********************************************************************** Slice of Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) of a flow around a block Use under the condition that the people who generated the data are properly mentioned: The data is generated by R.W.C.P. Verstappen & A.E.P. Veldman of the university of Groningen (the Netherlands) The technique used to generate the data is described in: R.W.C.P. Verstappen & A.E.P. Veldman, 1998: Spectro-consistent discretization of Navier-Stokes: a Challenge to RANS and LES, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, Vol. 34, pp. 163-179 ********************************************************************** General description of the data format -------------------------------------- The format stores the geometry in a file with a .gri extention and each timestep of the set in file with the same basename but with an extention consisting of the number of the timestep and a .dat extention. The gridfile consists of a 40 byte ascii header and the (binairy) position data. The header looks like: "SN4DB %d %d %d %d %d %f",SX,SY,SZ,NF,NT,DT where SX,SY,SZ are the dimensions of the set, NF is the number of additional sets, NT is the number of time steps, and DT is the timestep between two time steps. The geometry is organized as a 3D array of positions each consisting of 3 floats (=4 bytes): (px,py,pz). It can be read as follows read(file,buf,40) sscanf(buf,"SN4DB %d %d %d %d %d %f",SX,SY,SZ,NF,NT,DT) data = allocate_data(SX,SY,SZ) for (z = 0) z < SZ; z++) for (y = 0; y < SY; y++) for (x = 0; x < SX; x++) read(file,*data[z][y][x].x,4) read(file,*data[z][y][x].y,4) read(file,*data[z][y][x].z,4) The data files are organized equally with the exception that the number of floats depends on the number of additional datasets. (vx,vy,vz,a1,a2, ....an) for (z = 0) z < SZ; z++) for (y = 0; y < SY; y++) for (x = 0; x < SX; x++) read(file,*data[z][y][x].vx,4) read(file,*data[z][y][x].vy,4) read(file,*data[z][y][x].vz,4) for (k=0; k< NF; k++) read(file,*data[z][y][x].a[k],4) This set: block.gri ------------------- The data set is two dimensional this therefore the SZ is set to 1. Also its a single slice sn NT is set to 0 and DT is set to 0.0 The data files contain two extra scalar data sets the first one is pressure and the second is vorticity perpendicular to the slice.