Vienna Univeristy of Technology, The Institute of Computer Graphics

Rendering Workshop Programme


Session 1: Opening

Monday, 9.00-10.15
Session Chair: George Drettakis

Session 2: Local Illumination and BRDFs

Monday, 10.45-12.30
Session Chair: Pierre Poulin

Session 3: Acceleration and Approximation Techniques

Monday, 14.30-16.15
Session Chair: Philipp Slusallek

Session 4: Real World Models Acquisition and Display

Monday, 16.45-18.30
Session Chair: Greg Ward Larson

Session 5: Image-Based Rendering

Tuesday, 8.30-10.30
Session Chair: Francois Sillion

Session 6: Alternative Rendering Techniques

Tuesday, 11.00-13.00
Session Chair: Nelson Max

Session 7: Finite Element Global Illumination

Tuesday, 15.00-16.15
Session Chair: Kadi Bouatouch

Session 8: Perception

Tuesday, 16.45-18.00
Session Chair: Holly Rushmeier

Session 9: Stochastic Global Illumination Methods

Wednesday 9.00-10.45
Session Chair: Philip Dutre

Session 10: Image-Based Rendering for Illumination

Wednesday 11.15-13.00
Session Chair: Alexander Keller

Session 11: Invited Speaker

Wednesday 14.45-16.00
Session Chair: Nelson Max

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This page is maintained by Jan Prikryl and Alexander Wilkie. It was last updated on June 12, 1998.
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