Speaker: Pavel Slavik (Computer Graphics Group, Czech Technical University of Prague)

Scientific visualization penetrates into new applications in order to give the user better possibility to interpret application specific data. Our research has been concentrated on technological processes in power plants. Simulation and visualization of some processes could be covered by some existing software but some specific processes are not covered at all. The software used is mostly based on complex mathematical theories what results in computationaly demanding calculations. The target of our research was to create simulation and visualization tools that could be used in education. The algorithms developed will be generally less accurate in comparison with complex algorithms currently used but they will provide results in a very fast way. This will allow the students to get a feeling of behavior of some specific processes in a short time. The algorithms developed during our research were mostly based on particle systems and include simulation and visualization of the following processes:

  • air polution
  • combustion processes
  • coal transport
  • hot fluid gas filtering
  • coal drying
  • etc.

The algoritms developed are subject of improvement and verification based on real data obtained from measurements in real power plants.




60 min
Host: MEG