Joao Afonso Cardoso
Approaching Under-Explored Image-Space Problems with Optimization
Supervisor: Michael Wimmer
Duration: April 2019 — 19. December 2024
Mirjam Kronsteiner
Einfluss des Seitenverhältnisses auf Parallele Koordinaten
Daniel Pahr, Henry Ehlers
, Hsiang-Yun Wu
, Manuela Waldner
, Renata Raidou
Investigating the Effect of Operation Mode and Manifestation on Physicalizations of Dynamic Processes
Computer Graphics Forum, 43(3):e15106, June 2024.
Johannes Eschner, Peter Mindek, Manuela Waldner
Illustrative Motion Smoothing for Attention Guidance in Dynamic Visualizations
Computer Graphics Forum, 42(3):361-372, June 2023. [paper] [
Johannes Eschner
Generating Molecular Motion Blur Videos for a User Study
[project report]
Elias Kristmann
Occluder Frequency Analysis for Evaluating the Level of Visibility of Partly Occluded Objects
Joao Afonso Cardoso, Bernhard Kerbl
, Lei Yang, Yury Uralsky, Michael Wimmer
Training and Predicting Visual Error for Real-Time Applications
Proceedings of the ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, 5(1):1-17, May 2022. [paper] [Paper Website]
Stefan Stappen, Johannes Unterguggenberger, Bernhard Kerbl
, Michael Wimmer
Temporally Stable Content-Adaptive and Spatio-Temporal Shading Rate Assignment for Real-Time Applications
In Pacific Graphics Short Papers, Posters, and Work-in-Progress Papers, pages 65-66. October 2021.
Nicolas Grossmann, Jürgen Bernard, Michael Sedlmair, Manuela Waldner
Does the Layout Really Matter? A Study on Visual Model Accuracy Estimation
In IEEE Visualization Conference (VIS), pages 61-65. October 2021.
Lara Panfili, Michael Wimmer, Katharina Krösl
Myopia in Head-Worn Virtual Reality
In 2021 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW), pages 629-630. March 2021.
Laura R. Luidolt, Michael Wimmer
, Katharina Krösl
Gaze-Dependent Simulation of Light Perception in Virtual Reality
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Volume 26, Issue 12:3557-3567, December 2020. [paper]
Marwin Schindler, Hsiang-Yun Wu
, Renata Raidou
The Anatomical Edutainer
In IEEE Vis Short Papers 2020, pages 1-5. October 2020.
[image] [
paper preprint]
Katharina Krösl, Carmine Elvezio, Matthias Hürbe, Sonja Karst, Steven Feiner, Michael Wimmer
XREye: Simulating Visual Impairments in Eye-Tracked XR
In 2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW). March 2020.
[extended abstract] [
image] [
poster] [
Laura R. Luidolt
Perception of Light in Virtual Reality
[poster] [
Lara Panfili
Effects of VR-Displays on Visual Acuity
[image] [
Manuela Waldner, Alexandra Diehl
, Denis Gracanin, Rainer Splechtna, Claudio Delrieux, Kresimir Matkovic
A Comparison of Radial and Linear Charts for Visualizing Daily Patterns
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 26:1033-1042, October 2019. [paper]
Thomas Bernhard Koch
Simulation of Diabetic Macular Edema in Virtual Reality
[image] [
Katharina Krösl
Simulating Vision Impairments in VR and AR
[extended abstract] [
image] [
Pascal Plank
Effective Line Drawing Generation
[image] [
Master Thesis]
David Schüller-Reichl
Mapping of Realism in Rendering onto Perception of Presence in Augmented Reality
Katharina Krösl, Carmine Elvezio, Matthias Hürbe, Sonja Karst, Michael Wimmer
, Steven Feiner
ICthroughVR: Illuminating Cataracts through Virtual Reality
In 2019 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, pages 655-663. March 2019.
[image] [
paper_preprint] [
Khrystyna Vasylevska, Hyunjin Yoo, Tara Akhavan, Hannes Kaufmann
Towards Eye-Friendly VR: How Bright Should It Be?
In 2019 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), pages 1-9. March 2019.
Thomas Trautner
Importance-Driven Exploration of Molecular Dynamics Simulations
[image] [
Katharina Krösl
[DC] Computational Design of Smart Lighting Systems for Visually Impaired People, using VR and AR Simulations
In Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR-Adjunct). October 2018.
Katharina Krösl, Anna Felnhofer, Johanna X. Kafka, Laura Schuster, Alexandra Rinnerthaler, Michael Wimmer
, Oswald D. Kothgassner
The Virtual Schoolyard: Attention Training in Virtual Reality for Children with Attentional Disorders
Poster shown at ACM SIGGRAPH 2018
(12. August 2018-16. August 2018)
[abstract] [
poster] [
Michael Hecher, Paul Guerrero, Peter Wonka, Michael Wimmer
How Do Users Map Points Between Dissimilar Shapes?
