ParCoordsData ScatterLines Method CPCSilverlight - An implementation of Continuous Parallel Coordinates using Silverlight
Introduce continuosity. Given an axis, generate (by means of interpolation) additional data lines in the PC-domain. This corresponds to sampling the data in the data domain.

Namespace: ParCoords
Assembly: ParCoords (in ParCoords.dll) Version: (


Type: OnlineSystem Int32
Axis (i.e. data dimension) to be sampled.

Return Value

List of Lines with their respective intensities. For each line, only the normalized Y-Coordinate (in the PC-Domain) is stored, because the corresponding X-Coordinates are given by the axis. Hence, each line can be stored as a Point holding (Y1, Y2). The second (int) value in the KeyValuePair describes the scatterlines intensity. This is based on the density in the data domain, i.e. how close the neighbouring data points are to each other. Rather than deriving the intensity from the data domain, all necessary calculations are made in the PC-domain, though.

See Also