TreePlus MethodsTreePlusSilverlight - An implementation of the TreePlus algorithm using Silverlight
The TreePlus type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberAlterEdge
This function alters an Edge by removing it from its current parent Node and adding it to its new parent.
Public methodAnimateExpansion
Actually animate the expansion of all currently invisible nodes to the upper right side of the tree.
Public methodBuildTree
Simply defines a new Tree provided a root Node.
Public methodCollapseTree
Recursively collapses the tree. Given a list of nodes and a node index, each node is translated in such a way that the tree takes minimal vertical space. This is achieved by checking if the space above a node is filled (in which case the node is already drawn in an appropriate position) or not (in which case the node needs to be translated "upwards") and taking respective action.
Public methodExpandNode
Add new TreePlusUINodes TreePlusUINode for currently invisible elements that are attached to the node that is currently being expanded.
Public methodStatic memberGetElementAtLocation
Gets a single UIElement at a specified position inside the drawing Canvas.
Public methodStatic memberGetElementForNode
Gets the corresponding UI-Element from inside the drawing Canvas for a specified Node.
Public methodStatic memberGetElementsAtLocation(Node, Point)
Gets a list of UIElements at a specified position inside the drawing Canvas.
Public methodStatic memberGetElementsAtLocation(Node, Double, Double)
Gets a list of UIElements at a specified position inside the drawing Canvas.
Public methodStatic memberGetNodeForName
Tries to get a Node from the original Graph-Nodes by its name.
Public methodStatic memberGetVisibleListForNode
Gets a list of visible or invisible Nodes for a specified Node (usually the currently highlighted Node).
Public methodInitializeComponent
Public methodStatic memberIsNodePredecessor
Iteratively checks the entire tree if a supplied Node is the child of any of the other given Node's parents.
Public methodStatic memberIsNodePrivileged
Checks whether one Node is privileged over another Node if they occlude each other.
Public methodPreExpandNode
Alter tree edges for already visible nodes that are attached to a new parent node (i.e. "moved").
Public methodStartNodeExpansion
Starts the Node Expansion for a given Node.
Public methodStartTreeCollapse
Remove unused space to make for a tighter tree layout. Essentially, this will find all nodes that are currently visible in the tree and translate them in such a way that the tree takes minimal vertical space. This is called after the expansion step is complete.
Public methodUpdateExpandNodesList
Updates the list that shows Nodes that need expansion in order to get to a searched-for Node or the Found-Nodes.
Public methodStatic memberUpdateNodeVisibility
Updates the visibility of all TreePlusUINodes inside the drawing Canvas.
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