 3rd edition (https://esportsfestival.at/), and the Spielefest (https://spielefest.wien/) to give away to motivated students. On 15./16. June the Austria Center Vienna with roughly 10.000m² will be turned into a vast entertainment complex, including e-Sports finals and a diverse program (Indie Game Dev Area, Foodfestival, Cosplayevent, Artist Alley, and so on).

To apply for one of the 10 free Tickets, please write an email to esports@cg.tuwien.ac.at until 22. May 2024, stating your name, your all-time-favorite game (both digital and offline (e.g. board) games allowed), as well as your favorite games-related lecture here at TU Vienna (can be far fetched content-wise, but you have to explain your choice!). The winners will be randomly drawn among all applications and awarded with 100% discount code for the online ticket shop until 31. May. We're looking forward to your creative submissions!
