Interactive Dynamic Volume Illumination with Refraction and Caustics

Image of application

Klemens Wiesinger
Siemers Ole

In this project, we wanted to work with the methods Jens G. Magnus and Stefan Bruckner proposed in 2017 in their Paper "Interactive Dynamic Volume Illumination with Refraction and Caustics". As we did not want to start completely from zero, we decided to build upon a solution that was submitted in 2020 which you can find here.
Our main Contributions lie in completely redoing the UI using Dear ImGui and making sure, that users can actually see the effect of the refraction and caustics

Main features

Image of application

Using the new UI, one can easily edit the transferfunction by interacting with the two transferfunction widgets. The widget labelled "Color and Alpha TF controlls the reflective color of the volume. The color is given by a selectable Colormap, the ISO-values go from 0 to 1 on the x axis, where the alpha value goes from zero to one on the y-axis. The second widget labelled "Medium Color and IOR TF" controlls the medium color of the object and the index of refraction. The medium color is once again given by a selectable Colormap, the ISO-values go from 0 to 1 on the x-axis and the IOR-values range from 1.0 to 2.4 on the y-axis.