Speaker: Daniel Gehrer (ICGA)

The goal of this master thesis project is to characterize molecular machineries and to propose entire visualization pipeline that would convey how molecular machineries work on various levels of detail. The first task will be to analyze a set of representative molecular machines. In the second step the machinery will be related to man-made mechanical parts and assign which mechanical assembly part a molecule would correspond to. In the third step a procedural description that characterizes the mechanical function will be developed. Based on this description, an explanatory visualization will be developed to convey the details of the mechanical process. The viewer will be given the opportunity of a transition between the molecular representation and the mechanical assembly part analogue. Finally, in a visual authoring interface the user will be able to combine mechanical pieces in a unique way, so that a new molecular machine is created beyond what has been observed and discovered in the nature.




10 + 5
Supervisor: IV