The program starts with a close to dark screen with very tiny particles to enhance the quality of the effect when particle sizes are increased

<F1> - Toggle Lighting

<F2> - Toggle Wireframe

<F3> - Toggle Manual time control. If active hold <space> to update the particles. If inactive particles move on their own.

<F4> - Toggle motion strategy magnetic repulsion on/off

<F5> - Toggle motion strategy flocking on/off

<alt>+<,> and <alt>+<.>- Increase/Decrease particle speed

<,> and <.>- Increase/Decrease particle size

A,S,D,W - Camera Movement

<alt>+ R,F - Camera Up/Down

<alt>+ A,S,D,W - Camera Rotation

<alt>+ Num+,Num+ - Change flocking influence

<ctrl>+ Num+,Num- - Change repulsion influence

<alt>+ i,o,p - Increase r,g,b values

i,o,p - Decrease r,g,b values