First Reviewing Round Results

The authors were notified of the results of the first reviewing round on Friday, February 17. Out of a total of 202 submissions, we conditionally accepted 55 papers. These papers will undergo a second round of reviewing after having been revised, before the final decision is made. Additionally, we recommended 6 papers to Computer Graphics Forum as "resubmit with major revisions" for a fast-track review process. All submissions received at least 4 (primary, secondary, and 2+ external) reviews. We thank all authors for submitting to EuroVis and hope for their participation in June. The competition was very tough and we hope that authors of papers that did not make it will find the reviewer comments helpful in revising their work.

We also encourage authors of rejected papers to consider submitting to our new short paper track. The deadline is March 2, 2012. Short papers will be peer-reviewed in a one-stage process by an international program committee. They will be electronically archived and are fully citeable publications limited to 4 pages excluding references and 5 pages in total length. They will be presented at the conference.

We invite authors of short papers on the topic of visual analytics to submit their work to the EuroVis workshop on visual analytics (EuroVA). The EuroVA deadline is also March 2, 2012 and papers are subject to the same length restrictions as submissions to the EuroVis short paper track. Accepted papers will be presented at the co-located EuroVA workshop on June 4 & 5, 2012. For more information, please consult the EuroVA homepage.