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 24(8):2327-2338, August 2018. [draft]
Katharina Krösl, Dominik Bauer, Michael Schwärzler, Henry Fuchs
, Michael Wimmer
, Georg Suter
A VR-based user study on the effects of vision impairments on recognition distances of escape-route signs in buildings
The Visual Computer, 34(6-8):911-923, April 2018. [Paper]
Patrik Polatsek, Manuela Waldner, Ivan Viola
, Peter Kapec, Wanda Benesova
Exploring visual attention and saliency modeling for task-based visual analysis
Computers & Graphics, (2), February 2018. [paper]
Nicholas Waldin
Using and Adapting to Limits of Human Perception in Visualization
Supervisor: Ivan Viola
Felix Kreuzer
Using Perception-Based Filtering to Hide Shadow Artifacts
[poster] [
Peter Mindek, Gabriel Mistelbauer, Eduard Gröller, Stefan Bruckner
Data-Sensitive Visual Navigation
Computers & Graphics, 67(C):77-85, October 2017. [Paper]
Philipp Erler
Haptic Feedback in Room-Scale VR
[thesis] [VR Apps Repo] [Analyzer Repo]
Nicholas Waldin, Manuela Waldner, Ivan Viola
Flicker Observer Effect: Guiding Attention Through High Frequency Flicker in Images
Computer Graphics Forum, 36(2):467-476, May 2017. [paper]
Manuela Waldner, Alexey Karimov, Eduard Gröller
Exploring Visual Prominence of Multi-Channel Highlighting in Visualizations
In Spring Conference on Computer Graphics 2017. May 2017.
Rebeka Koszticsak
Generating Expressive Window Thumbnails through Seam Carving
Douglas Cedrim, Viktor Vad, Afonso Paiva, Eduard Gröller, Luis Gustavo Nonato, Antonio Castelo
Depth functions as a quality measure and for steering multidimensional projections
Computers & Graphics (Special Section on SIBGRAPI 2016), 60:93-106, November 2016. [image] [
Andreas Reichinger, Werner Purgathofer
Spaghetti, Sink and Sarcophagus: Design Explorations of Tactile Artworks for Visually Impaired People
In Proceedings of the 9th Nordic Conference on CHI 2016. October 2016.
Matthias Bernhard, Manuela Waldner, Pascal Plank, Veronika Solteszova, Ivan Viola
The Accuracy of Gauge-Figure Tasks in Monoscopic and Stereo Displays
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 36(4):56-66, July 2016.
Ivan Viola
Effective Visual Representations
Nicholas Waldin, Matthias Bernhard, Ivan Viola
Personalized 2D color maps
Computers & Graphics, 59:143-150, 2016.
Nicholas Waldin, Matthias Bernhard, Peter Rautek, Ivan Viola
Individualization of 2D Color Maps for People with Color Vision Deficiencies
In Proceedings of the 32Nd Spring Conference on Computer Graphics. 2016.
Manuela Waldner, Mathieu Le Muzic, Matthias Bernhard, Werner Purgathofer
, Ivan Viola
Attractive Flicker: Guiding Attention in Dynamic Narrative Visualizations
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 20(12):2456-2465, December 2014. [paper] [
Preview video] [
Submission video]
Åsmund Birkeland, Cagatay Turkay, Ivan Viola
Perceptually Uniform Motion Space
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 20(11):1542-1554, November 2014.
Matthias Bernhard, Efstathios Stavrakis, Michael Hecher, Michael Wimmer
Gaze-To-Object Mapping During Visual Search in 3D Virtual Environments
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (Special Issue SAP 2014), 11(3):14:1-14:17, August 2014. [draft] [
Michael Hecher, Matthias Bernhard, Oliver Mattausch, Daniel Scherzer, Michael Wimmer
A Comparative Perceptual Study of Soft Shadow Algorithms
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, 11(5):5:1-5:21, June 2014.
Matthias Bernhard, Camillo Dellmour, Michael Hecher, Efstathios Stavrakis, Michael Wimmer
The Effects of Fast Disparity Adjustments in Gaze-Controlled Stereoscopic Applications
In Proceedings of the Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications (ETRA 2014), pages 111-118. March 2014.
Manuela Waldner, Johann Schrammel, Michael Klein, Katrin Kristjansdottir, Dominik Unger, Manfred Tscheligi
FacetClouds: Exploring Tag Clouds for Multi-Dimensional Data
In Proceedings of the 2013 Graphics Interface Conference, pages 17-24. May 2013.
Veronica Sundstedt, Matthias Bernhard, Efstathios Stavrakis, Erik Reinhard, Michael Wimmer
Visual Attention and Gaze Behaviour in Games: An Object-Based Approach
In Game Analytics: Maximizing the Value of Player Data , pages 543-583, April 2013
Michael Hecher
A Comparative Perceptual Study of Soft Shadow Algorithms
[poster] [
Matthias Bernhard, Le Zhang, Michael Wimmer
Manipulating Attention in Computer Games
In Proceedings of the IEEE IVMSP Workshop on Perception and Visual Signal Analysis, pages 153-158. June 2011.