Speaker: Jan Meseth (Universität Bonn)

Rendering highly realistic images requires - besides other things - suitable materials for covering modelled objects. Despite the big advantages of parametric material models (e.g., compact storage and efficient and/or intuitive modification by adjusting, interpolating or otherwise mixing parameters), the best results are currently achieved employing material representations derived from sampling real materials. Due to physical limitations the spatial extent of sampled materials is limited. This limitation can be overcome by texture synthesis methods which handle most types of materials in a satisfying way today. In the talk a method for capturing and reproducing regular structures in materials is presented which is based on fractional Fourier analysis. The approach is applied to texture synthesis to enable fully automatic handling of the special yet highly relevant class of near-regular textures, which was not possible previously. Since regular structures are captured by a parametric model the approach marks a step towards automatic high-quality modelling of real-world materials by parametric models.




Host: T. Fuhrmann