
Eurographics Workshop on Natural Phenomena 2006 - Vienna, Austria

Eurographics Association

Workshop Program

Tuesday, September 5th, 2006
9h00Invited Speaker
Oliver Deussen
The algorithmic beauty of digital nature
10h00Aging and weathering
A Generalized Cracks Simulation on 3D-Meshesi: Gilles Valette, Stephanie Prevost, Laurent Lucas
Time-Varying BRDFs: Bo Sun, Kalyan Sunkavalli, Ravi Ramamoorthi, Peter Belhumeur, Shree Nayar
11h00Coffe break
11h30Simulating and rendering fluids
Realistic Water Volumes in Real-Time: Lionel Baboud, Xavier Decoret
Simulating Caustics due to Liqui d-Solid Interface Menisci: E. Bourque, Jean Francois Dufort, Michelle Laprade, Pierre
12h30Lunch break
14h00Athmospheric and gaseous phenomena
Real-time realistic illumination and shading of stratiform clouds: Antoine Bouthors, Fabrice Neyret, Sylvain Lefebvre
Physically-Based Realistic Fire Rendering: Vincent Pegoraro, Steven G. Parker
Artist-Directable Real-Time Rain Rendering in City Environments: Natalya Tatarchuk, John Isidoro
15h30Coffe break
16h00Animating and rendering trees
Physically-based Driven Tree Animations: William Vanhaevre, Fabian Di Fiore, Frank Van Reeth
Effective Multi-resolution Rendering and Texture Compression for Captured Volumetric Trees: Christian Linz, George Drettakis, Marcus Magnor, Alex Reche-Martinez
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