Maurice Termeer, Javier Oliván Bescós, Marcel Breeuwer, Anna Vilanova i Bartroli, Frans Gerritsen, Eduard Gröller, Eike Nagel
Patient-Specific Coronary Artery Supply Territory AHA Diagrams
Poster shown at SCMR 2009
(29. January 2009- 1. February 2009)
In Abstracts of the 12th Annual SCMR Scientific Sessions - 2009
, pages 164-165.
[abstract] [poster]
Maurice Termeer
Comprehensive Visualization of Cardiac MRI Data
Supervisor: Eduard Gröller
Duration: November 2005 — January 2009
[image] [thesis]
Maurice Termeer, Javier Oliván Bescós, Marcel Breeuwer, Anna Vilanova i Bartroli, Frans Gerritsen, Eduard Gröller, Eike Nagel
Visualization of Myocardial Perfusion Derived from Coronary Anatomy
TVCG, 14(6):1595-1602, October 2008. [paper]
Maurice Termeer, Javier Oliván Bescós, Marcel Breeuwer, Anna Vilanova i Bartroli, Frans Gerritsen, Eduard Gröller
The Volumetric Bulls Eye Plot
Poster shown at SCMR 2008
( 8. February 2008-10. February 2008)
In Abstracts of the 11th Annual SCMR Scientific Sessions – 2008
, pages 199-200.
[abstract] [poster]
Maurice Termeer, Javier Oliván Bescós, Marcel Breeuwer, Anna Vilanova i Bartroli, Frans Gerritsen, Eduard Gröller
CoViCAD: Comprehensive Visualization of Coronary Artery Disease
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (accepted for publication), 13(6), October 2007. [paper]
Maurice Termeer, Javier Oliván Bescós, Alexandru Telea
Preserving Sharp Edges with Volume Clipping
In Proceedings Vision, Modeling and Visualization 2006. November 2006.
Matej Mlejnek, Pierre Ermes, Anna Vilanova i Bartroli, Rob van der Rijt, Harrie van den Bosch, Eduard Gröller, Frans Gerritsen
Application-Oriented Extensions of Profile Flags
In Proceedings of Eurographics / IEEE VGTC Symposium on Visualization, pages 339-346. 2006.
Matej Mlejnek
Medical Visualization for Orthopedic Applications
Supervisor: Eduard Gröller
Duration: 2003 — 2006
Matej Mlejnek, Pierre Ermes, Anna Vilanova i Bartroli, Rob van der Rijt, Harrie van den Bosch, Frans Gerritsen, Eduard Gröller
Profile Flags: a Novel Metaphor for Probing of T2 Maps
In Proceedings of IEEE Visualization 2005, pages 599-606. October 2005.
[paper] [soundtrack]
Matej Mlejnek, Anna Vilanova i Bartroli, Eduard Gröller
Interactive Thickness Visualization of Articular Cartilage
In Proceedings of Visualization 2004, pages 521-527. October 2004.